JKO Mobile m-Learning Suite Standard Operating Procedures ... Documents... · benefits, and effectiveness of advanced distributed learning. This document focuses on m-LS and JKO Mobile - [PDF Document] (2024)

JKO Mobile m-Learning Suite Standard Operating Procedures ... Documents...· benefits, and effectiveness of advanced distributed learning. This document focuses on m-LS and JKO Mobile - [PDF Document] (1)

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JKO Mobile

m-Learning Suite

Standard Operating Procedures

15 March 13

Joint Knowledge Online (JKO)

JKO Mobile

m-Learning Suite

Standard Operating Procedures

Version 1.0

15 March 13

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JKO Mobile

m-Learning Suite

Standard Operating Procedures

Version 1.0

This document was developed by Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) in partnership with the Advanced Distributed

Learning (ADL) Initiative and reviewed and approved by the undersigned:


Mark Willmann

Chief Information Officer

Joint Knowledge Online

Joint Staff J7, Joint Training

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JKO Mobile

m-Learning Suite

Standard Operating Procedures

March 2013

Table of Contents 1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7

2. References ................................................................................................................................................................... 7

3. Mobile Process ............................................................................................................................................................ 7

3.1 ADL and ADL Partnership Labs Mobile Process ......................................................................................................... 7

3.2 JKO Mobile Process (U.S.) .......................................................................................................................................... 8

4. Business Processes .................................................................................................................................................... 10

4.1 Roles and Responsibilities ....................................................................................................................................... 10

4.2 Requesting m-LS User Accounts .............................................................................................................................. 10

4.3 Managing m-LS Categories ...................................................................................................................................... 10

4.3.1 m-LS Baseline Category Data ............................................................................................................................ 10

4.3.2 Requesting Changes to m-LS Category Data .................................................................................................... 13

4.4 Developing Mobile Content ..................................................................................................................................... 13

4.4.1 Course Development ........................................................................................................................................ 15

4.5 Publishing Mobile Content ...................................................................................................................................... 16

4.5.1 Publishing a Mobile Course .............................................................................................................................. 16

4.5.2 Testing .............................................................................................................................................................. 19

4.5.2 Publishing Approved Content ........................................................................................................................... 19

4.5.3 How To Publish Other Content Types- Books, Podcasts, Videos ...................................................................... 20

4.5.4 Adding A News Item ......................................................................................................................................... 22

4.6 Archiving m-LS Content ........................................................................................................................................... 23

4.7 Reporting Problems and Requesting Changes ........................................................................................................ 23

5. m-Learning Suite (m-LS) Users Guide ........................................................................................................................ 24

5.1 Login ........................................................................................................................................................................ 24

5.2 General Navigation Tips ........................................................................................................................................... 25

5.2.1 Action Icons and Buttons .................................................................................................................................. 25

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5.2.2 m-LS Menus and Sub-Menus ........................................................................................................................... 27

5.3 Content Menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 28

5.3.1 Courses Sub-Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 28

5.3.2 Package Builder Sub-Menu ............................................................................................................................... 36

5.3.3 Content Type Sub-Menu ................................................................................................................................... 45

5.3.4 Subjects Sub-Menu ........................................................................................................................................... 50

5.3.5 Publishers Sub-Menu ........................................................................................................................................ 51

5.3.6 News Sub-Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 53

5.4 Users Menu .............................................................................................................................................................. 59

5.4.1 Mobile Users Sub-Menu ................................................................................................................................... 59

5.4.2 Web Users Sub-Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 67

5.4.3 Communities Sub-Menu ................................................................................................................................... 72

5.5 Reports Menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 76

5.5.1 Session Data ...................................................................................................................................................... 77

5.5.2 Tracked Data ..................................................................................................................................................... 78

5.5 3 Summary ........................................................................................................................................................... 78

5.5.4 User ................................................................................................................................................................... 79

5.5.5 Content ............................................................................................................................................................. 80

5.6 Permissions Menu ................................................................................................................................................... 82

5.6.1 Access Control .................................................................................................................................................. 82

5.6.2 Accounts ........................................................................................................................................................... 85

Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................................. 93

Appendix A – JKO Content Development Kit (CDK) Handset Developers Guide ............................................................... 94

1. Background ............................................................................................................................................................ 94

2. JavaScript Handset API ........................................................................................................................................... 95

2.1. Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................. 95

2.2. API Methods .................................................................................................................................................. 96

2.3. Extending the API ........................................................................................................................................ 102

2.4. Example Callbacks ....................................................................................................................................... 102

3. Content Development .......................................................................................................................................... 104

3.1. Video ............................................................................................................................................................ 104

3.2. Video in HTML Resources ........................................................................................................................... 104

4. Example Resources .............................................................................................................................................. 105

4.1. JavaScript Resources .................................................................................................................................... 105

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4.2. Example API Calls ........................................................................................................................................ 105


Figure 1 - JKO Mobile Process ............................................................................................................................................. 8

Figure 3 - Unique ID ........................................................................................................................................................... 17

Figure 4 - Example package.xml file .................................................................................................................................. 17

Figure 5 – Adding A File ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

Figure 6 - Publishing Criteria.............................................................................................................................................. 18

Figure 8 - Building Process ................................................................................................................................................. 20

Figure 9 - Build Screen ....................................................................................................................................................... 21

Figure 8 - m-LS Login ......................................................................................................................................................... 24

