The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 841-860 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 841

Elsa felt the gentleness when Charlie wiped away tears for her, and at the same time, she listened to his firm emotional confession to Claire, and her heart was extremely painful.

She said with a hoarse voice: “Charlie, if Claire really loves you, I will never do anything to disturb you, but you know that she is with you because of her promise to her grandfather, you think so Your feelings, do you insist on making sense by yourself? Why not let your own life and the beginning of your life be the same?”

After that, she couldn’t help sobbing and asked him, “In which sense I am inferior to Claire? Tell me, I will try to catch up with her, don’t refuse so fast, give me a chance?”

Charlie stood up and shook his head: “Elsa, sometimes you don’t understand the mind of a man. You are kind to me at first, just like you think I am kind to you. Just because of this, Enough for me to stay with her. As for whether she loves me or not, I am not in a hurry to figure it out. I still have a long time to understand, explore and even change bit by bit. Just like you did to me, even if I repeatedly tell you that I am married and have no interest in women other than Claire, don’t you still continue to confess to me?”

Elsa understood at once.

In fact, Charlie treats Claire just like she treats Charlie.

With that said, she immediately realized.

However, after the realization, she was also uncomfortable.

Just as Charlie was unwilling to give up Claire anyway, Elsa was also unwilling to give up Charlie anyway.

So she wiped her eyes, looked at Charlie, and said stubbornly: “You don’t want to give up Claire, and I am also unwilling to give up on you. Since you can wait for Claire, then I can wait for you too! No matter how long the wait. It doesn’t matter, I will wait forever!”

Charlie sighed: “Well, since you have decided, I will respect your decision.”

After all, Charlie checked the time and said, “It’s getting late, go back to the room and rest.”

Elsa nodded lightly and said: “You go back first, I want to sit down for a while.”

Charlie gave a hum and stepped upstairs.

After Charlie left, Elsa sat on the sofa with mixed feelings.

There were grievances, unwillingness, sadness, and obsession, all kinds of emotions popped up in her mind, making her entangled.

Elsa felt that Charlie might be the only man she would fall in love with wholeheartedly in her life. If she didn’t get together with him, then she would never meet a man who made her feel so excited.

She couldn’t help feeling sad when she thought that she might never get the man she loved the most.

Is it because she is destined to miss Charlie in this life?

No, she doesn’t believe it!

She believes that God will not arbitrarily arrange a silent ending if he sends Charlie to her side twice to let him save her from danger.

He will definitely arrange a perfect ending for her, as long as she can stick to it with a sincere heart.

Persevere, then persist until victory!


When Charlie gently opened the door of the room, Claire was standing alone on the balcony on the second floor.

Her perfect figure looked hazy and enchanting in the moonlight, which made Charlie’s heart beat.

It is true that Claire is a stupid and filial girl, but it is her stupid energy that makes her insist on not divorcing him.

She is foolish and filial to Elaine, but foolish and loyal to herself.

That year, soon after the two got married, Mr. Willson passed away.

At that time, the entire Willson family was persuading Claire to divorce him.

After all, the reason why Claire married him at the beginning was because of the father’s fate, and everyone else opposed it.

Therefore, those people all hope that she can divorce him and marry the rich young master of a big family to change the fate of the entire Willson family.

However, she feels that marrying him means marrying a chicken and a dog, marrying a dog and a dog. As long as she does not divorce him, he will never divorce himself. This is her loyalty to her marriage and her husband.

Chapter 842

If Claire hadn’t relied on this stubborn “stupidity”, she would have listened to persuasion and had enough.

In that way, what kind of destiny would he have?

Charlie didn’t dare to think.

Before marrying Claire, his life was very difficult.

Because the orphanage didn’t accept adults, on his eighteenth birthday, Aunt Lena bought a birthday cake with her frugal money, celebrated his birthday, and sent him out of the orphanage with tears.

At that moment, Charlie once again became lonely and helpless in this world.

Aunt Lena wanted to help him, she wanted to introduce him to work and provide him with living allowances, but he had no face to ask.

He found a construction site alone, and moved bricks, sand, and cement with others at the age of 18.

He was not able to rent a house, so he has been living in the prefabricated house on the construction site, eating the cheapest meals, and doing the most tiring, heaviest and dirtiest work.

He only kept a small part of the money he earned to live, and the rest was donated to the orphanage.

Because the orphanage still had many brothers and sisters who were just as helpless and lonely as himself. They are still young and need more care and love.

However, after all, the orphanage had limited funds and can ensure that they are fed and clothed, but it cannot guarantee that they eat well and wear well.

Therefore, he spared no effort to donate the money he saved to his younger brothers and sisters to improve their lives, and even buy them textbooks for them to study hard.

In the fourth year of working on the construction site, his construction team was employed by the Willson family and began to work on a project for the Willson family.

At that time, Grandpa Willson, who came to inspect the construction site, could tell at a glance that Charlie and his grandfather looked almost exactly the same when they were young.

And the reason Grandpa Willson knew Charlie’s grandfather was because the Willson family was the Wade family’s servant a hundred years ago!

From his grandfather’s generation, Elder Willson fled all the way to Eastcliff because of fleeing. When he was about to starve to death, the Wade family took them in.

In order to repay their favor, they voluntarily sold themselves to the Wade family and started long-term jobs.

At that time, the Wade family was already one of the largest families in Eastcliff, and the head of the family was kind and sympathetic to the servants, allowing them to marry, allowing them to have children, so that they could live and work in the Wade family.

Elder Willson’s father was born and raised in the Wade family.

Later, Elder Willson’s father became an adult, and he voluntarily sold himself to the Wade family and continued to work for them.

Later, Elder Willson was also born in the Wade family.

Therefore, when he was a child and a young man, he was raised in the Wade family, and also worked as a servant in the in the family.

The Old Master of the Wade family was about the same age as the Old Master Willson, and the two had grown up together. Of course, there was a huge difference in status, so the Old Master Willson knew him, but he didn’t know the Old Master Willson.

After the war, the Wade family also prepared to move out to avoid the war, but couldn’t take so many domestic servants, so they gave most of the domestic servants a generous settlement allowance and dismissed them.

It was at that time that Elder Willson returned to his hometown with the Wade family’s settlement allowance.

Therefore, when he saw Charlie, he firmly believed that he must be a descendant of the Wade family.

Therefore, after his repeated questioning, Charlie revealed his life experience.

At that time, Grandpa Willson knelt directly on the ground and knocked three heads to Charlie, saying that he was kneeling and thanking the Wade family for their kindness to the Willson family.

Then Mr. Willson took him back to the Willson family and insisted on marrying his eldest granddaughter Claire.

At that time, the Old Master Willson didn’t know if Charlie, the young dragon, could even fly into the sky.

But he felt that the descendants of the Wade family shouldn’t spend their lives on the construction site.

As the servants of the Wade family for generations, the Willson family has the responsibility and obligation to take care of this Charlie who was living away and give him a stable home!

Chapter 843

Looking back into the past, Charlie was full of emotion.

There are only two people in the Willson family who really treated him well.

One is Mr. Willson, who has passed away, and the other is his wife, Claire.

Now, Mr. Willson has also passed away, and the entire Willson family is really not good to him, and only Claire is left.

Seeing Claire standing on the balcony with a sad face at this time, Charlie slowly walked over, came to the balcony, and said to her: “Claire, you don’t have to worry too much, mom will definitely come back safely.”

Claire realized that he had come in. She glanced back and said annoyedly: “You don’t really care about her, so of course you don’t think she will have something to do. Even if she has something, you will not really feel sad.”

Charlie knew that she was still mad at him, so he sighed, walked up to her, and comforted: “My wife, I know you are worried that mom will suffer and even be in danger outside, but you don’t think that her character, If she can suffer a bit, will it be good for her?”

Claire said: “I understand what you mean, but the key is that the loss must be within a controllable category. If it rises to personal danger, everything will be uncontrollable…”

Charlie nodded and said: “Let’s take a good rest first, and we will continue to go out to find tomorrow morning, okay?”

