The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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AUCTION I have bought farm horses harnesses 2 express wngnns surreys carriages whip nice lot ot fur robe suitable for automobiles grain Iwxes liarn tools two two uilaute ha i nessos or sale at Geo A Skidell Stabb 24 Hanco*ck street Monday afternoon Jui 21 1pm I ROST auctioneer AUC'llON florseg harnpss and wgns ICM7 rrd afternoon 13B or Mitin it the time haf buyer and Heta meet tin Urt St it Hate Stifi ttil Awtiul Marl Mwt rr Mn sir tt'eni le It i i fit mt 'iirat fftlreM JU Hi rf nnrv 5 fo' 10 ivU Prop ahd Auctioneer THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN: JUNE 23 1918 Real Estate in Springfield Real Estate Other Places Real Other Places Horses and Vehicles Horses Vehicles ROM DOWN THE RIVER OR SALE SCHOOLS AND POLITICS A COMBINATION HORSE Automobile the amount ot transient and local repair ment of the good smooth chunks not a softeenrlAs! fnf raorlv fr rrn wnrk in th A OR SALE 174 and 176 Lyman Street Brick Mill Construction Bldg COLLINS SONS LONGMEADOW WAREHOUSE POINT CT Livestock been noted that or Sale Price $9700 Educational lot 3444 Real Estate West Springfield broad brook CT the Auction Sales the Dentistry WINDSOR LOCKS AAIRS EDW MURPHY CO Experienced REAL ESTATE a Responsible MORTGAGES Dependable Tours and Excursions NEWYOHKOl ST Patent Attorneys II every down rent desiring a home appointment and refinement la un My at OAKLAND 5 Passenger KNOX 5 Passenger About 22000 square feet floor space Large elevator Sprinkler equip ment Railroad siding uller Bldg Real Estate Longmeadow Real Estate Longmeadow I II PARK SECTION NEAR THE PARK Graduation Exercises Next Week: New Superintendent Gives Sat isfaction Shrievalty Con test Excites Interest Dis trict Meeting Apt to Be Tame or teachers when the and be added to their time on the bulletin LLOYD AMES STONEMAN Piano Instructor 398 Central St Tel Riv 1907 Chance for Rood wage and advance ment for men between the ages of IS nnd 46 years in good physical nondl tloil Apply New York New Haven A Hartford Railroad 8upt Waterbury: A Mitchelk Supt Hart ford OR SALE 25 INE QUALITY brood SOWS 50 Six Old Pigs The brood sows aro bred to the registered thoroughbred Beys Defender world renowned for $1000000 No 28 South Park Terrace one of the Chaffee rose from the Major General Wood is an eXftmple All however who held the full rank of general Washington have been West fat but ready to go to work in the hot weather Any size you want from 1000 to 1800 Come in and see us We have the goods and want to sell The Ira Johnson Horse Co 14 16 EMERY ST Tel River 272 Springfield Mass Modern 8 room: stucco house in perfect con dition all conveniences on South Park Avenue Large porches and entire house screened roomy sleeping porch oak floors on first and second two baths fireplace vacuum steam heat large lot fruit trees Ideal loca tion for family with children orest Park and flew graded school Price very reasonable and terms to suit purchaser Deal direct save commission Inquire 28 South Park Ave telephone River office where there will be som extra clerks every night from 7 to i) to receive the registrations or to give any information that may be desired concerning the The children in the schools took hold of the plan to contribute mite early in the year and they have set a good example for the elders to follow During the vacation period the children will continue to liposlt in a bank envelope weekly their sav ings which will be turned into the school directors fall term opens totals at that board Plans for a 1913 PIERCE 1912 PIERCE 2 TON NETCO TRUCK All in good condition THE ARROW CO 575 Main St ORBES WALLACE STABLES WIGHT AVENUE Duroc Jersey Boar Booth grandson of Defender the grand champion boar sold Will have their litters in late August and early September herdsmen will show and price them my OR SALE New milch family cow Price right for quick sale River 7404 It is not necessary to be a gradu ate of West Point to become a gen eral The late rederick unston was not a graduate of West Point He achieved the rank of major general Lieut Gen Chaffee rose rn nits other haveainrA Point graduates but there is no law on the subject STATEROOMS $100 $160 and $200 Reel Steamships Hartford and Middletown rom foot ftnte Street Hartford at 4 Daily except Sunday ARTIICIAL TEETH Extracting illing Crown and Bridge Work Reasonable Prices DR HARVEY Chestnut St Tel 2121 at full liberty to vote for whomsoever they may please as they are going to the convention uninstructed The citi 1 zens of this town will be more inter ested in the contest for sheriff for i Hartford county than anytnlng else as two prominent young men of the i town have aspirations to succeed Sheriff Dewey whose term expires January 1 County Detective Edward Bromage will enter the republican caucus as a candidate for the office and former Representative Michael Connor