Figure 9 - m-LS Request Account ....................................................................................................................................... 25

Figure 10 - m-LS Main Menu ............................................................................................................................................. 27

Figure 11 - Content - Courses ............................................................................................................................................ 29

Figure 12 - Content - Courses ............................................................................................................................................ 29

Figure 13 - Content - Course Creation ............................................................................................................................... 30

Figure 14 - Course View ..................................................................................................................................................... 32

Figure 15 - Course Edit ....................................................................................................................................................... 34

Figure 16 - Package Builder List ......................................................................................................................................... 37

Figure 17 - Package Creation ............................................................................................................................................. 38

Figure 18 - Package Information........................................................................................................................................ 39

Figure 19 - Package Builder Edit ........................................................................................................................................ 41

Figure 20 - Package Build Tool Button ............................................................................................................................... 43

Figure 21 - Package Builder Tool ....................................................................................................................................... 44

Figure 22 -Content-Type List ............................................................................................................................................. 46

Figure 23 - Content-Type Creation .................................................................................................................................... 47

Figure 24 - Content Type View .......................................................................................................................................... 48

Figure 25 - Content-Type Edit ............................................................................................................................................ 49

Figure 26 - Subject Tree ..................................................................................................................................................... 50

Figure 27 - Publishers Tree ................................................................................................................................................ 52

Figure 28 - News List .......................................................................................................................................................... 53

Figure 29 - News Creation ................................................................................................................................................. 55

Figure 30 - News Information ............................................................................................................................................ 57

Figure 31 - News Edit ......................................................................................................................................................... 58

Figure 32 – Mobile Users List ............................................................................................................................................ 60

Figure 33 - Mobile Users Remove Button ......................................................................................................................... 60

Figure 34 - Mobile Users Create ........................................................................................................................................ 61

Figure 35 - Generate Mobile Users Page #1 ...................................................................................................................... 63

Figure 36 - Generate Mobile Users Page #2 ...................................................................................................................... 63

Figure 37 - Mobile Users View ........................................................................................................................................... 65

Figure 38 - Mobile Users Edit ............................................................................................................................................ 66

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Figure 39 - Web Users List ................................................................................................................................................. 68

Figure 40 - Web Users Create ............................................................................................................................................ 69

Figure 41 - Web Users View .............................................................................................................................................. 70

Figure 42 - Web Users Edit ................................................................................................................................................ 71

Figure 43 - Communities List ............................................................................................................................................. 73

Figure 44 - Communities Create ........................................................................................................................................ 74

Figure 45 - Communities View ........................................................................................................................................... 75

Figure 46 - Communities Edit ............................................................................................................................................ 76

Figure 47 - Session Data List .............................................................................................................................................. 77

Figure 48 - Tracked Data List ............................................................................................................................................. 78

Figure 49 - Summary Report Example ............................................................................................................................... 79

Figure 50 - User Report Example ....................................................................................................................................... 80

Figure 51 - Content Report Example ................................................................................................................................. 81

Figure 52 - Access Control ................................................................................................................................................. 83

Figure 53 - Accounts List .................................................................................................................................................... 85

Figure 54 - Accounts Creation ........................................................................................................................................... 86

Figure 55 - Accounts Information - JKO Example .............................................................................................................. 88

Figure 56 - Accounts Information - UK Example ................................................................................................................ 89

Figure 57 - Account Edit .................................................................................................................................................... 90

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1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide the standard operating procedures necessary for system administrators

and content managers to use the mobile Learning Suite (m-LS) to manage and maintain mobile content developed and

used by the Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) Mobile Application.

The vision of the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative is to provide access to the highest quality learning and performance aiding that can be tailored to individual needs, and delivered cost effectively at the right time and at the right place. ADL fosters the development, dissemination, and maintenance of guidelines, tools, methodologies, and policies for the cost-effective use of advanced distributed learning resource sharing across DoD, other Federal agencies, and the private sector. It also supports research and documentation of the capabilities, limitations, costs, benefits, and effectiveness of advanced distributed learning. This document focuses on m-LS and JKO Mobile procedures used by ADL and the ADL Partnership Labs to advise and promote creation and distribution of mobile content in support of ADL's vision."

This document is based on m-LS version 5.0.5 as of March 2013.

The m-LS is a web application serving the following functions:

Holding user authentication details of all users

Holding the catalogue of learning content available to the JKO Mobile application

Receiving usage data from the JKO Mobile Application

2. References

For details on how the U.S. develops content refer to the “JKO Content Design and Development Guidelines” book in

the JKO Mobile App Library.

3. Mobile Process

3.1 ADL and ADL Partnership Labs Mobile Process

The mobile process used by ADL and the ADL Partnership Labs consist of two primary parts:

Mobile Learning Suite (m-LS) manages all content, status, and mobile user information for delivery to the JKO

Mobile App and synchronization of information between the JKO Mobile App and the m-LS.

JKO Mobile App is the mobile device application that provides access to mobile content.

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The specific procedures used to develop and distribute training content may vary; these will be defined by the ADL

and the individual ADL Partnership Labs based upon their unique requirements.

3.2 JKO Mobile Process (U.S.)

The diagram below shows the JKO Mobile Process currently used by the United State (U.S.) and includes:

Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) Learning Content Management System (LCMS), which manages mobile user PINs

and course completions.

PinSetter is the JKO web service used to exchange mobile PINs and course status information between the JKO

LCMS and the m-LS.