Claire hesitated for a moment, and nodded slightly, “Go to bed first, and I will go to the police station to ask about the progress tomorrow. They said that if there is no one to be found tomorrow, they will send the missing information to the Blue Sky Rescue Team and ask them to help.”

“Yeah.” Charlie hurriedly coaxed her and said, “The Blue Sky Rescue Team can mobilize a strong social force. It shouldn’t be a problem to find someone to come out.”

“I hope…” Claire said, turning around and walked back to the room.

Charlie hurriedly followed behind her, faintly excited.

After all, tonight is a great day for him to be promoted, and finally he can sleep with wife in bed!

Even if it goes well, he can make up for the unfinished bridal chamber with her!

With that in mind, Charlie hurriedly followed into the house and was about to directly hug Claire up and put her on the bed. As a result, he saw that Claire hadn’t gone to the bedside, and went directly to the closet to take out a set of bedding, and looked at Wade angrily. She said: “Here, you are still sleeping on the ground tonight!”

“Ah?!” Charlie asked in surprise: “Good wife, didn’t you say that I can already be promoted to one level? I have been stuck at this level for more than three years, so I should be promoted!”

Claire was ashamed and angry, and stomped her feet and said, “That was what I said before. Now the situation has changed, so the upgrade will take a bit longer!”

Charlie asked depressed, “How long is it delayed?”

Claire angrily said, “Slow down until mom comes home!”

Charlie was taken aback, and his expression immediately slumped.

Elaine, Elaine, you are so lingering!

Just thinking about it, Claire was already lying on the bed and said angrily: “You are not allowed to sneak up! Otherwise I will drive you to the bedroom on the first floor!”

Charlie had no choice but to say angrily: “Okay, my wife, I won’t upgrade yet, I’ll talk about it when Mom comes back.”

This night, Charlie was quite depressed.

At the same time, he was even more annoyed at Elaine.

This mother-in-law, if she hadn’t owed her hand to steal his premium card, things wouldn’t be what they are now!

If she were honest, she would definitely be sleeping in the big bedroom upstairs now, and he and Claire would sleep on the same bed.

It seems that this woman still owes repairs!

“When I look back, I have to say hello to Issac and send a few people in to teach her a lesson! At least let her learn a lesson, and dare not steal other people’s things and steal other people’s bank cards to withdraw money from the bank in the future.”


Chapter 844

In sharp contrast with Charlie, Jacob upstairs.

Jacob didn’t fall asleep when he was excited this evening.

He remembered his past with Meiqing several times in his mind, thinking back and forth, and taste back and forth, the whole person has been completely immersed in it!

The more he thought about Meiqing, the more he looked forward to seeing her again.

Early the next morning, Jacob, who hadn’t slept the whole night, was rather vigorous, and his happy whole body was closed from ear to ear.

He got up early to wash, and shaved his beard clean without leaving a single stubble. Then he combed his gray hair well, sprayed some styling spray, and then turned the box and the cabinet again and looked for it. Out of the high-end suit that he had been reluctant to wear.

This suit was specially made in Hong Kong when the Willson family was in its heyday. At that time, he was also the second son of the Willson family. The Old Master didn’t hesitate to give his pocket money, so he had a lot of face when he went out every day.

Unfortunately, Jacob’s life is not good these years, so he didn’t get lucky. This suit still fits well.

After changing into his clothes, Jacob looked at himself in the mirror, showing a satisfied smile when he was ten years younger.

Just as the so-called happy events are refreshing, the smile on Jacob’s face is simply uncontrollable!

He believes that Meiqing will not be disappointed when she sees him now!

Thinking of this, he was so excited that he couldn’t wait to rush to the airport immediately to meet Meiqing again.

However, Meiqing’s plane lande at later than ten o’clock, so it was still early, so he went downstairs and came to the restaurant.

In the restaurant, Claire and Elsa were sitting at the table drinking milk. Charlie was still busy in the kitchen with fried eggs and bacon. Elsa was the first to see Jacob and was surprised and said: “Wow! Uncle dressed so young today. Ah!”

“Really?” Jacob smiled a little embarrassedly, and asked, “Is it okay?”

Elsa gave a thumbs up: “That’s great!”

Claire raised her head at this time and saw that her father was actually wearing his favorite suit. She was surprised and asked: “Dad, what are you doing in this dress?”

Jacob hurriedly said: “I have something to do today. An old friend came back from abroad and wants to meet me for a meal.”

After that, Jacob said again: “Oh yes, Charlie is with me at noon. Don’t come home for dinner, just order a meal at the company.”

“Dad!” Claire said with some dissatisfaction: “Mom is still missing! I still expect you and Charlie to go out with me today to find her. Why are you still making an appointment with your old classmates for dinner?”

Jacob said, “Then when they are here, I can’t help but meet up, right?”

Claire said angrily, “But my mother is missing! Shouldn’t you worry about her first? At this time, you are still in the mood to go to an appointment. Are you and mother not a couple?”

Jacob nodded and said, “It’s a couple.”

After that, he added another sentence: “But I’m separated.”

Claire was angrily speechless. Dad was dressed so formal at this time, and even his hairstyle was deliberately adjusted. It must have been a meeting with a female classmate.

Moreover, Dad said that the other party came back from abroad, and that is probably the first love her mother said!

She felt angry when she thought that her mother was still missing but her father was dressed up and going to eat with her first love.

Jacob said seriously at this time: “Your mother can find it anytime, but I have already made an appointment with someone for this dinner. I can’t break the appointment. I will search together after dinner. I will find her with Charlie!”

Claire said: “Go by yourself, Charlie will follow me!”

“How can I do that!” Jacob said hurriedly, “I can’t go alone with my son. How inappropriate? Or you let Charlie go to your mother, and you come with me!”

Chapter 845

When she heard that her father asked her to meet his first love, Claire refused almost without hesitation: “I’m not going!”

Jacob opened his hand: “Then don’t stop Charlie from following me, anyway, one of you must follow me.”

“You…” Claire was furious and asked: “It is more important to eat with your old classmates, or to find mother is more important. Dad, don’t you know it clearly?”

Jacob blurted out: “It is clear, of course it is more important to eat with old classmates!”


Although Claire had always had a good temper, she was really going to be blown up at this time.

Jacob said indifferently at this time: “Claire, you have to understand one thing, this world does not revolve around your mother. There are four people in this family. Your mother and I have our own needs. You can revolve around your mother, but you can’t force me or force Charlie to revolve around her. We don’t have anything to live on? We don’t have any needs of ourselves?”

Speaking of this, Jacob continued with a little excitement: “Could it be that if your mother can’t find it back one day, I can’t do other things a day, so I can only go out to find her? Then if she can’t find it back forever, then I don’t have to sit besides, I will find her to die in the second half of my life? If this is the case, then I would rather run away from home. Why should I do this?”

Claire was speechless.

Although she knew that what her father was talking about was false, she still had to admit that there was some truth in this statement.

Dad has been suppressed by mother for so many years, and now her mother has suddenly disappeared. For him, it should be a kind of relief, but also a kind of release.

In desperation, she could only compromise and said: “You want to party with classmates, I have no objection, but after the meeting, you have to help me find mother’s whereabouts!”

“OK, OK.” Jacob agreed repeatedly, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I will go all out at that time.”

Charlie came out carrying fried eggs and bacon. He saw Jacob dressed up and said in surprise: “Oh, dad, you are looking handsome today.”

Jacob smiled happily, and said, “How about it, can you tell?”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “That’s so good.”

Claire rubbed her temples and said to Charlie: “You accompany dad to see his old classmates at noon. After meal, you will quickly go to a place like Mahjong Hall to find out if anyone saw Mom.”

Charlie immediately agreed and said, “OK wife, I will go with Dad.”


At the same time, breakfast was also started in the detention center.

Elaine slept in the toilet all night. She was trembling all over. She was hungry and almost fainted. She was looking forward to eating breakfast to add something, otherwise she would really be hungry and faint.

The two people who took the meal quickly brought back a plastic basket. Everyone went to take the meal. Elaine didn’t dare to take it directly. Instead, she walked up to Gena Jones and asked pitifully, “Sister Jones, can I have a bite? I haven’t eaten anything for a day and night…”

Gena Jones frowned while drinking porridge and steamed buns, and asked her, “What does it have to do with me whether you eat or not? Am I not letting you eat it?”