will be a candidate for the democratic nomination Chjef Brom age will have a strong opponent in the candidacy of Chief Thomas Egan of the state police force but the friends of the former throughout this whole section have encouraged him to enter the lists and he will have an un usually large following at the conven tion Mr Bromage has been a police official the greater part of his career and is well known throughout Hart ford county and it will be no surprise it ho emerges victor in the contest The county convention Is set for riday July 12 in Hartford The set ting ot the date of July 12 for the convention may sound an ominous note for poor Egan as history records that something eventful hap pened on that particular date in aey gone by and if history repeats itJr it will spell defeat for his candldwY As regards the candidacy of Ylr Connor for the democratic nomination it Is' the opinion that he will be ac corded the honor without contest The young man attended the meeting of the state central committee of which he is the member from the 7th senato rial district' last Monday in New Ha ven and it came as a surprise to him to be informed that it was the desire of the committee that he be the candi date for sheriff for Hartford county Mr Connor after careful consideration decided that if the convention felt disposed to accord him the nom ination he would accept and would do his utmost to return the office to the ranks of the democratic nartv While Air Connor has not had the police ex perience that some citizens feel should be possessed by a sheriff still he has the executive ability to handle 'the af fairs the office which more than balances any knowledge of ordinary police work During his many terms as representative to the General sernbly he served as legislative audi tor to investigate and examine care fully all matters in connection with the office and it was through his efficient scrutiny that new meth ods were established for the operat ing of the duties of sheriff His three terms of six years as representative 1 from Enfield in one of which he was 1 leader of the minority party in the House made a popular figure sot only through Hartford county but throughout the state His fellow law makers presented him with a diamond ring suitably inscribed as a token appreciation for his very able work as leader in the House and it was it long after that he was presented a diafficnd studded watch charm by a body of workingmen in New Hgveq for BiBE personal efforts in having en acted certain legislation of particular interest to them Mr Connor has al ready tested his strength as a vote getter outside of his own town A years ago he was made the candi date of his party for state senator from the 7th senatorial district The district enjoyed a republican majority at the time of more than 1S00 but in the limited time he had to go about the district he surprised his warmest supporters by reducing the large ma jority down to a scant 70 votes by which number he was defeated Tn a contest involving the whole of Hart ford there is a strong feeling that Mr Connor will poll a tremen dous vote against the strongest candi date the opposite party may select and It is the opinion no better choiee of candidate could be made by the democrats in their efforts to place their strongest ticket in the field for state and county offices this year The annual district meeting sched uled for Wednesday evening in Casino hall at 8 in now attracting the attention or the voters Printed copies of the reports of all officials of the district were circulated this week among the voters and they have had ample time to acquaint themselves of the line of argument that will be likelv to develop at the meeting One of the 'importantfeatures wiil be the selec tion of a hew member of the district committee to succeed Attorney Morrison who has left town and theprobabilities are that Peter Smith will be chosen If Mr Smith decides to allow the use of his name he will be elected without opposition? Clerk and Treasurer John Cavanaugh will be a candidate to succeed himself in the positions which he has filled capably the past few years and doubtless will lie re elqptedI aswill all other present district offi'cers as up to the present tile names of no aspiring candidates have been heard spoken in connec tion with any of the elective offices The district committee will recommend the levying of a half mill tax the same as last year The war savings campaign which opened yesterday has made a good start although but few of the team workers nad submitted reports of their work up to last night The work will be started in earnest Monday and will be continued with vim until the close of tlie campaign on registration day Impetus will be given to the campaign to rhorrow afternoon in the ranklin theater a rally will be held at 3 at which addresses will be made on the urgency of subscribing for war savings certificates by former