Mobile Learning Suite (m-LS) manages all content, status, and mobile user information for delivery to the JKO

Mobile App and synchronization of information between the JKO Mobile App and the JKO LCMS.

JKO Mobile App is the mobile device application that provides the user access to mobile content.

Figure 1 - JKO Mobile Process











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The m-LS is represented by the middle block in the above diagram titled “M-Learning”. This diagram illustrates how

the m-LS is used to manage mobile content and how the m-LS interfaces to the JKO LMS, PinSetter, and the JKO

Mobile App.

The following steps are illustrated in the above diagram as represented in the numbered green boxes. These steps

represent an end-to-end process that begins with the user obtaining their mobile PIN and ends with course

completions for the mobile user recorded in the JKO LCMS:

Step 1: Student Gets PIN

o Student visits JKO NIPR LCMS.

o CAC info and student profile recorded in DB.

o Student takes Introduction to JKO Mobile course (J7OP-US1126).

o Student given PIN at end of course.

o PIN associated to student profile in DB

Step 2: Student Gets App

o Using the information provided in the JKO LCMS course, the student downloads mobile app from

either Android or Apple app store

o There is a “public” area as well as a “login” area for PIN holders

o PIN holders have Roles Based Access

Step 3: Student Logs In with PIN

o Student uses PIN (only needed first time when logging in)

o PIN validation query is sent to m-Learning suite

o M-Learning Suite queries LCMS DB via web service for validation

o Approval sent back to app via m-Learning suite to unlock app and display relevant content

Step 4: Student Downloads Content

o Student selects content (course, HTML5 game, eBook, podcast, small video (large video stream from

m-Learning suite)

o Course, HTML5 game, eBook, podcast, and small video can be stored in the app – at that point, the

student can disconnect from the internet

o Streaming content requires connectivity

Step 5: Course Completions

o If the student completes content that is flagged as a course, the completion is sent to the m-Learning


o The m-Learning suite sends the PIN and completion to the JKO LCMS DB

o PIN correlated to student record

o JKO LCMS records course completion in same manner as a regular LCMS course

Data security is designed into the JKO Mobile architecture as follows:

• All information is unclassified with no material requiring handling caveats

• Only information on the mobile device is the student’s PIN and downloads – no Personally Identifiable

Information (PII)

– If the device is lost, then we can reset the PIN (this is stressed in the JKO LCMS mobile course)

• Outsourced m-Learning suite – no IA vectors into the DoD NIPRnet

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4. Business Processes

4.1 Roles and Responsibilities

The basic roles and responsibilities related to use of the m-LS are listed below:

Content Developer

o Develop, test, obtain approval, and publish mobile content.

m-LS System Administrator

o Monitor m-LS usage, manage mobile and web users.

o Verify that processes to report course status and completion are operational and successfully

accepting and reporting status information.

o Assist Content Developers in configuring the m-LS to support mobile users, web users, and mobile

content delivery.

4.2 Requesting m-LS User Accounts

The point of contact to request additional m-LS user accounts is Randall Smith ([emailprotected]) or

Todd Holdren ([emailprotected]).

Requests for all m-LS accounts (web user or mobile user) will be coordinated with the appropriate ADL organization

for approval prior to account creation.

4.3 Managing m-LS Categories

The m-LS contains referential data that is used to categorize and group other data for efficient management and

presentation in the JKO Mobile App. Unlike Course, Package, and News content which may be updated frequently,

the category data is generally static. It should only be changed by m-LS administrators and, then, only when

approved and coordinated by ADL and the ADL Partnership Labs as part of their monthly mobile IPR. Changes to this

data may have a major impact on existing and new content in the m-LS and on the usability of content presented in

the JKO Mobile App.

The managed category data included in the m-LS are:





This section documents the current baseline for m-LS category data and discusses the process required to request,

approve, and update this data. Category data baselines are based on m-LS version v5.0.5 deployed in March 2013.

4.3.1 m-LS Baseline Category Data


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The m-LS baseline data for Content-Type is:

Name Visible to Builder Online

Book Yes No

Course No No

Podcast Yes No

Video Yes No

The m-LS baseline data for Subjects is:

Subjects Comments

Content Under Development

- Canada

- Poland

- UK

- US



JKO Joint Knowledge Online


Human Rights

Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief


Joint Staff Mandatory Training

Language & Culture


Theatre Specific

This is an empty subject

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- Should not be visible

- Subject sub node

The baseline m-LS data for Publishers is:

Publishers Comments


Canadian ADL Partnership Lab



Polish ADL Partnership Lab

Sutton College Of Learning for Adults (SCOLA)

UK ADL Partnership

The baseline m-LS data for Communities is:

Communities Comments

Public m-LS built-in community, auto-populated

Authenticated users m-LS built-in community, auto-populated

Manually Created m-LS built-in community, auto-populated

Migrated JKO Accounts m-LS built-in community, auto-populated



Developer This community is reserved for content developers to

test content prior to releasing for general use.

JKO Auto-populated, corresponds to PINSETTER

generated PINs.



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4.3.2 Requesting Changes to m-LS Category Data

All changes to m-LS Category data must be submitted to the monthly ADL/ JKO Mobile IPR for review and approval.

The point of contact to request changes is Randall Smith ([emailprotected]) or Todd Holdren


Submitted requests will be added to the agenda for review at the next scheduled ADL / JKO IPR. The ADL / JKO

Mobile IPR will meet the third Wednesday of each month.