Elaine said bitterly, “I’m afraid you will hit me again after I eat…”

Gena Jones sneered and said, “It’s good if you know it. If you want to eat, you can eat whatever you want. If you are full, you can get beaten up.”

Chapter 846

Elaine knew this was a threat. As long as she eats by herself, even as long as she reaches out to get the meal, she will probably suffer a meal.

So she cried and pleaded: “Sister Jones, you beat, scolded, and punished yesterday. Please be merciful and forgive me…”

Gena Jones raised her eyebrows and asked: “I can spare you, but who can bring my dead mother back to life? Do you know how miserable it was when she drank pesticides and finally lay in the hospital bed with breathless and suffocated breath? ?”

Elaine burst into tears and said: “Sister Jones…I know you are a filial daughter, but I haven’t harmed your mother…”

Gena Jones angrily said: “You still talk nonsense with me? I tell you, my mother was killed by her unfilial daughter-in-law, so I feel sick when I see someone like you! You should be glad that it is not an ancient society, otherwise I would chop you out for the sky!”

The Old Mrs. Willson hummed triumphantly: “Gena, you are so right! This kind of woman was supposed to be immersed in a pig cage in ancient times! It is the kind of bamboo cage, put her in it, and then fall Put on a few big rocks and throw them into the river to drown her directly!”

Elaine was so frightened that she didn’t dare to say anything, nor did she dared to eat. She could only bow her head and stand in front of Gena Jones, like a kid who made a mistake.

Gena Jones drank her last mouthful of porridge, and used the last piece of steamed bread to turn around in the porridge bowl, dipped all the remaining rice fat in the porridge bowl, and ate it in one bite.

Afterwards, she said intently: “Oh, I don’t seem to be full.”

At this time, a female prisoner pointed to the plastic basket and said, “Sister, isn’t there still one portion left in there? You can eat that portion too!”

Gena Jones deliberately looked at Elaine with a smile, and asked with a grin: “Oh Elaine, I have breakfast for you, are you okay?”

“No comments, no comments!” How can Elaine dare to say something? Can only nod like garlic.

Gena Jones smiled and said, “I’m fine, I am a person who exercises a lot, so I have a lot of appetite. It took a lot of physical energy to beat you yesterday, and I really need to make up for it today.”

With that, she walked to the plastic basket and took out the lunch box inside. After opening it, she held the buns in one hand and the lunch box in the other for porridge.

Because she deliberately wanted to torture Elaine, she drank porridge and sucked very loudly, making Elaine’s gluttonous legs soft and her stomach twitching.

Gena Jones ate up all the steamed buns and drank almost one third of the porridge. Then she shook her hand deliberately and threw the lunch box to the ground, and the porridge was immediately spilled.

Gena Jones sighed and said annoyedly: “Why is it spilled? It’s a waste…”

As she said, she waved to Elaine and said, “Go to the toilet and get a mop, and mop this piece clean.”

Elaine has never cherished food in her entire life, and she has not even finished a bowl of rice cleanly, but now looking at the pool of rice porridge on the ground, she feels very distressed.

Seeing her eyes fixed on the rice porridge on the ground, Gena Jones smiled and said, “Elaine, if you are hungry, you can also kneel on the ground and lick the porridge.”

When Elaine heard this, she felt wronged and wanted to die.

Kneeling on the ground and licking porridge? How dirty this ground is! Countless people have stepped on it. The mop that mopped the floor in the toilet is already black. Now that she lick the porridge spilled on the floor, how can she stand it?

She can’t lick it even if she starves to death!

Thinking of this, she hurriedly said: “I’d better drag it clean.”

Gena Jones sneered: “Whatever you do, but you will lick it sooner or later. If you don’t believe it, let’s just wait and see!”

Chapter 847

A little more than eight o’clock, Charlie drove the car and went out with the Old Master who burned the bag.

There were still more than two hours before the plane landed, but Jacob couldn’t wait.

After the Tomson Villa, he hurriedly asked Charlie: “Good son-in-law, do you know where the flowers are sold? I want to buy a bunch of roses to take with me.”

Charlie said, “Dad, she will be with her son. It’s not appropriate for you to send roses in front of her son, right?”

Jacob thought for a while, nodded and said, “You are right, then let me give her a bunch of ordinary flowers.”

Charlie said: “I know there is a flower shop, not far away, let’s go buy flowers first.”

When he arrived at the flower shop, Charlie spent five hundred and asked the shopkeeper to help with a bouquet of flowers that symbolized friendship, and then he took it back to Jacob in the car.

Holding the bouquet of flowers, Jacob was very excited, and said with a smile: “This boss is good at craftsmanship. This flower looks very impressive! I believe Meiqing will like it!”

Charlie smiled slightly, and said to his heart that Jacob is a typical second spring glow. If this Meiqing is interesting to him, maybe the two can get together.

Thinking of this, Charlie felt a little sympathetic to the Old Master.

“No way, for the sake of my wife, I must not let Elaine evaporate from the world. Therefore, although the Old Master can happily meet the old lover now, but after a few days Elaine is released, his hard life will be started.”

If Elaine knows that Meiqing is back, she still doesn’t know how to make trouble, then Jacob’s life will probably be more sad than before.

But naturally, Charlie didn’t tell his old man. After all, he is in the most exciting time now, so let him enjoy the feeling of freedom and the breath of his first girlfriend before Elaine comes out!

At this time, Jacob asked again: “Oh yes Charlie, have you booked a place in Shangri-La?”

“It’s booked.” Charlie nodded and said, “Don’t worry about it, I will satisfy you and Aunt today.”

“That’s good, that’s good!” Jacob breathed a sigh of relief. He held the flower and looked at it again. He approached the only rose in the bouquet and smelled it, and sighed, “Scent! It’s so refreshing!”

After finishing speaking, he couldn’t help humming an old song: “Rose rose, I love you; rose rose, love is heavy…”

Charlie shook his head and sighed secretly. He didn’t expect that after some hourse of freedom, he would be quite depressed…


After driving to the airport, the two arrived at the arrival hall. Jacob kept staring at the arrival screen at the airport. After searching for a long time, he finally found Meiqing’s flight.

The expected landing time of the flight is 10:20, and there is one hour left, and the other party is returning from abroad, there must be an entry process, so it is estimated that it will be 11 o’clock when she comes out.

Jacob was very excited and didn’t feel tired. He stood for more than an hour after standing.

Five minutes before eleven o’clock, a group of people came out from the exit. Jacob was holding flowers looking forward to it. Suddenly he saw a middle-aged woman wearing a black dress, and immediately waved to her excitedly: “Meiqing! “

When the other party saw him, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she said with surprise on his face: “Oh my God, Jacob!”

After all, walk a few steps quickly and walk towards Jacob.

Charlie also became interested, and hurriedly wanted to see what Jacob’s first love, looked like.

So he took a look, and he was shocked!

Meiqing is said to be the same year as Jacob, and both are 48 years old, but Meiqing doesn’t look like a 48-year-old woman at all!

She is tall and slender, and her skin is well maintained. She wears a long black one-piece dress, which looks like a goddess, and her hair is very dignified.

Chapter 848

As for the appearance, it is even more impeccable, beautiful and generous, and it has a bookish breath from the previous generation of intellectuals.

Among the stars of this age group, there is an actress. She is regarded as one of the most beautiful and charming women among the stars of this age group, but Meiqing is even more beautiful than her!

This famous star is in her early 50s and she is still charming, and Meiqing’s actual age is three years younger than her, and she seems to be more than six or seven years younger than her!

This is an aunt who is nearly fifty years old!

This is a eldest sister who is less than 40 years old in her thirties!

Charlie was stunned. He really didn’t expect that Jacob’s first love was such an impeccable super middle-aged beauty. It can be imagined that she must be very beautiful when she was young!


Charlie is a little envious of Jacob, this wimpy Old Master, how can he, can actually fall in love with such a super beauty back then!

At the same time, Charlie also sympathized with Jacob more!