Congressman Thomas Reilly of Meri den and Judge Edward Smith of Hartford The Liberty chorus wi 1 ting patriotic selections The work ers in charge of the campaign have been instructed that the present cam paign is ostensibly for the sale of war savings certificates and not thrift stamps and every adult person In the town should exert every effort to sub scribe for One or more certificates NO REGARD OR DISTANCE If you are cast of Rocky Mountains we allow freight on barrel of genuine Packard Auto Oil at 39c No charge for barrel which sold will reduce your oil to about 37c Send us your order for a barrel and save money: less quantity 47c a gallon We eave you money on all makes of Auto mobile Tires ALBERT HALE CO 3 SQ SPRINGIELD MASS graduating exercises of School in the opera house evening diplomas were by Rev A Carrigan SPRINGIELD REAL ESTATE BOARD APPRAISERS Edto Murphy Co sn Main St Henry Clark 100 Broadway gdw ft I Hamblen Sis Main St Wm Hanlon Co S10 Mam tit John Crane Co SSS Mam ft LOOK THESE CARS OVER There are some excellent values in mBUIOK Six Sedan 1913 BUICK 26 Touring 1913 BUICK 36 Roadster 1917 STUDEBAKER Six 7 Pass 1916 1912 TRAGTORZand TRAILER (2 Ton) SPRINGIELD BUICK CO Tel River 7868 6o0 Main St WILLIAMS MOTOR SALES CO USED CAR DEPT lns TER 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1917 1915 1917 1917 1914 1916 1910 1 nt rt Dodge Service Station ask for mbP brooks or dan OR SALE 46 A very powerful and durable car in Al con dition every wav Tirts practically new Two spares Will sell very low as I have no use foe it Address Republican Office Savings Stamps Campaign to Raise $80000 State Guard Outing ourth Celebration Plans rom Our Special Correspondent WINDSOR' LOCKS Ct June 22 At it again jn helping the govern ment to finance the big undertaking of winning the war whicli it is going to do' is the occupation of many of the townspeople at present by lend ing their aid in the conduct of the war savings campaign now In prog ress Ths attendance dnd general in terest in the rally that was held in i the Central theater Thursday night was but another demonstration of the feeling that prevails here in every thing 'that pertains to the war and there is naturally the belief that the quota for the sale of the thrift samps for the year will he met It lias been set at $80000 and thus far with only the regular organization at work without any special effort there Is a total of over $22000 worth sold at the local post office In the mills the directors have had their assistants at work the past two days getting pledges signed from the em ployes as to the amount they will take i for the year This will be continued until Monday night and on Tuesday the members of the battalion I ant) the men will make the house to house canvass to clean up any may net have been reached through the other channels Headquarters for the receiving of the registration blanks will be at the town clerks a two act comedy by local talent tn tne At grammar Thursday nresented of St church to the fol lowing members ot the class: William Geissier Helen Hoffman Janice Mid lleton Anna Atzt Kathleen laherty Earl Grant Oscar Kreyssig Gertrude Stolle Annie Yuodsnukis Louise Durkee Ursula Chamberlain Mar garet Dreschler Edwin Pease Grace Pfeiffer Donald Pease Gustave Schlichting Elsie Staiger Bernice Tyler Robert Lydon Helen Schlicht ing Nellie Sherris There was a large attendance at the exercises and considerable' interest taken in the work of the school and the children The program provided much enjoy ment and pleasure for all who at tended The campaign for the war savings stamps has been taken hold of a will by the committee in this section of the totvn and it is believed that by the time of the final registration on riday there will not be many here who will not be in the count There Is a big sum to be made up between now and Christmas but if all who can will only do all they cart the job I can be done in equally as good manner as all other war measures have been met in the town Miss Kathleen Hanson ana james Clark of Vernon Ct were married in the Episcopal church in Rockville Ct yesterday morning They have gone on a short trip to New York They will bd at home after July 5 at 296 Main street Hartford DOC JENNINGS Largest dealer In New tfi nsod trucks and pleasure cars Easy terms ed eral and Summer sts Walnut 776 TEACHERS or emergency calls placed by tel ephone Appointments to important positions for next year made on my recommendation This is a good year for teachers to advance Some cities and towns have increased their sal ary schedules One reports $200 added to each salary See what I can do for you before signing contract for next year Blanks and plan of co operation free Write or call AMERICAN AGENCY ALRED MORRILL 522 Myrick Bldg Tel River 2952 celebration on the ourth of July are being made by the war bureau in accordance with the pressed desire of the Connecticut council of defense