The disposition of the request will be reported back to the requestor the day following the IPR.

4.4 Developing Mobile Content

The procedures for developing mobile content may vary from one country or organization to another. Identifying

specific procedures is the responsibility of each country or organization as advised by the ADL and the individual ADL

Partnership Labs.

Some general guidelines follow.

Where possible, all file formats, and data standards for creating course content will be as open and platform-

independent as possible. To this end, the base format of all mobile courses will be governed by “mobile web

standards,” or open media standards.

The basic design principles are:

All core content to be delivered in HTML5 and associated web formats. This allows for maximum portability.

As much of the interactivity as possible to be delivered via browser-supported interactivity and styling

(JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets, etc.)

Media should be formatted for cross-platform playback, instead of using platform specific formats.

When building mobile content, there are two critical decisions that inform the rest of the development:

1. What does success look like?

2. What is the “informational design metaphor” or “content model.” This informs the higher level structural

design and dictates the content flow.

Examples of different content models:

eBook- the metaphor is a book, with lots of text, a linear flow and page turning

eCourse- a course, with similar linear flow, but more interactivities, multiple modules, completion tests, etc.


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News Feed- blog style: a time based flow of single page info, accessed via a summary page listing the latest


When designing new m-learning content, some good starter questions are:

What reference materials are you using to create the training course?

How is the training currently delivered? As a course? As a reference? During face to face training?

How do you want it to be used? As a reference? As a course with a completion test? Alone? In a group?

Does the content lend itself to being broken down into sections?

What is the desired end state? Do you aim to change behaviors?

What devices are you designing for? Think about the variety of screen sizes of the different mobile devices.

In addition, the ADL Mobile Learning Handbook (October 2011) recommends consideration of the following planning

questions based on the 6 D’s of mobile learning:


o What is the problem/requirement?

o What do you want to accomplish?

o Who is the audience? (Conduct survey?)

o Do you have a working description including the vision, benefits and cost estimates?


o What technology do they have/need?

o What are their requirements?

o Is mobile appropriate?

o Is the culture ready?

o Have you researched mobile options?

o Who is in charge?

o Are all the stakeholders on board? (IT, legal, content owners…)

o What policies need to be changed or added?

o Are there sufficient resources?

o What is the timeline?

o Who will maintain the program after the initial project ends?


o Is content available? If not, who will create?

o Is the content for formal or informal learning, or for performance support or job aid?

o How will you maintain and update content?

o What do you need to track?

o What will the user interface look like?

o What security measures are required?

o What is the smallest, most concise chunk of learning content?


o What internal mobile competencies does your organization have?

o Who is going to develop?

o Where is the content going to be hosted?

o What devices and platforms are you supporting?

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o Do you have the tools you need?

o Do you have testing devices and debugging tools?

o Do you need offline access?


o Who is going to support the users?

o How will you provide training on the devices or apps?

o Where is the data going to be stored?

o How will availability be marketed?

Determine Outcome

o How will you know if your program is successful?

o How will you assess learning?

o Who will evaluate program and learning?

o What measurements will you use?

4.4.1 Course Development

The procedures for developing mobile courses are the responsibility of each country or organization as advised by the

ADL and the individual ADL Partnership labs. Below is general guidance.

When developing the mobile course, you need to be aware of several different items:

Make the content engaging: mix up interactivities and use interesting assets

We recommend prototyping: design one module, and build/test it before writing the others. This will give you

the opportunity to understand the metaphor better, and to make any required adjustments.

Be creative in using different interactions for questions: multiple choice, single select, drag and drop,

matching activities.

Use media/visuals to enhance the content (but not as unnecessary “decoration”). Add rich medial in the form

of images (photo or illustrated), audio, video.

Make the content appropriate and relevant to the intended user(s).

Courses are self-contained HTML packages. Developers are free to use any combinations of Cascading Style Sheets

(CSS) and JavaScript (JS) to support their course, and add richer functionalities.

Any functionality supported by the local webview (web browser) is available to course developers. There are 2

different technical approaches you might adopt:

1. Pure html, generic JS: by only using html and JavaScript with 100% browser support you can ensure that your

content is truly “develop once, play on all devices,” but you are limited in the richness of the interactivity.


2. Optimized for different devices: If you would like to exploit a wider range of device-specific features, you can

create adaptive JS calls that detect the browser type, and render optimized pages for each.

Good examples of this are by using JQueryMobile, or perhaps using WebKit specific JS calls to achieve animated

effects. If you go with this approach, you are responsible for ensure proper playback across all devices you aim to

support and graceful degradation where these features are not supported.

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Because the content is displayed via the local browser, developers can test their content by running it live in a

browser, or by downloading it direct to a mobile device.

See Appendix A for further guidance to include specific API calls.

4.5 Publishing Mobile Content

The procedures for publishing mobile content are the responsibility of each country or organization as advised by the

ADL and the individual ADL Partnership labs. The below information is the step by step process of publishing content.

System Administrators and Super Administrators have the ability to publish mobile content to the JKO mobile app via

the m-LS.

Content Owners, Administrators, and Super Administrators can publish multiple types of content to the m-LS: courses,

e-books, podcasts, and videos. To publish each type of content, an m-LS user will need to follow a series of steps.

Images of each of the screens described in the process can be located in section 5 of this document.