Because of Elaine, he has lost such a majestic beauty, this is simply picking up a grain of sesame seeds and losing ten acres of watermelon land!

At this moment, Jacob looked at Meiqing, who was still beautiful in front of him, and felt even more sympathetic to himself than Charlie!

Why is there no trace of too much time on Meiqing’s face after more than 20 years?

Why is she still so beautiful that he can’t breathe after more than twenty years?

Why is it that more than 20 years have passed, her shallow smile and faint dimples are still so high, so that she can’t move his legs just by looking at her?

At this time, Meiqing walked to Jacob quickly. After standing still, staring at him, she smiled gently: “Jacob, I really didn’t expect it, we haven’t seen you in more than 20 years!”

Jacob was a little nervous. He was a little helpless and said, “That, yeah, Meiqing, I didn’t expect it to be… for so many years!”

When Charlie saw that the Old Master was still holding the flowers when he was talking to Meiqing, he forgot to give them to her, and hurriedly reminded him behind him: “Dad, don’t hold the flowers all the time, give them to her!”

Jacob came back to his senses, and hurriedly handed the flower to Meiqing, and said nervously, “Meiqing, this…this flower is for you. Welcome back to Aurous Hill!”

Meiqing took the flowers with joy, took a deep look at Jacob, and said, “Jacob, thank you!”

There was no flower in Jacob’s hand. He didn’t know where to put his hands at once, so he rubbed awkwardly and smiled stiffly: “Meiqing, we haven’t seen each other for so many years, why are you polite to me… ..”

At this time, a tall and handsome young man with blond hair came over with his luggage from behind.

This blond young man has white skin, no different from white people in Europe and America, but his eye pupils are black, and his facial features are somewhat Asian in style, and he looks a bit like Meiqing. He looks like a mixed race.

He walked up to Meiqing and yelled with a smile, “Mom, is this your college classmate?”

Meiqing hurriedly pulled him and introduced Jacob, “Jacob, let me introduce to you. This is my son, Paul.”

Jacob took the initiative to stretch out his hand and smiled: “Oh, Paul, hello!”

Then Jacob quickly introduced Charlie, saying: “Meiqing, Paul, I will introduce you to this man, this is my son-in-law, Charlie!”

Paul took the initiative to stretch out his hand to Charlie, smiled and said, “Hello, Mr. Charlie!”

Chapter 849

Jacob hurriedly said: “By the way, Meiqing, I have booked a box at Shangri-La Hotel. Let’s go to have a meal first, and pick up the dust for you and your son!”

Meiqing smiled and said, “Thank you so much, Mrs. Jacob and son-in-law, who came to pick us up from afar and invited us to dinner…”

“It should be!” Jacob smiled awkwardly, and couldn’t wait to say: “It just so happened that we were driving there, let’s go directly!”

“Okay.” Meiqing nodded, and then said to Paul: “Son, tell your driver, we won’t take the company car, let’s take your Uncle Willson’s car.”

Paul smiled and said, “Okay mom, I’ll call the driver and ask him to send the luggage to the hotel room first.”

“It is good!”

Paul politely said to Jacob and Charlie: “Uncle Willson, Charlie, wait for me first, I’ll make a call, sorry!”

Jacob hurriedly said: “Oh, Paul, look at you child, you are too polite, you don’t need to be so polite with your uncle.”

Paul smiled and said, “I should be.”

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and walked aside to make a call.

Jacob then asked Meiqing curiously: “Meiqing, you and your son returned to China, and did you arrange a driver in China?”

Meiqing nodded and said: “After Paul’s father passed away, I always want to return to the country to settle, but his father left a company. Paul said that he can’t throw away his father’s life’s hard work, so he began to gradually start business transfer to China six months ago.”

Jacob asked in surprise: “Did you transfer all the industries to China first?”

“Yes.” Meiqing said: “But I don’t participate much in these things, it is Paul taking care of it.”

Jacob nodded lightly, feeling a little inferior in his heart.

Meiqing and her son returned to settle in China, and even transferred the business. An enterprise worth such a lot of trouble is probably not small in scale. From this point of view, Meiqing’s current economic strength is very strong.

“In contrast, I am a little embarrassed. After all, the Willson family is now down, and I have no source of income. It can even be described as penniless. The only one who can do it is Tomson First Grade. The villa is now, but this villa is still owned by Charlie.”

Thinking of this, Jacob felt a little bored.

Given his current situation, would Meiqing look down on him?

It’s been half a lifetime, and most middle-aged people have at least a certain career, industry and family business, but he still have nothing to do now, which is too shameful!

Charlie also saw that Jacob’s expression was a little upset, knowing that he must think that Meiqing is too good, and he is not worthy of others, but he did not break it either.

At this time, Paul finished the call and said with a smile: “Mom, Uncle Willson, and Brother Charlie, I have already told the driver, let’s go.”

“Okay.” Charlie said with a smile: “Then let’s go.”

The four people went out of the airport together. A brand new Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped in front of them. A foreigner got out of the car and respectfully said to Paul: “Hello, general manager!”

Paul nodded slightly.

The foreigner driver said to Meiqing, “Hello, Chairman.”

Meiqing nodded and smiled, and said, “Mike, you help me deliver my luggage to Shangri-La, and directly ask the front desk to send the luggage to my and Paul’s rooms.”

Chapter 850

The foreigner driver nodded hurriedly and said, “Okay chairman, I will go now!”

Then, he opened the trunk of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, took all the suitcases in Paul’s hand, and stuffed them into the trunk.

After doing this, he asked Meiqing again: “Chairman, don’t you and the general manager want to go in this car?”

Meiqing nodded and said, “I’ll take my old classmate’s car, you can go.”

Jacob looked at the brand new and luxurious Rolls Royce, feeling particularly uneasy.

He can see the value of this car.

The bare car costs eight or nine million, and this car is equipped with a pure gold little golden man logo, and it costs more than two hundred thousand!

Therefore, Jacob felt even more inferior.

He couldn’t help but said to Meiqing, “Oh, Meiqing, you should take this Les Royce over there. My car is not up to grade. I’m afraid that you won’t get used to it and you will be wronged again.”

Meiqing said seriously: “Jacob, we have known each other for so many years, do you think I am the kind of person who loves vanity?”

Jacob was suddenly embarrassed.

He hesitated and said: “My car is just an ordinary BMW 5 series. I’m afraid I will wrong you…”

Meiqing was a little angry, and said, “Jacob, why do you care about these things so much now? Rolls-Royce and BMW 5 series are all the same, even if it is still the kind of 28-year-old bicycle popular among your male students. Are they all a means of transportation? Don’t talk about the BMW 5 Series, even if you are riding a big 28 to pick me up today, I am willing to ride.”

As she said, Meiqing said with a smile, “But I guess it’s a bit hard for you to ride a bicycle at your age now?”

When Meiqing said this, Jacob felt a lot more comfortable.

He was really afraid that Meiqing was used to being a Rolls-Royce and would feel a little uncomfortable when sitting in his BMW fifth series. If it made her feel uncomfortable, he would have trouble.

However, Paul suddenly said to Meiqing in a low voice at this time: “Mom, maybe you should take this car. The comfort of the BMW 5 Series is very poor, I am afraid you can’t adapt.”

Meiqing waved her hand, and also whispered: “When you see my old classmates in the future, don’t drive this public car. Ask if your company has the most common commercial car, like the Buick gl8 two or three. A hundred thousand cars, I don’t want to come back after more than 20 years, to make everyone feel too distant.”

Paul reluctantly said: “The company really doesn’t have such a cheap car. The most common commercial vehicles are Toyota Elfa with more than one million…”

Meiqing said: “Then just buy a car worth two or three hundred thousand.”

Paul had no choice but to nod his head and said, “Well, since you have ordered, then I will arrange it.”

After speaking, he stepped to the driver and told him: “Go back and buy a Buick gl8.”

The driver was taken aback for a moment and said, “General Manager, our company doesn’t have such a low-end car.”

Paul said, “It’s okay, just go buy one and come back.”

“Okay, Sir.”

Because Charlie’s physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people, he couldn’t help but admire Meiqing very much when he heard the whispers among them.