and it is proposed to make the day this year one of an unusual kind It is intended to have all the local residents of the different nationalities join in having a big loyaltv parade in tho morning as a manifestation of the general interest that all take In this welfare and of the allied purpose of all in the big world's war now on over the sea The details of the day's program are to be worked out by the committee that has it in charge but thus far the plans afe to have this big parade about 930 in the morning to go over nearly all of the streets in the town and terminate at the public park where patriotic exercises will be held Members of Euclid lodge of Masons and the order of the Eastern Star will attend services in the Congre gational church to morrow morning at 1030 when special serv ices for St day will be con ducted by the pastor Rev red Ellswcrth and there will be special music by the choir Company of the state guard will go to Thompsonville to morrow morn ing to join with the members ofthe guard from that place in a outing at a clubhouse on the riier bank north of there Some of the members went up this afternoon to camp out for the night there The state highway departments men are repairing West Spring street where it has been in ragged shape 1 since spring The top dressing of trap rock will be covered with tar which ought to help it considerable COTTAGE $3500 5 rooms steam heat fireplace oak floors enameled bath Shady piazza Only $300 down THE HANLON CO 310i Main Street dodge roadster dodge touring REO ROADSTER BOAS dodge winter touring atlas ton truck ORD TRUCK METZ TRUCK BUICK TOURING fobd touring 1 CAN ell your property at nur 9r If you list with me Also take 'nre of property tn ust plfh ient mnntior bive Iona el' I GrauMteln 244 Multi at tel River or Walnut 631 RANK A CUTTEB 9 ni oreign Pat ents Trademark He art Khlg Hat rlon ave Tel River 5249 Surtuifleiil ROOMING HOUSE 27 room and four baths team bent ga and electricity Part of the rooms arranged for light liousckoeplnff Central location Only $1000 cosh required THE HANLON CO 310 Main Street WILBRAHAM 0 room cotUgo laneo lot UNION ST 6 rootn cottage lot nnnn r0xl26 RIVERDALE ST ILrontn cottage team lot (10x120 $3500 ROCHELLE ST IMamily 14 rooms tn como $52 a anonth Tel Walnut 2709 or see Christian Rush 54 Bristol St the young no faculty In entering the public high firm WHITNEY JR Enfield Conn Clever chestnut 16 hands perfectly sound A beautiful gaited saddler and driver SPECIAL BARGAINS 10 rooms single dwelling on St James hardwood floors eteuin heat electric lights garage in rear A first class house at low price small payment down HENRY CLARK River Member Springfield Real Estate Board Real Estate Loans Insurance 100 Efficiency At 100 BROADWAT On the Ground loor 1 1 1 enn rtCJ HI ATI flrTracLive iivaaavj nine rooms and sleeping porch two baths Owner has left the city and the property must be sold at once HORACE PECK Real Estate and Insurance Room 521 Third National Bank Bldg River 5440 USED CARS OR SALE $173 up according to model and condl nintvm CAR with electric 1017 ROADSTER ioia gab BARRETT 600 STATE STREET TEL KG ER AUCTION SALE Tire police clewtnuM will hold an auc tion mr1a on Saturday Jiilv 13 at 2 in police headquarters building: of articles hhhmI and unclaimed consisting ot Bicycles Suitcases Hand Baars Pocketbooks Coats etc COTTAGE $5000 Nearly new and In excellent condition ine location 6 rooms steam heat electric lights fireplace Owner very anxious to sell THE HANLON CO 310 Main Street rom Our Special Correspondent THOMPSONVILLE Ct Sat June 22 The coming week will mark the close of another school year in the town schools and Incidentally the first year under the superintendency of Grover Bowman who succeeded Edward Sellew at the opening of the school year The standard ot the public schools has not only been re tained but there is evidence that the school system lias been greatly im proved under the vigilance of Supe intendent Bowman end the one impor tant pleasing feature isAthat the splen did corps of teachers seems to be pcr pectly satisfied with the manner in which the schools are now being con ducted and it is with keen delight that the town school committee makes announcement that there are indica tions that there are to be fewer resig nations among the teaching force than has been the case for many years In the past This probably is account ed for in a measure by the recent ac tion of the town school committee in deciding to increase the the teachers and a sort of graded scale as relating to the efficiency ana length of service of the teachers The prospects are that the next school year will open with far less feeling at anxiety among the members of tne school committee and the superintend ent schools than in any previousThe graduation exercises of St Jo parochial school last evening in St church brought to a close the school year in that school and the large class will