4.5.1 Publishing a Mobile Course

Once a mobile course has been developed, the content is loaded to m-LS. To load the content on the m-LS:

1. Log on to https://jko.m-learning.net

2. Select Content>>>Courses

3. Select Add Course

4. Insert the required information on the screen

5. Select Create

a. This will create the file in the m-LS, but it will be the shell only. No content has added or published.

b. You will be directed back to the “Courses” main screen

c. This will give your package a “Unique ID”

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Figure 2 - Unique ID

i. This Uniquie ID MUST be in the package.xml in order for you to load the .zip file.

Figure 3 - Example package.xml file

6. Select the package that you created.

7. Select the Edit button

8. Edit the form that is presented on the screen

a. Subjects- this is the subject that the course could be categorized in. Students will be able to locate the

course under the subject you select on the application.

b. Publishers- this is the publishing agency of the content. Students will be able to locate the course

under the publisher you select.

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Figure 4 – Adding A File

9. Select the “Publish” check box

a. The “Publish” criteria will appear.

Figure 5 - Publishing Criteria

10. When the course is still in development, the course is to only be published to the “Developer” community.

This will limit access to the course to the developers only. To select “Developer” community and drag and

drop the community to the “Publish to the following communities” box.

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11. Once the course has been reviewed by the appropriate developers/SME’s, un-publish the course by going

back to the screen in figure 6 and unchecking the “Publish” check box.

NOTE: If at any time a package needs to be deleted, the m-LS user can delete the package by selected the

“Delete” icon . A window will appear asking if you would like to delete the course. Select YES if you

want to delete and select NO if you selected the icon in error.

4.5.2 Testing

The specific procedures for testing mobile content are the responsibility of the ADL and the individual ADL

Partnership labs.

General Guidelines are recommended:

Using a series of Internet browsers and mobile devices to test the m-LS, application, and the mobile courseware.

m-LS testing- uses desktop computers using the following browsers:

o Internet Explorer 8

o Internet Explorer 9

The m-LS is designed for IE9+

o Chrome

o Mozilla Firefox

Application/Courses- A variety of Android devices running operating system (OS) 2.3+ and Apple devices

running iOS5+. The JKO Mobile Application is designed for Android 2.3 and iOS5. Newer operating systems

may cause operating difficulties. JKO does note the differences during testing, as it may be an issue address in

a later release.

When testing:

Test your content at all stages of development: it will improve the finished product enormously and give you

more confidence and credibility.

Try to find testers who are as close to your intended users as possible.

Observe how the user interacts and where they get stuck.

As testers questions about their experience.

Limit the size of the content. The bigger it is, the less space will be on the device and the slower it may be to

run, which may add to a user’s frustration.

4.5.2 Publishing Approved Content

Once the course is approved based on the Testing Guidelines, the course can be published to the intended user

communities. To do so, the developer will need to perform the following steps:

1. Open the course via https://jko.m-learning.net>>>Content>>>Courses

2. Select Edit

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3. Ensure that all of the information is correct

4. Go to the publish information area

5. Fill in the Publishing starts at field and select which communities will have access to the course. To select the

community, drag and drop the appropriate community to the correct box.

a. For Example, if the course should be available to the public, drag and drop “public” from the gray

“Available Communities” to the blue “Publish to the following communities” box.

b. If you wish to block the content from any particular community, drag the community to the red

“Exclude the following communities” box.

4.5.3 How To Publish Other Content Types- Books, Podcasts, Videos

Not all content available for the JKO Mobile App is courseware. Developers can also post books, podcasts, and videos.

Figure 8 depicts the publishing process for Books, Podcasts, and Videos.

Figure 6 - Building Process

Publishing these types of content requires a multi-step process listed below. (Screen shots of each of the screens

described below can be found in section 5 of this document.)

1. Log on to https://jko.m-learning.net

2. Select Content>>>Package Builder

3. Select Add Package

4. Add the required information

a. Thumbnail

b. Package Title

c. Description

d. Content Type (book, podcast, video)

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e. Metadata

5. Select “Create”

a. This will create a place holder for your package.

6. Find your package you just created in the “Package Builder” list

7. Select the check box next to your package and select the “Build Icon”

a. This will bring you to the package builder page

Figure 7 - Build Screen

8. Check the “Published” box to show the publishing criteria.

9. Fill in the publishing information

a. To publish to a community, drag and drop to the appropriate box.

i. For Example, to add the content to the “Developer” community, drag and drop “Developer”

from the gray “Available Communities” box to the blue “Publish to the Following

Communities” box

ii. If you want to exclude a community, drag and drop the community to the red “Exclude the

Following Communities” box.

10. When done, select the “Build” button at the top of the screen.

Once the item is built and published, the associated community should be able to see the item in the “Library” area of

the mobile application.

If at any time the item needs to be deleted:

1. Go to Content>>>Package Builder

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2. Click on the item you wish to delete

a. This will bring you to the Package Builder edit screen

3. Select the “Delete” icon at the top of the page next to Edit.

4. A pop up box will appear

a. Select “Yes” to permanently delete the package

b. Select “No” if you have selected the icon in error

4.5.4 Adding A News Item

News items are used for any announcements that need to be made to the user community. This can be a general

announcement regarding an outage or a targeted item for a specific audience. For a News article to be posted it must

be approved.

For Country Specific News- News items created and published to the same country or organization should

follow the approval process defined for that country or organization. Generally, this process will be the

domain of the ADL or individual ADL Partnership labs.