This aunt is not only beautiful and extraordinary, but more importantly, her emotional intelligence is too high.

Such a woman, for a middle-aged man, is even more goddess than the goddess of his dreams.

He can even have a foreboding that Jacob, the Old Master, should soon be completely fallen…

Chapter 851

The driver drove the Rolls-Royce Phantom away, and Charlie also drove the fifth-series BMW of the Old Master.

As soon as the car stopped in front of the three people, the Old Master hurriedly opened the rear door, and the gentleman said to Meiqing: “Meiqing, please first!”

Meiqing nodded and smiled, bending down and getting into the car.

Immediately afterwards, Paul seemed to go to sit with his mother in the back row on the other side, but Jacob said to him: “Oh, Paul, you and Charlie are both young people. You should have many topics in common. Have a good chat with him while driving!”

After speaking, without waiting for Paul’s promise, he already came to the back door on the other side, opened the car door and sat in.

Paul had no choice but to get into the co-pilot.

Charlie drove toward the city, and Jacob in the back row said to Meiqing with a little embarrassment: “Oh, Meiqing, this car is a bit crude, and I hope you don’t mind too much.”

Meiqing said helplessly: “Jacob, I have already told you, I don’t care about these things, so you don’t have to mention them all the time.”

“Yes, yes.” Jacob complimented: “I don’t mean you care, I just feel that this car is not worthy of your temperament. Look at how you look like a fifty-year-old middle-aged and elderly person. It’s less than forty! A woman with temperament like you should ride in a top luxury car like a Rolls-Royce.”

When Meiqing heard him complimenting herself, her face flushed slightly, and she smiled and said, “After so many years, you still speak so well.”

Jacob smiled and said, “What I said is all from the bottom of my heart.”

Meiqing nodded and asked him, “By the way, how are you doing for so many years?”

Jacob sighed and said angrily: “I have done it, that is, to be honest, after graduating from university, I have not been so happy.”

Meiqing asked in a low voice, “Are you and Elaine unhappy?”

“Happiness?” Jacob gave a wry smile and exclaimed: “I have never had these two words with her for more than 20 years.”

Seeing Jacob’s wry smile, there was an inexhaustible pain, and a distress and regret flashed in Meiqing’s beautiful eyes.

She remembered the thing that she could not forget the eve of college graduation.

That day, her roommate ran back, crying and said to her that her boyfriend took her for the first time after drinking.

She suddenly felt a bolt from the blue sky, and the whole person was on the verge of collapse.

At that time, she had already started happily planning the route after graduation. The family arranged for herself and her boyfriend to go abroad for further study, so that the two could stay and fly together, and at the same time, they could get a higher diploma together and come back later. Serve the country and become a pillar of the country.

But who would have thought that suddenly, such a disintegrating thing would happen.

At that time, her roommate was still crying and confessing in front of her, saying that she was sorry for her and that her boyfriend was too drunk and didn’t know.

But how can she not mind?

My boyfriend is sleeping with her roommate, how could she not care?

Especially her own character, she is born to emphasize feelings rather than interests. For the one she loves, she can be wronged by heaven, but she must never allow her beloved to betray her or have any flaws in her relationship. .

Therefore, she could not accept such a thing, so she chose to quit, and left Aurous Hill and China sadly.

Even after going abroad, she was even more shocked when she learned that her ex-boyfriend had married that roommate.

Chapter 852

At that time, it happened that an American boy was madly pursuing her, so out of anger, and out of wanting to forget the past as soon as possible, she agreed to the other party’s pursuit.

As a result, the two quickly married, got married, and soon had a child.

That American boy was very kind to her and cared for her for a lifetime, but she has been unable to forget her ex-boyfriend for more than 20 years.

When she looked back at that period of history, she realized that she had been deliberate and fooled by others.

The roommate didn’t come to her to confess at all, nor did she really hope that she would not mind this. She just hoped that she would mind, that she couldn’t let it go, and she wanted to take the initiative to quit, and then handed her ex-boyfriend to her.

But the oneself back then was still too young, too proud, too focused on the principles of life and the purity of feelings, so she gave up her beloved man. Right in the arms of that roommate.

Because of Jacob’s unforgettable heart, Meiqing’s married life was actually very painful.

Her husband loved her very much, and she had fulfilled the responsibilities and obligations of a good wife, never betrayed him, took good care of her family and child, and even helped him a lot in his career.

However, deep in her heart, she knew that this was just a life of supporting and respecting him. Although she thanked him very much, respected him, cared for him, she did not love him.

The marriage without love lasted for more than 20 years, and her husband died because of cancer.

Meiqing took care of her husband wholeheartedly until he was buried.

After her husband was buried, Meiqing’s heart suddenly became empty.

At this time, she realized that she had completely fulfilled all her obligations to her husband as a wife.

Virtuous, loyal, caring for the family, passing on from generation to generation, she goes all out at every point.

However, after her husband died, she suddenly realized that her life should be lived for herself once.

So, she resolutely prepared to return home.

And what she wanted to see most when she returned to China was Jacob, who was impulsively handed over to Elaine.

However, she really did not expect that Jacob and Elaine would be so unhappy.

In the words of Jacob, He hasn’t felt happiness in more than 20 years, so how much torment in these days?

Although she hasn’t felt true love for more than 20 years, but fortunately, her husband treats her very well, even if there is no love, at least he is still very happy.

Jacob was also very melancholy at this time.

For more than twenty years, he has been regretting that he had drunk too much that night.

For more than 20 years, he has never loved Elaine, nor has he felt the happiness of his family.

He has been obsessed with Meiqing for more than 20 years, and it is more than 20 years since he saw Meiqing again and her scorching demeanor. His heart is full of regret.

He should have been with this perfect, humble, intellectual and understanding woman for half of his life.

But why, just missed her and came together with a shrew like Elaine?

At this moment, Jacob felt that what he had missed was the whole world!

Chapter 853

Jacob recalled this in his heart, his eyes flushed, and two lines of tears could not help but flow out.

The main reason is that the current Meiqing is too perfect. Even if Charlie saw it, he felt that she was more than 100,000 times stronger than Elaine, and Jacob spent more than 20 years with a b*tch who only had one in 100,000 of his ex-girlfriend. , Now that he looks at Meiqing and thinks about it again, can he feel uncomfortable in his heart?

When Meiqing saw Jacob’s tears, she felt even more uncomfortable.

She also regretted.

Regret shouldn’t have left him on impulse.

In the past twenty years, he has not been happy and he has no love.

Both people suffered the same torture.

Since this is the case, why did separate separate in the first place?

She knew that he couldn’t like Elaine.

She knew that he must have completely lost consciousness before being taken advantage of by Elaine.

She even knew in the subconscious that Elaine was behind the scenes.

However, she couldn’t help that arrogance at the time.

The results of it? For more than 20 years, the two people have no real happiness.

Thinking of this, Meiqing felt very uncomfortable.

She quietly took out a pack of tissues from her bag, took out one, and stuffed it into Jacob’s hand.

Jacob originally turned his face to the window, not wanting Meiqing to see his tears, but suddenly he was stuffed with a tissue in his hand. He hurriedly looked at Meiqing on the side, only to find that her eyes were also choked. Tears, tears gleaming.

At this moment, Jacob asked herself in his heart, does Meiqing still have feelings for him? !

If she really still has feelings for him, can she reconnect with her? !

Thinking of this, when he was excited, he suddenly became nervous again.

He was nervous, where did Elaine go, and will she come back?

If she didn’t come back, how nice it would be!

He can pursue Meiqing wholeheartedly!

He is already fifty years old, and if he doesn’t pursue true love, he will never have love for his life!

But what if Elaine comes back…

If that b*tch knew that Meiqing was back, she would be crazy! She will definitely observe at her, and will never let him have the opportunity to meet or contact Meiqing!

More importantly, once Elaine sees Meiqing now, she will definitely be stimulated.

Because now Meiqing is much more beautiful than Elaine, and more temperamental than her, more educated than her, richer than her, and more cultivated than her, in every aspect, she is much better than her.

So compared to her, Elaine is just a mess of stinky sh*t.