enter the Enfield hgh high school next fall AH credit is due to St parish for Its great work in supplying the requirements for the elementary training of more than 400 of the young children in the town as under the careful training of the sisters of mercy graduates experience whoiovrr In entering school to pursue their higher educa tion and it has long been noted that after these pupils go through the esr hnnf omirse their standing in the graduating class compares favor ably with the pupils Who the elementary training in the town schools Now that the children In all of the local schools are to sever themselves from the guidance of their teachers during the long vacation sea son great amount of responsibility for the continual care of the young children is shifted to the of the parents and it is going to be a duty incumbent upon the fathers mothers to redouble their gl lance and endeavor to keep themselves fully informed of the whereabouts and the actions of the children during the period that they are going to have full freedom It has been too often the case that children are victims of fatal accidents while spending this time playing around the shores of the rivers making fly'ng trips on auto mobile trucks and cars and if the parents will take increased pre cautions it will be a safeguard against the possibility of vacant chairs In the schools when the children are called back next September The older children will have difficulty In finding something to occupy their time after a brief rest from their school work as their services will be In great demand by the manufactur ers business men and by the farmers Hiring out to the tobacco growers will be the most profitable occupation and be what the big majority of the pupils wil do Last season some of the larger school children were paid as high as $23fi per day for work In the tobacco fields and the prospects ere that the same if not higher xvae ea will be naid 'this season In addition to keening the children off the streets it affords them an oppor tunity to store up a sizable bank ac count and best of all it is a great aid to the farmers and tobacco grow ers to Solve the scarcity of labor' prob lem The graduation exercises in the high school will be carried out in a more simplified form than usual and more Jn keeping with worldwide conditions Commencement week will be ushered In minus the baccalaureate sermon on Monday evening with class day it wiu as tlie at thc TWO AMILY 16 rooms Btearn heat oak finish 2 fireplaces toilet on 3d floor Slate roof Extra large lot Very desirable location Owner In the navy and very anxious to sell THE HANLON CO 310 MAIN ST exercises in the high school be a semi nnvate anair tendance will lie restricted to members of tlie junior and senior i classes and the members of the grad uation class will he privileged to in vite one friend Tuesday evening the elumni association will hold its an nual reunion in the club house of the club and the exercises will be of an informal nature A brief business meeting will held to in clude election of officers after which brief talks will be given Superin tendent Bowman former Principal Edgar Parkman and others all of which' will be interspersed with mu ei? The chorus of the high school and the high school orchestra will assist in the program Refreshmentswhl be served to be followed by danc ing The formal graduation exercises will Jie Yield Wednesday evening at 8 the ranklin theater at which the tollowing program will be given: invocation Rev Thom Tyrla pastor of the Methodist church in Hazardville high school chorus essay with salutatory entific farming" Charles A Slanetz: csfay reconstruction of our crippled Marion Griswold: selection land we love the chorus war and the Young Christian lam Bromage essay war and the Knights of Mary Harrington selection orchestra es say 'The submarine Louis Chouinard: essay with valedic tory German Archer Hurd selection a long long chorus confer ring of diplomas President Allyn Bridge of the school committee an nouncement of prizes by Superintend ent Rowman The senior class will go to Mt Tom Thursday for its an nual outing which will conclude program The grammer school graduation exercises wilt be holdWednesday afternoon in the Alvin Enfield will bp represented by full detentions at both the republican and democratic state conventions to be held next week in Hartford The re publican delegates anticipate a very tame convention as there is no ques tion but that Gov Holcomb will he the choice of the party to succeed himself as tho chief executive of the state The democratic delegates may be called upon to choose between itz gerald of New Haven find former Con gressman Reilly to head the state and if a contest develnpes the delegates from this town will be 1918 OVERLAND touring demonstrator 1916 Overland Touring 915 Iteo Tonrinn 197 Studebaker Touring 915 Buick Touring 193 Studebaker Touring 1913 Carter Car Touring 19'(1 