Inter-Country News- News items created by one country organization and published to other specific

countries should coordinate approval of the news articles with the other countries to verify their approval

processes are followed. It is recommended the monthly ADL/JKO Mobile IPR is used for coordination.

For Public News- News items for the Public should be submitted to the monthly ADL/JKO Mobile IPR for

review and approval. The point of contact to submit items for review is Randall Smith

([emailprotected]) or Todd Holdren ([emailprotected]).

m-LS users can publish news.

To post a “News” item:

1. Log on to https://jko.m-learning.net

2. Select Content>>>News

3. Select Add News

4. Enter the information for your “News” item

a. Headline

b. Text (what you want the item to say after the user has selected it)

c. Thumbnail

d. Image

e. Publish criteria (news items are published the same as course and other content – drag and drop to

the appropriate box.)

f. Select “Add Country” to select the countries that are allowed to view the “News” item

5. Select “Create”.



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4.6 Archiving m-LS Content

The procedures for developing other mobile content are the responsibility of each country or organization as advised

by the ADL and the individual ADL Partnership labs.

4.7 Reporting Problems and Requesting Changes

The point of contact to report problems and request changes to the m-LS is Randall Smith

([emailprotected]) or Todd Holdren ([emailprotected]).

Problem reports and change request for the m-LS will be coordinated with the appropriate ADL organization for

approval prior to assignment for resolution.


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5. m-Learning Suite (m-LS) Users Guide

This section provides a description of the functions provided by the mobile Learning Suite (m-LS) web application.

Specifically, this section addresses m-LS version 5.0.5 as of March 2013.

The m-LS web site may be accessed using Internet Explorer or Firefox or other popular browsers. User access to the

site is restricted to registered users with username and password.

5.1 Login

To login to the m-Learning Suite (m-LS), the user enters the URL https://jko.m-learning.net into their browser. The

page below is displayed and prompts the user for a username and password. The user enters their username and

password and clicks the “Login” button.

Figure 8 - m-LS Login

If the user does not have an m-LS login, one can be requested by clicking on the “Request Account” link and providing

the requested information. The screen below is displayed when the user clicks on the “Request Account” link. Each

country or organization may establish processes for submitting account requests that do not include using this

form. Please see Section 4 of this document for details on requesting an m-LS account.

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When the user has entered their username and password they can opt to have those details stored on the current

browser until they choose to logout. Otherwise the login will expire after a short period of inactivity.

Figure 9 - m-LS Request Account

All the fields in the above form must be filled in. When complete, click on the “Request Account” button on the

bottom of the screen to submit this account request. Account requests initiated with this form are stored in m-LS

database and reviewed by m-LS system administrators. Each country or organization may establish processes for

submitting account requests that do not include using this form. Please see Section 4 of this document for details

on requesting an m-LS account.

5.2 General Navigation Tips

The m-LS user interface consists of menus, lists, forms, and common action icons or buttons. This description

describes the common user interface elements that the user will encounter throughout the m-LS.

5.2.1 Action Icons and Buttons

The following action buttons and icons are commonly used on lists and forms in the m-LS:

1. = The Course, Package, News and other m-LS functions include an “+ Add xxxxx” button

displayed at the screen. The button shown is an example from the “Package Builder” list. Click on the “Add

xxxxx” button to open the form used to create a new item in the m-LS database.

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2. = The Trash button appears above each list when list items are selected using the check boxes and

above the view and edit forms for an individual item. Clicking the “Trash” button will delete the selected

item(s) from the m-LS database. Deleted items cannot be recovered. When the “Trash” button is clicked a

pop-up screen like the one below will be displayed for the user to confirm deletion of the item.

3. = The “Build” button (crossed hammer and wrench) appears only on the Package Builder List. The

“Build” tool is used to transform an uploaded file (ebook, audio, video) into a package that is ready to be

published and downloaded by users to the JKO Mobile App. Output of the “Build” tool is a “.zip” that is shown

as a link on the “Package Builder” forms. This button is only available from the Package Builder list where the

“Built” column is “No” and the check box next to the item is selected on the Package list. Once a package is

built it can no longer be edited from the m-LS.

4. = The “Summary” button appears only above the Courses and Package Builder List. The button is

displayed only when the check box next to an item in the list is checked. Clicking this button displays a

content summary report for the selected item including a summary description of the item and a list of recent


5. = Search entry for a list will match any occurrence of text in the list. The

search occurs dynamically as the user enters text into the box.

6. = The “Next” and “Prior” page buttons are displayed above lists and above

view and edit forms. The buttons may be disabled when no next or prior content exist.

7. = All

list in the M-LS use a standard header layout that includes up and down arrow icons beside each column

name. Clicking on the up/down arrow icons will sort the list in ascending or descending order on the selected


8. = The “Back” button is displayed on all create, view, and edit forms within the m-LS. Click this

button to return to the list from a view or edit form. This button should be used instead of using the browser

back button.

9. = The “Edit” button is displayed at the top of an item view form, this button opens a form to edit the

selected item’s attributes.

10. = The “Save” button is displayed at the top of “create” or “edit” forms. This button will save user

entries to the m-LS database.

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5.2.2 m-LS Menus and Sub-Menus

The main navigation on the m-LS is accomplished from the menu bar displayed at the top of each screen. This menu is

always visible and menu options may be selected from anywhere in the application to jump to the selected menu


The user may have up to four menu options to choose from: Content, Users, Reports, and Permissions. The specific

menu options will vary depending on the user’s assigned role in the m-LS.