Chapter 854

Jacob couldn’t help begging to heaven in his heart, hoping that Elaine would never come back. She had harmed him for more than 20 years, so she should give him some freedom. After all, it was really not easy to bear her for more than 20 years.

If Elaine never comes back, then he believes that he must have the opportunity to continue to be with Meiqing and to continue his relationship.

Moreover, he thinks that Meiqing’s son is still a very nice person, and he should be able to accept him as his stepdad.

And his daughter Claire is also a more sensible and filial girl.

If her mother indeed goes missing, she would not object to his search for his second spring without gambling. After all, it is impossible for him to live alone after Elaine disappeared.

The only thing he worried about now was whether Elaine, a woman, would return.

So he can only pray to God.

And he didn’t know at this moment. It is not God that can decide all of this, but his son-in-law, Charlie.


After Charlie drove to Shangri-La, the hotel staff immediately stepped forward and opened the door.

He handed the car to the waiter who parked the car, and then said to his father-in-law and his first love, Meiqing, mother and son: “Shangri-La is considered to be a relatively good hotel in Aurous Hill. The local cuisine is the best. It’s delicious. I’ve already booked a good box here, but I don’t know if it fits the taste of the your personality.”

Meiqing hurriedly said, “Oh, Mr. Charlie, you are really too polite. I don’t have any requirements for food, and I’m honest, after leaving Aurous Hill for so many years, I still want to try our Aurous Hill. The local flavors!”

Charlie said with a smile: “Then you came to Shangri-La, you really didn’t come wrong.”

After all, he was next to Paul: “Mr. Paul, I don’t know how you feel about Chinese dining? Are you still used to eating?”

Paul smiled and said, “Mr. Charlie, don’t forget that I am also half Chinese, and to be honest, I prefer Chinese food to those fast food and western food in the United States.”

As he said, Paul hurriedly said: “By the way, let me tell you, my mother cooks very well. She is the best Chinese chef I have ever seen. She has great cooking skills.”

Charlie couldn’t help but exclaimed: “I didn’t expect Aunt to look so beautiful, have such a good temperament, and cook deliciously.”

Meiqing said modestly: “Don’t listen to this kid’s nonsense, he brags too much for me.”

Jacob could not help but sigh at the side at this time: “When we were going to school together, you always said to cook for me, but at that time everyone was living on campus, and there was never a very suitable opportunity. More than 20 years have passed. Now, to be honest, I haven’t eaten this meal yet…”

Meiqing smiled and said seriously: “Then if I have the opportunity, I can cook for you to taste. But I can put the shame on the front. My cooking is not as delicious as Paul said. If you are disappointed then If you do, don’t blame me.”

When Jacob heard this, he became excited, and blurted out, “Really? When will you have time?”

After that, Jacob couldn’t wait to say: “If you have time, we can make an appointment at my house! What kind of dishes you will do, or what you want to do, tell me directly. I will buy and make all the ingredients in advance. Everything is prepared, and then you and Paul come to the house, you just cook, I’ll help you, let the children just eat.”

Meiqing said with some embarrassment: “Is this appropriate? Elaine shouldn’t want to see me, right?”

In yesterday’s phone call, Jacob told Meiqing that he and Elaine had broken up and had separated, but there was no specific reason for that, and he did not say that Elaine is now missing.

Therefore, Meiqing thought that the two had just separated bedrooms, but they still lived in a house, so they didn’t want to go to his house, for fear that they would meet Elaine again, not to mention that this woman is not a good thing.

Jacob hurriedly waved his hand at this time, and said indifferently: “You don’t have to worry about her. She is not at home now, and I don’t know when she will be back. It will be impossible for a while.”

Having said that, Jacob said again: “In my opinion, choosing a day is better than hitting the sun! Let’s have dinner in Shangri-La at noon, and then you will go back to the hotel to rest. Come to my house in the afternoon. We can cook together. Have a meal, so I can also introduce my daughter to you!”

Chapter 855

Jacob’s consideration was simple, because he was worried that Elaine would come back suddenly in the next two days.

In case she suddenly returned home, then she would not have such a good opportunity.

Killing him, he would not dare to invite Meiqing to eat at his home while Elaine is still at home.

In that case, Elaine would probably hack him to death with a knife.

So he felt it. If he want to have such an opportunity, he must do it as soon as possible, and the sooner the better.

Meiqing couldn’t help thinking back then.

Because her hometown was in Suzhou, when she was studying in Aurous Hill, she could only live in a dormitory.

Moreover, when everyone was in love, they were relatively shy and low-key, and didn’t dare to let the family know, so she always wanted to cook a meal for Jacob, but she never found a suitable opportunity.

Back then it was not as convenient as it is now.

Now if you want to find a place to cook for couples, you can directly find a hotel apartment or a short-term rental family apartment to solve the problem, and there are kitchen utensils, everything.

But at that time, there was no such condition.

Even if you are staying in an ordinary guest house outside, you need to open a letter of introduction by your unit. Therefore, young people at that time are in love, it is impossible to go out to a hotel or guest house to open a room.

At that time, the school’s own guest house did not need to open a letter of introduction, as long as the student ID can open a room, but ordinary students dare not go there to open a room, because they are likely to be caught by classmates and teachers.

The first time that Meiqing and Jacob tasted the forbidden fruit was when Jacob secretly took her home one night when there was no one in Willson’s house. The two of them hurriedly finished it at home.

After that, the two wanted to taste that taste again, they could only wait until Jacob had no one at home.

However, in the Willson family at that time, although the eldest brother Noah went to school in other places, most of the projects of Mr. Willson were in the local area and he did not often go out.

And Mrs. Willson seldom travels far, so the chance of no one at home was extremely rare.

Therefore, for a long time, when two people wanted to try the forbidden fruit, they could only choose to go to the school grove, or in the park of Aurous Hill, or to abandoned houses or even construction sites.

Most college students of that era used this way to fall in love, and there was no way.

It seems crazy now, but it was really normal in that era. After all, young people’s hormones need to be released and there is no suitable venue to choose from.

Especially the small woods in the school are the most popular. They are dark inside. There may be a pair every ten meters. Everyone can hear other people’s voices, but no one says nothing and doesn’t look at other people. A tacit understanding, each busy with own things.

Because no one can see who, and no one knows who it is, no one feels ashamed.

Sometimes, the school teacher took a flashlight to catch in the small woods. Thought that at most one or two couples could be caught in it, but unexpectedly, he was shocked as if he plunged into a pile of wild ducks. A sky full of wild ducks.

Now, when two people think back to the past in their hearts, especially when they think back to the bits and pieces of the two people together, even now they seem crazy, romantic, or shameful details. There is an extraordinary throbbing in heart.

Charlie found that Meiqing’s face suddenly turned red. And the whole person seems to be still shy.

He couldn’t help thinking in his heart, didn’t he just asked to go to the house to cook and eat? Why did this Aunt suddenly blush?

Then turned to see the Old Master beside him again, and found that his face turned red all of a sudden.

Chapter 856

Moreover, the whole person seemed very awkward, and he didn’t know where to put both hands, so he could only keep rubbing with his fingertips.

Charlie understood right away that the two middle-aged and elderly people must have some unusual memories about “cooking and eating” or about “going home with him”.

Paul also found out that things didn’t seem right, but he was too embarrassed to say anything, so he could only say to Charlie, “Mr. Charlie, let’s go to the box first.”

With that, he said to Meiqing: “Mom, you’ve been on the plane for more than ten hours. It should be quite tired. If you and Uncle Willson want to talk, we can sit in the box and talk.”

Only then did Meiqing suddenly came back to her senses. What she was thinking of just now was the past with Jacob, and even recalled the details of her first time with Jacob.

Nearly 50 years old, she blushed all of a sudden, and hurriedly followed her son’s words and said: “Oh, that’s right, you see we are all confused already, let’s go sit in the box and talk!”

Jacob also hurriedly echoed: “Yes, yes, we let’s go to sit in the box, and all blamed me. I just thought about chatting, but I forgot about it!”

Charlie shook his head helplessly, and even sighed in his heart. It seems that these two people are really fighting fire!