Ton Buiik Truck 1916 Danej Body Overland Truck 1916 Ord Sralth orm a Truck 1914 ord Truck 2 Ton Reo Truck The above will be sold at very reasonable prices Warehouse Point Garage Marehouse Point Conn VILLAGE ARM Just the place for poultry can carry 1600 hens: incubators for 3000 chicks all ment that goes with the business is here 100 acres some woodland good colonial house furnace electricity spring water large stock barn sheds poultry houses etc farming implements: short distance from trolly lour chance to bus a good stock and poultry farm at right price JOHN CRANE CO 289 MAIN ST Opp BARGAINS Earl St 14 modern good condition 2 family $5600 Burlington St 18 ateaig fireplaces 2 family 1 6800 Belmont Ave 16 steam modern 2 family 7u00 Garfield St 16 slate roof cement walks 2 family 7800 Sumner Ave 16 steam garage 2 family 10000 Sumtier Ter 14 steam modern family 10w0 Portland 'st 14 modern 2 family 5900 Warner St 14 modern steam 2 fam 8000 Virginia St 8 Rm steam garage OOOO Daytona St 7 It modern lot 100x90 400 Lull St 5 steam set tubs garage henhouse screens etc $250 down easy payments on balance Sumner Ave 8 garage modern Belmont Ave 8 modern PHILLIPS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE River LEARN RENCH 5Vhen opportunity is open for sehoiars nurses doctors etc to famihanze themselves vrith ordinary conversation in Parisian rer Individual instruction Madntae Camille 228 Belmont ave Tel Rlvfrr 21 OR RENT OR SALE ULLY EQUIPPED GARAGE One of the livest locations in Western Mass Without exception an opportunity no automo bile repair or accessory dealer can af ford to overlook A wonderful opportunity Gn'cnio nf second hand cars Unusual 111 tuv ing and sale of tires and motor accessory alss storage AU ready to Step into Remem ber this is a great era for repairs and seco hand sales and this garage is yopr solution to an independent fortune Apply CHAPLIN CHAPLIN Phone River 4391 441 WHITE ST MAGNETO REPAIRING Station for Elsenmrtn Simm ntui and laboratory recetnmendrd by of tpf remaining makers of cood tiioRnsto a so by all autoUta who KNOW and appreciate eood service All reparnble make at short no tier No expert employed Everything per scnaliv looked after Delco points always in stock BrouHlet 61 Dresden st Tel River 3183 Sixth street from HeoJe Motor cycle OR SALE 3 npartment block 41 43 Roseland st rooms nnd bath on each Door furnace bent b1 ern one of the best built apartments in this section price $6250 easy terms A small payment down rTX Pujiuvm winTTtETl SI" (Tel River 701) 33 Lyman St Room 314 take elevator Real estate loans negotiated proper cared for farm properties undeveloped unn 1105 WORTHINGTON ST inely appointed handsome resi dence of 14 rooms and two baths Lot 184x140 Special price MALLORY Te7 Walnut 1090 318 MAIN WILBRAHAM ROAD Choice 2 family homes strictly modern at rea sonable prices MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE Who would like to live on this street? have something here that will sureij Interest you Houses are getting scarce Buy a home now GEO LAMPSON 310 Main St Tel River 4348 AUTO 5poAsvol PARTS Brightman Auto Exchange 84 Wooster St Ch' 4255 Hartford Used Cars Motors Gears Mag netos Bankrupt Stocks New Auto Supplies Bargains daily Open Sundays OR' SALE OR 2 family house strictly modern fine location new nnd a home to be desired Vezina 54 Vurcesttr st West Springfield OR ronm cottage: renwmabH terms 29 30 Wilder terrace SpringfielL Shad fishing in the Connecticut river was done more this year than for many years past and large hauls of the fish were taken many nights until the law went again last Monday night The fish came up as far as the suspension hr'dge and could be seen from that structure in tho water below making their way up to the Bnfield falls to spawn In years past shad fishing was a live ly industry just south of the railroad bridge and thousands of alewives were caught there along with hundreds of shad when the fish were running in the spring In later years the smaller fish have not been very plentiful here and the larger ones seem to nave taken to tho armington river course at Windsor instead of continuing up stream Tlie graduating exercises Of the grammar school will be held in St John's parish house next Wednesday evening at 8 The graduates are as follows: Ted Smith Doris 1'ar sons Chauncey DePew lora Mason Olive Adams Dorothy Parsons Hay mond Landers Joseph Titus dames Pascoe Dorothy Kellogg William Thompson Immogene Watson Doro thv Burbv Iluby Lord Grace Kilty Arthur Archie Merriman The diplomas will be presented to tne class by Probate Judge red Allen The class motto is by step we reach the the class colors are red white and blue and the ciass flower the red trose Leonard Sizer and Miss Hea Masse were married in Sharon Thursday art ernoon by Rev Willis zer brother of the bridegroom who is pastor or the Methodist church there The couple went over by automobile being accom i panled