The four main menu options are shown in the below screen. To display and select from the sub-menus, hover over

the top level menu item.

Figure 10 - m-LS Main Menu

A welcome message that includes the user’s name is displayed in the upper right corner. Below the welcome

message are links to display and edit “Account Details” and “Change Password” and a link to “Logout”.

The below screens show the sub-menus available from each of the top level menu options:

• The Content menu offers sub-menu options for Courses, Package Builder, Content-Type, Subjects,

Publishers, and News

• The Users menu offers sub-menus for Mobile Users, Web Users, and Communities.

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• The Reports menu offers sub-menus for Session Data, Tracked Data, Summary, User, and Content.

• The Permissions menu offers sub-menus for Access Control and Accounts.

5.3 Content Menu

The “Content” menu of the m-LS includes six selections: Courses, Package Builder, Content Tags, Subjects, Publishers,

and News. The specific menu selections may vary based on the m-LS users role. In particular, notice that m-LS users

in the “Content Manager” role are primarily limited to Courses and Package Builder selections.

5.3.1 Courses Sub-Menu

To access the Courses list, the user hovers over the “Content” menu item to display the sub-menu selections. With

the sub-menu visible, click the “Courses” option to display the list of courses currently available on the m-LS server.

The course list contains either all of the mobile courses created by users from the current user’s organization (for

Content Managers) or all courses created in the m-Learning Suite (for Administrators). The list is paginated in groups

of ten with page navigation located at the top right of the screen.

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Figure 11 - Content - Courses

Figure 12 - Content - Courses

To add a new course to the m-LS, click on the “Add course” button displayed above the course list. Clicking this

button will open a form to create a new course entry in the m-LS. The course creation form is described in detail


To view the detail information for a course, click on a single row in the course list. A view form will be displayed

showing the details of the selected item. Click the up curved arrow button to return to the course list display. The

view form is described in detail below.

To edit course information click on an item in the Course list. A view form will be displayed showing the details of the

selected item and an “Edit” button is displayed to allow the option to edit the course item. The edit form is described

in detail below.

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To delete an item from the course list, click on the check box displayed along the left side of the list. A “Trash” button

will be displayed above the list when the check box is checked. Click on the “Trash” button to delete the selected

items. A pop-up screen will be displayed asking the user to confirm that they want the selected course deleted.

Deleted items cannot be recovered or undone.

To search for courses in the list, click inside the “Search” text box and type the text you want to find. As you type the

list will be searched and matching items returned. You may see a “Processing” message displayed as you type each

letter of your search text. Search will display any course where the search text matches any field in the course

information (not just the text shown in the course list).

If the course list requires multiple pages to display (typically more than 10 items in a list), click on the “Next” or “Prior”

page buttons in the upper right corner to display more items. The “Next” and “Prior” page buttons will be disabled

(gray) if there are no additional list items to display.

To sort items in the Course list click on the up and down arrows located to left of the column titles in the list. Clicking

on the arrows will sort the list in ascending/descending order by the selected column. Course Creation

The screen below shows the form used to create a new course in the m-LS. This screen is displayed when the “+ Add

Course” button is selected at the top of the Courses list.

Figure 13 - Content - Course Creation

Creating a new course in the m-LS is actually a multi-step process.

See section 4 of this document for more details on the complete end-to-end process for creating a course.

The fields that may be entered on the Course Creation form are:

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a. Thumbnail – Optional. Select an image file (jpg, gif, png, …) file to display when the course is viewed on the

JKO Mobile app as part of the Library. Click on the “Browse” button to display a screen that will allow you to

select an image file from your local computer to upload for this course. The actual file browse screen may vary

between different browsers or computer platforms. An image size of 128 x 128 is recommended. Any other

size or shape will be scaled to this dimension.

b. Title – Mandatory. Enter the text for the course title up to 100 characters. This entry is free text and can

contain any alpha, number, or special character. This text will be displayed in the Course list and when the

Library or My Content selections are viewed on the JKO Mobile App.

c. Description – Mandatory. Enter the text for the course description up to 300 characters. This entry is free

text and may contain any alpha, number, or special character. This text is displayed when course details are

viewed from the Course list or from the JKO Mobile App.

d. Metadata – Optional. Text entry in the field is generally free form, but, must follow the convention of

“name=value” or the entry will not be accepted. Click in the text box to see pre-defined Metadata “name”

options. Pre-defined items are provided to aid in the entry of commonly used items where a specific “name”

must be used. Currently only one pre-defined value is available and is labeled “courseCode”. After the text is

typed in the text box, click the “Add” button to add the new Metadata to the Course. A new block will be

displayed below the Metadata text box that shows the added entry. Multiple Metadata entries may be

added. Metadata entries may be deleted by clicking the “X” displayed at the right side of the individual

Metadata item. Other use of the metadata field, in addition to the “courseCode”, will be explored in future

m-LS updates.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

Once the required course information has been entered, click on the “Create” button to save the new item in the m-LS

database and display on the Course list.

Click the “Back” arrow button to return to the Course list. If the “Back” arrow button is clicked before clicking on the

“Create” button all entered data will be discarded. Course View

To view detailed information for a course, the user clicks on the row for the selected course in the Course list. This

same screen will be displayed after the “Create” button is selected on the Course Creation screen to allow the user to

continue on and edit the newly created course information. The below screen is displayed to view course details.