And it’s the dry wood and raging fire that have been waiting for more than 20 years. If they meet together and give them a chance to burn, then it will definitely burn a raging fire…


Charlie led the way, leading everyone to Shangri-La’s dining department.

The manager of the catering department had been instructed long ago. As soon as he saw Charlie, he immediately greeted him and asked respectfully: “Hello sir, are you a member of Shangri-La?”

Charlie shook his head and said, “I am not a member, but I have asked a friend to book a box for me.”

The other party hurriedly asked again: “Then what is your surname? What box number is reserved?”

Charlie said: “My surname is Wade, but I don’t know what box number I booked. I booked the box through your President Issac.”

The other party immediately bowed respectfully and said: “So you are Mr. Charlie. We have prepared the box for you. Please come with me.”

Charlie smiled slightly, nodded and said, “Thank you.”

The manager of the catering department took the four people to the box. Paul asked Charlie curiously: “Mr. Charlie, do you know Mr. Issac here?”

Charlie nodded and smiled and said, “I know, but I’m not familiar.”

Paul subconsciously said, “Shangri-La seems to be the property of the Wade family, and Mr. Issac here is the spokesperson of the Wade family.”

Charlie looked at Paul in surprise, he really didn’t expect this American to touch this place so clearly.

So he smiled and asked, “Mr. Paul must have done a lot of homework for Aurous Hill, right?”

Paul nodded generously and said, “Before I was going to move the company to Aurous Hill, I had already begun to understand some of the situation in Aurous Hill. After all, the company was my father’s painstaking effort. I could not bring it to a place without preparation. In a strange environment.”

Charlie couldn’t help but admired: “Mr. Paul you are so meticulous and forward-looking. I believe you will be able to flourish in Aurous Hill in the future.”

Paul smiled slightly: “Mr. Charlie passed the award.”

After that, he suddenly remembered something. He looked at Charlie and asked curiously: “Mr. Charlie, your surname is Wade, and you know Mr. Issac from Shangri-La. Are you from the Wade family of Eastcliff?”

Chapter 857

Charlie really didn’t expect that Paul could guess his identity all at once.

However, he knew that Paul was making just a guess, and he couldn’t admit this kind of thing.

Charlie was about to deny it, and the Old Master on the side laughed and said: “Oh, Paul, you really think too much. My son-in-law is the son-in-law recruited from our family. If he is from the Wade family, I am afraid that our family will fly on the branch and become a phoenix.”

Although Jacob is usually not very motivated, and he doesn’t do any business. But he still knew the name of the Wade family in Eastcliff.

It can even be said that there are not many people in China who don’t know the Wade Family because the Wade Family is so famous.

Because of this, it was impossible for him to believe that Charlie belonged to the Wade family.

Because there are too many people surnamed Wade in this world, but there is only one Wade family.

He knew Charlie’s life experience very clearly. When he was young, he entered the orphanage. When he was 18, he went out to work on the construction site. When he was in his early 20s, he was taken home by his father and became his own son-in-law.

How could such a person belong to the Wade family?

If Charlie would be Eastcliff Wade family, wouldn’t he be the lost young master of the universe family?

As soon as Paul heard that Charlie was the son-in-law, he immediately realized that he had guessed wrong. After all, what kind of family was the Wade family? How could such a family let their young master be the son-in-law of others? Even the president of the United States cannot have such qualifications.

So he smiled and said to Charlie: “It seems that I have misunderstood. I’m sorry, but the main reason is that you are also named Wade, and this Shangri-La is the property of Wade family, so I think too much. I hope Mr. Charlie will forgive me a lot.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Mr. Paul, you don’t have to be so polite.”

While they were talking, the manager of the catering department took them to the door of the box, and respectfully said to the four people: “Mr. Charlie and three distinguished guests, please come inside!”

The four of them stepped into the box, and Charlie invited his father-in-law to sit in the main seat, and then said to his first love, Meiqing, “Aunt, sit with my father-in-law, after all, you have been so many years apart. You haven’t met, there must be a lot of things you want to talk about.”

Meiqing nodded, and said with a smile: “Yeah, then you can sit with Paul. I think your conversation is quite speculative.”

Charlie hurriedly nodded and agreed, but kept reminding himself in his own heart that he should be a little more cautious when speaking in front of Paul, because this person does not seem simple.

After sitting down, Charlie handed the menu to the two elders and asked them to order some meals they liked.

Jacob hurriedly said: “Oh, Meiqing, I still remember which dishes you like to eat, or let me have some?”

Meiqing asked in surprise: “No, after all these years, do you remember what I like to eat?”

Jacob smiled and said, “Of course, I will definitely not forget this.”

Having said that, Jacob picked up the menu and ordered several dishes with the waiter, all of which were local dishes from Aurous Hill.

Every time Jacob ordered a dish, Meiqing’s expression became even more surprised. After Jacob ordered several times in one breath, she was already dumbfounded by surprise.

Because every dish he ordered was a Aurous Hill dish that she liked very much back then.

Chapter 858

Meiqing couldn’t help sighing: “I didn’t expect that you still remember these dishes. To be honest, some of them I don’t even remember now.”

After speaking, Meiqing said again: “Actually, the food in my hometown of Suzhou is also delicious, but I don’t know why after coming to Aurous Hill and attending university, I prefer the local dishes of Aurous Hill.”

Jacob smiled and said, “I still remember that you always said that you would make me some some dishes for me to try. It’s a pity…”

Speaking of this, Jacob hurriedly asked: “By the way, Meiqing, we said just now about going to my house to cook and eat. How are you thinking about it? To be honest, I have been waiting for so many years, and I want to realize this. wish!”

When Meiqing heard this, her heart was even more moved, so she said, “I have no problem. I don’t know if Paul has time at night.”

After speaking, she looked at her son Paul and asked: “Son, do you have any other arrangements for the evening? If not, how about we go to your Uncle Willson’s house for dinner together? I can also see Uncle Willson’s daughter by the way.”

Paul simply nodded and smiled and said, “Then I really can’t ask for it.”

When Jacob heard this, he became excited!

Immediately he blurted out: “In this case, then we’ll make it so, Miqing, what dishes are you going to cook for the evening?”

Meiqing smiled and said, “Oh, now you let me say that I really can’t tell for a while…”

After that, she suddenly remembered something and smiled: “Why don’t we add a WeChat account for a while, I will tell you on WeChat when I think of it, and then I will trouble you to help me go to the vegetable market. Buy all the ingredients, oh yes, you will also send me your home address, and I will come with my son around 5:30 in the afternoon.”

Jacob was so excited that he took out his mobile phone, opened his WeChat scan function, and said, “Meiqing, I will scan your phone.”

The two have not been in contact for more than 20 years. Even if it is Jacob’s phone number, Meiqing asked for an old classmate to come temporarily, so the two have never added WeChat before.

In this era, WeChat has become more important than mobile phone numbers.

Your mobile phone number courier, food delivery person, and even telemarketing and telecom fraud scammers all know, but your WeChat must be for your good friend or someone you know.

Therefore, being able to add to WeChat is the closest contact method.

What’s more, after adding WeChat, you can see the other party’s circle of friends, you can see the other party’s photos, the other party’s videos, and every bit of the other party’s life.

If one person has feelings for another person, then he will definitely want to take a look at all his circle of friends.

At this moment, Jacob and Meiqing had almost exactly the same thoughts.

Seeing that the two had already added WeChat, Paul on the side also took out his mobile phone and politely said to Charlie: “Mr. Charlie, why don’t we add WeChat to each other and leave a contact information.”

Charlie actually doesn’t like adding strangers to WeChat, but since Paul took the initiative to say it, but he is not easy to refuse, so he turned on his mobile phone and scanned it and said: “ok, let me scan yours.”

After the two added WeChat, Paul asked Charlie curiously: “Mr. Charlie I want to know what do you do?”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “I’m not as high as I am. I just stay at home. My usual job is cleaning, washing clothes, buying vegetables, and cooking.”

After listening to Paul, he was taken aback, but he didn’t show any eyes or expressions that looked down upon Charlie. He smiled and said, “Mr. Charlie, this life is also very leisurely and elegant. To be honest, I am envious!”