by George A Clark of West Hartford ana Miss laena inurawn Warehouse who for them in the ceremony Red Lamp hn nTPAntCil hall riday night for benefit of the Red Cross Wilbraham Road Section Nice two family boast 14 room targe c'oeta find storeroom oak floors steam bent one the best: brass plumbing: toilet and on tblrfl floor two car enrage: Rood lot Owner leaving the city reasonable term WILCOX Tel River 4698 374 Main Bt MAKE me a cash offer for vacant lot number 23 north side of Johnson street Tel River 330 Walnut OR SALE Oakland roadster Westinghouse starting sys tem new batterv in tine eonditiou best cash offer takesit Ask for Mr car orest Park Garage at OR SALE New seven passenger 1918 Obis mobile Never been run Buy this car and save $200 Address Box 1000 North Adams Mass Wonderful Lake arm 70 Acres Swept by Cool Breezes $1950 Boating bathing fishing on your own fertile form 1000 fect fiontage on one of prettiest lakes In State: profits from rich loamy fields biook watered pasture 20 acres valuable Wood timber 75 apple trees pears peaches plums cherries etc 8 room house water inside shaded lawns 50 ft bftrn poultry house gu nge on good road near station mall deliv ned summer or vertr roimd health nnd dol lar returns ull details page 5 Cat alog of this nlso of an 1OO riverside farm nnd other big bargains many with stock crops included moiled free A RTROTTT ARM AGENCY Dept 481 2tU Washington street Boston 5Tass ARMS OR SALE We have several farms with stock and tools free and clear crops planted Will sell on easy terms or lense to reliable parties Co 824 MAIN BT rt under cub tivation: good farm house barn and chick rn u)le vichaids aixl fni't trees: kw1 drainage an water nale" hall very reasonable Write Box A Republican Office house sheds exceptional bargain for down II A Bidwell Real Estate in Springfield KIMBERLY TERRACE COTTAGES OR SALE 125 Kimberly Avenue 7 rooms new nnxtoo asono 25 Burton Street 7 rooms 1 oar garage new lot averages about 50x100 Price $7500 52 Stratford Terrace 8 rooms corner lot 80x115 feet Price $7800 83 Stratford Terrace 7 rooms lot 05 feet front 100 feet deep Price $8000 These houses are thoroughly model In their appointments steam heat tiled oaths fire places and finished in a variety hard woods loors are generally of oak Most of these houses were built by ns by the day and all are of substantial construction Arrangements for the inspection of the in teriors of these houses should be made through this office ASHLEY PETERSON THIRD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Telephone River 79G4 LONGMEADOW RESIDENCE Owner he must sell at once Consists of 10 rooms all perfect condition Also has two car garage WILLIAM ELTHAM Mara Mutual Bldg T4 1tiYCr 2952 To Close the Estate of Gurdon Bill 17 BUILDING LOTS Liberty Genesee Ledyard Streets AT AUCTION Saturday June 29 2 $200 Down $50 Every Six Months These very desirable lots overlook the beautiful Bill Arboretum These lots are the remainder of the Estate and the Executors have directed us to force them on the market Watch for Big Bargains DWIGHT WINTER Auctioneers IZ C'CS 318 MAIN HT lol IL VVJ Tel 1344 4576 tv vERfiAll HlItltAI I Beal Btare Mart gattes Insurance 374 Mala llver 40 Cor Main and Bridge SU Sl ltl BAKIOIV Real state hire In inince caring tor property Cor War thlngton nnrl Spring Tel River 316 AUTO trucks for nle Kelly 314 ton Model 35 pisiform body recently overhauled In good condition Price $1000 Auto Car type XXI 1 ton platform body In first lass condition Hns been used only about seven months Price $1200 Write Box Republican OVce BEORE buying selling or trading an auto mobile it will be to our mutual benefit to Communicate wlthDox Republican Office OR SALE ive passenger 1912 Buick tour ing car has had excellent care must be sold as owner is in the United Mates army Wm Curtis Warren Mass 1 OR 1916 12 cyl Nat touring car only driven 9000 miles Philip Weston Crofut St Pittsfield OR Renault car In good running or der $150 124 Northampton ave city SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT BARGAIN HORSES Pair of Dapnie Grays 2900 extra good Owner using auto truck Also one Chestnut 3000 lb team Owner In rlwiff lanras JitnA fuR Alan wagons and harness from Dilley urni ture Co HICKS BROS Holyoke HORSES! We have received another consign Just ft step from Sumner Ave a hom and location near the park that will gratify every desire of any home seeker with every Arrangement comfort location for excelled Ideal school and playing conditions for children also environment (15 room two apt duplex house) and Immediate sale must be mode Ownfrr In service fall to Immediately get price and terms arranging Lr interview Apply CHAPLIN CHAPLIN RIVER 44V WHITE BT NEAR Memprial Square: Cottage 7 rooms modern' price $3500 ann only $0v down Particulars Arthur A Beth 25 Harrison ave Tel Walnut 1700 OR SALE In orest Park section 50x140 building lot price $300 terms $5 down JI week: a good bargain Addresa GG7 SPALDING 31 Cllftwood st is selling bar gain cottages Buy now Easy term a Two Acres Residence property on commanding site 200 yards up from highway and trolly one half mile east frtm post office Built 1891 cost $11000 Nine spacious rooms and two baths Electric lighted and all steam heated beautiful hardwood finish Good barn in rear 30x40 stable 3 horses or garage for several cars Water supply from private spring reservoir 100 feet higher than hoiise Grove of large pines and other features afford exceptional natural beauty Must be seen to be appreciated Recent death of owner necessitates early sale Warren Telephone for location or arrange to call there I EDW MURPHY CO Call al 31T Main SI Rivcr 555 Real Estate Other Places DESIRABLY and centrally located East front corner lot ll acre wrtoden house 14 rooyis unfinished attic ami large stable modern im provements two porches nice shade and fruit trees Details of owner A Chandler Ortinge Mass let urnished 10 room house in the 1500 feet elevation lots of hn obcrries ext to nature: 28 miles from Stu lnglield exr io nuiu Barn(s c9 NortJiamptonBve Real Estate arms COUNTRY ESTATE Within twenty miles of Springfleld miles from Palmer nn State road Wor cester trolly line About 500 acres tn all heavilv wooded two large trout ponds and dam with fine water power now tn use lor private electric plant inex haustible supply of fine spring water by gravity to all buildings Expensive resi dence with every modern convenience Three cottages stable dairy barn other bams and PaWQULD DIVIDE and sell 200 acre tract with houso and barn fine land for crops nasturarc two trout brooks run throughand fino sites for bungalow or game preserve Also adjoining tract of ivU acres with two houses and shede having same water supply and electric lighting valuable wood lands Prices and further particulars vrrite to Bor 15 Republican Office Real Estate Wanted TO BUY A HOME IN SPRING IELD preferably in orest Patk section or in Longmeadow where a small amount of monev will be considered for first payment Would consider cottage or 2 family house Real estate gents please do not answer Write Box Republican Of fice Some good farms or near car lines have many cnsh buyers wait ing Root 435 Walnut st Itl Riv er WANTED nt once lot 86x120 to 130 between Emery and Sargeant streets on east Blue Will pay cash for one right Write to Box II Republican Office OR SALE Handsome dapple gray driving nnd saddle mare 12 years old has all the gaits beauti ful conformation and a perfect pet She is one of the handsomest horses in this section and inust be sold to a good home No jockeys need apply Address Box 9 Ellington Conn OR SALE My pair bay farm horse 0 years old 3000 lbs blocky handsome sound good workers Also single bay horse 0 years old 1150 lbs works single or double kind and true combination hopse extra good roadster: auto truck causes sale A Crane 289 Main st Tel River OR Bay Stallion weight 1050 young sound gentle and kind Has record of 2m 12s on one mile track made several halt miles in Im 2 Will sell reasonable Ad dress ossle Wes brook Ct PB xl 1 7 OR SALE Concord Wagon Can be seen 78 Park St Horses to board Bot stalls speed anl saddle horses exercised nnd bandied Hosnital connected for sick or lame eniroais 1 Sackett No Wiihrnham Mass TV71 A wnat adoul a Jew bungalow i in jsasi Longmeadow VArv nftrnriivA livnHnn nwr crliAAl and car line? Modem' and up tothe uilnute in respect Price $3500 small payment balance in monthly instalments as 50 I will sell at public auction at the Green fiel'l air Grounds Munday June 24 1918 at 11 a 50 of the choicest cow evt aold at auction In one lot and due to calve from August to December These cowa 1 bought out or one dairy ano aro certainly the best lot of cow I Ail extra large and not one mean cow In the Saia positive rain or ahfne I LLT AM AVERY Auctioneer Montgomery Vass June 27th 1918 tort ni 24 rooms of modern and ftntlque house and furnishings gas etiglnes ensilage cutters jiud bluwprfi silo James fixtures nd Utter carrier for 12 cows hftrrows cultivators trowing machine manure spreader fertnlftefover wagons cnrrlngcs nnd nil sinoll toots De Lavnl separator butter machines etc! ho tel range and hnt water heater etc to Most of th6 above nniy used one season It rfiining come next falf day LEARN RENCH When opportunity is coon for reholnrsi nurses doctors etc to famillarlfe themselves with ordinary conversation in Parisian 1 rcnch Individual instruction Madame Canllle 2 8 Belmont are Tel River 2573 M1S8 MARI 1 REGAL teacher pianoforte 91 ELM ST WEST SPRINGIELD Telephone River 5159 Real Estate Agents Estab 1892 Helu Men 50 ACRE farm 8 room running water: S1R00: only $200 Becket Mass Bl'LiJ''IIN of hh tarin i'HrgaHj JI IrHfid 1 VDm faHMk tot ie I Bartlett Katie Hall block Westfield Maaa top I I WJ JII jiiii 9 m' 1 1 I if SrhKT'K ra 'Hf I REM El HMmi.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.