Chapter 859

After all, Paul was born in a family of high-ranking intellectuals, so the overall quality is quite high, not like others, when he heard that Charlie is the son-in-law, he looked at him differently.

And Charlie didn’t feel any embarrassment. After all, it was not a day or two for him to be have the bad feelings about being the live-in son-in-law.

At this time, Paul said to Charlie again: “By the way, Mr. Charlie, since you know Mr. Issac from Shangri-La, but I don’t know if it is convenient for you to take some time to recommend me? After all, I just moved the company back to Aurous Hill. We also need to actively expand Aurous Hill’s local resources and contacts. If Mr. Charlie can help me with this, then I will definitely not treat you badly.”

Charlie did not want Paul to know how close he was to Issac. After all, he almost guessed the relationship between himself and the Wade family just now. If he really got to know Issac through himself, he might have learned from it. Taste more details.

So he apologized and said to Paul: “Mr. Paul, to tell you, I don’t know Mr. Issac, I just have a personal relationship with a friend of him, and I am ashamed of this, that person is I met when I helped others watch Feng Shui.”

“Feng Shui?” Paul asked in surprise: “Mr. Charlie, are you a Feng Shui master?”

Charlie smiled lightly and said calmly: “I can’t talk about what Feng Shui master is. It’s nothing more than reading a few books and learning with the Old Master for a while. To put it bluntly, it’s somewhat foolish.”

Jacob on the side was afraid that Charlie would be embarrassed, and asked roundly, “By the way, Paul, what business does your company do? They have moved from the United States to Aurous Hill specifically, so the business should be very large, right?”

Paul smiled and said: “Uncle Willson, our company is actually a multinational law firm, mainly providing high-end legal support for some Fortune 500 companies.”

Jacob asked in surprise, “Paul, are you a lawyer yourself?”

Paul nodded and said, “Yes, Uncle Willson, my dad and I both lawyers. To be clear, I have inherited his mantle.”

Jacob said with emotion: “The requirements for being a lawyer in the United States seem to be very high, right? Generally speaking, it seems that you need a PhD?”

Paul smiled slightly and said: “Uncle Willson, you are right. There are two professions in the United States that have the highest requirements for academic qualifications. One is a doctor and the other is a lawyer. Generally speaking, a registered lawyer must be at least a law school Graduated with a master’s degree.”

Jacob nodded slightly and asked: “Then what degree you have?”

Paul humbly said: “I am Ph.D. from Yale Law School.”

Jacob nodded in amazement and said, “Yale University, that is a world-class university! It is really amazing to be admitted to a doctorate in this kind of university!”

Paul said seriously: “Uncle tells you that even if you get a doctoral degree, you only have the qualifications to be a regular lawyer. A truly good lawyer needs a long period of growth, some even 10 years. More than a year of working experience and practical experience in hundreds of successful cases are not enough, so for me, I am just an entry-level elementary school student.”

Speaking of this, Paul looked at his mother, Meiqing, and said: “Actually, I have just graduated. If I were to run our own law firm independently, my own experience would not be enough, so I’m just On the surface, I assumed the position of general manager, but it was my mother who really helped me behind the scenes, and even guided me to run the company. Without her help, the company would probably be destroyed in my hands.”

Chapter 860

Jacob looked at Meiqing in surprise, and blurted out, “Oh, Meiqing, are you very proficient in law and law firms?”

Paul smiled and said: “Uncle Willson, don’t underestimate my mother. In fact, my mother is also a PhD student at Yale Law School. She and my father met and married at Yale Law School. My dad founded the family’s law firm, and my mother has been there to assist him. Without my mother’s good help, my dad’s career would not be successful.

Immediately, Paul sighed with self-deprecation: “It’s just that my ability hasn’t grown up yet, so I have to bother my mother all the time.”

Meiqing smiled and said, “Son, in fact, you have done a very good job. Mom especially hopes that you can grow up as soon as possible, and then take over the company as a whole. In this case, Mom won’t have to work so hard anymore.”

With that, Meiqing couldn’t help sighing: “Mom is now back to China and Aurous Hill. The biggest idea in my heart is not to start our family’s business in Aurous Hill, but to enjoy the retirement life of a Chinese Ladyn in in the city.”

Afterwards, Meiqing looked at Jacob and sighed in her heart: I have been working hard in the United States for so many years, but I am actually very tired of my career.

In addition, I have never really felt the taste of love, so I now want to go back to China, let go of all that before, concentrate on being an Lady, and if given the opportunity, she even hopes to be able to be with Jacob, her first love If you continue the frontier, this will make up for the regrets that she have had for many years.

She also knows that lawyers in the United States are actually a very popular profession, because many lawsuits in the United States are very high in compensation, often tens of millions, even hundreds of millions.

According to media reports, a few years ago, someone sued Marlboro, a famous American tobacco brand, for inducing smoking and causing death. The American court even awarded hundreds of millions in compensation.

There was also an Asian man who was beaten by American Airlines security on the plane. That incident had a very bad impact on the airline. In the end, the lawyer won tens of millions in compensation for the Asian man.

For lawyers, they also have to receive at least 30 to 50% of the compensation amount, and sometimes even higher.

Therefore, this is why the lawyers in the United States are very professional, and they are simply desperate to file a lawsuit, and even do everything they want.

Because the benefits behind this are really too great, it is possible to win a big lawsuit, and the direct compensation is divided into several million tens of millions, which is much easier than for ordinary people to make money.

Therefore, in the United States, the status of lawyers is also very high, and they are all upper-class people.

Especially some of the more famous super heroes in the United States, people like this can generally become billionaires, and even many stars, billionaires and important American guests.

Therefore, Jacob couldn’t help but feel more inferior in his heart, because he guessed that the family of Meiqing must be very, very rich, even enough to make their mother and son become an upper class society in Aurous Hill.

In contrast, there is nothing he can tell…

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 841-860 - EthicLearner (2024)


What is the full summary of the charismatic Charlie Wade? ›

The Charismatic Charlie Wade is a book that follows the life of Charlie Wade as he grows up as a man and overcomes all the obstacles that life throws at him from having no support, money, resources, or solid resources relationship with people around him.

What is the title of the book Charlie Wade? ›

The Charismatic Charlie Wade by Lord Leaf | Goodreads.

Is The Charismatic Charlie Wade based on a true story? ›

The Charismatic Charlie Wade is an urban/realistic male-centered fiction that revolves around the male lead Charlie Wade.

How many kids does Charlie Wade have? ›

Wade is married to former University of Washington volleyball player Tani Martin, with whom he has three sons, Makana, Kainoa & Kekoa.

What does Charlie win at the end of the book? ›

While the tour of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory begins with five children, by the end, all but one child has received their so-called rewards for their bad behavior. Charlie, the only child with good morals in the story, is rewarded when Willy Wonka gives him the chocolate factory.

Who is Charlie Wade's father? ›

After seeing Charlie's birth certificate (which named Bobby as Charlie's legal father), Jenna confessed that Renaldo Marchetta was actually Charlie's biological father and that she had listed Bobby as the legal father in order to protect her legal interests in future disputes with Marchetta over Charlie.

How many chapters are in Charlie and the? ›

The novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has 30 chapters. The book was well-received, so Dahl wrote a sequel, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, which was published in 1972.

What is the original story of the charismatic Charlie Wade? ›

The story revolves around Charlie Wade, a man who, despite being born into wealth and prestige, is shunned by his in-laws and labeled a 'loser'. This perception is further fueled by Charlie's choice to keep his true identity as the CEO of the Emgrand Group a secret.

What is the synopsis of Charlie by Lesley Pearse? ›

When sixteen-year-old Charlie witnesses a brutal attack on her mother by two strangers she is shocked and terrified. But after talking to the police, she realises that her father's business dealings can't be so innocent . . . With her father away, it is left to Charlie to protect her mother.

What does Charlie write about? ›

Throughout the 1991–92 school year, Charlie, the fifteen-year-old (later sixteen-year-old) protagonist, begins writing letters about his own life to an unknown recipient addressed, "Dear Friend." In these letters, he discusses his freshman year of high school and his struggles with two traumatic experiences: the ...

Where can I read Charlie Wade's novel? ›

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.