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Figure 14 - Course View

Included in the course details displayed on this screen is the “Unique Id”. This id was generated when the course was

initially created in the m-LS. The Unique ID cannot be changed. This id must be copied and added to the course

package.xml file prior to uploading the course to the m-LS. See section 4 of this document for more details on the

process for publishing content to the JKO Mobile App.

After viewing the course details the user, may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “Edit” button to open the Edit form and update course information in the m-LS database. If a course

was just created in the m-LS, the “Edit” form would be used to upload the course package and add Subject and

Publishing data for the new course.

• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the course from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed that ask the

user to confirm that they want to delete the selected course. Deleted courses cannot be recovered.

• Click on the “Back” arrow button at the top of the screen to return to the Course List.

• Click the “Next” or “Prior” buttons displayed at the upper right of the screen to move to the next or previous

course in the Course list without first returning to the Course List. Course Edit

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To edit detailed information for a course, the user first clicks on the selected row in the Course list to display the view

form and, then, from the view course information form, clicks on the “Edit” button. The “Edit” screen is also

accessible after the “Create” button is clicked when adding a new Course. In this case, first the view course details

screen is displayed and the user clicks the “Edit” button to update the course information.

The below screen is displayed to edit course details including uploading the course package and publishing the course

to make it available to mobile users.

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Figure 15 - Course Edit

The information the user may enter on the “Edit” form are:

a. Title – Mandatory. Enter the text for the course title up to 100 characters. This entry is free text and can

contain any alpha, number, or special character. This text will be displayed in the Course list and when the

Library or My Content selections are viewed on the JKO Mobile client.

b. Description – Mandatory. Enter the text for the course description up to 300 characters. This entry is free

text and may contain any alpha, number, or special character. This text is displayed when course details are

viewed from the Course list or from the JKO Mobile App.

c. Thumbnail – Optional. Select an image file (jpg, png, …) file to display when the course is viewed on the JKO

Mobile app as part of the Library. Click on the “Browse” button to open a screen that will allow you to select

an image file from your local computer to upload for this course. The actual file browse screen may vary

between different browsers or computer platforms. An image size of 128 x 128 is recommended. Any other

size or shape will be scaled to this dimension.

e. Metadata – Optional. Text entry in the field is generally free form, but, must follow the convention of

“name=value” or the entry will not be accepted. Click in the text box to see pre-defined Metadata options for

“name”. Pre-defined items are provided to aid in the entry of commonly used items where a specific “name”

must be used. Currently only one pre-defined “name” value is available and is labeled as “courseCode”. After

the text is typed in the text box, click the “Add” button to add the new Metadata to the Course. A new block

will be displayed below the Metadata text box that shows the added entry. Multiple Metadata entries may be

added. Metadata entries may be deleted by clicking the “X” displayed at the right side of the individual

Metadata item. Other use of the metadata field, in addition to the “courseCode”, will be explored in future

m-LS updates.

d. Subjects – Optional. Click the Check Box beside each item to associate a Subject to the Course. Multiple

Subjects may be selected. Subjects are organized in a parent-child hierarchy. An arrow head icon to the left

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of a Subject indicates there are child items beneath the item. Click the arrow head icon to display and

separately select from the child items. In the JKO Mobile App, the user may choose to browse the Library by

Subject and selections made on this screen determine what courses the user will see listed under each Subject


e. Publishers - Optional. Click the Check Box beside each item to associate a Publisher to the Course. Multiple

Publishers may be selected. Publishers are organized in a parent-child hierarchy. An arrow head icon to the

left of a Publisher indicates there are child items beneath the item. Click the arrow head icon to display and

separately select from the child items. In the JKO Mobile App, the user may choose to browse the Library by

Publisher and selections made on this screen determine what courses the user will see listed under each

Publisher selection.

f. Files – Mandatory. Click the “+ Add Files” button and a line to add a new file will be displayed on the form

above the “+ Add Files” button. The added line includes the following entries:

a. Browse – Select a Course package .zip file to upload to the m-LS. Click on the “Browse” button to

open a screen that will allow you to select an .zip file from your local computer to upload for this

course. The actual file browse screen may vary between different browsers or computer platforms.

Select the desired file and click “OK” on the file chooser screen. The selected file path name will be

displayed to the left of the Browse button.

b. Version – Enter the version number of the course. This entry should be in the format “9.9”. It is

recommended that the first version be labeled “1.0”.

c. Metadata – Optional. Text entry in the field is generally free form, but, must follow the convention of

“name=value” or the entry will not be accepted. Click in the text box to see pre-defined Metadata

“name” options. Pre-defined items are provided to aid in the entry of commonly used items where a

specific “name” must be used. There are currently several pre-defined “name” values available. After

the text is typed in the text box, click the “Add” button to add the new Metadata to the Course. A

new block will be displayed below the Metadata text box that shows the added entry. Multiple

Metadata entries may be added. Metadata entries may be deleted by clicking the “X” displayed at the

right side of the individual Metadata item. Advanced users can enter rules based on specific device

characteristics (such as “deviceHeight”, “deviceOS”, and “deviceWidth”. ) to control which devices

this file will be offered to.

Multiple course package files may be uploaded for a Course but the current expect. Metadata rules

determine which course package file is offered to a specific device.

g. Publish (Flag) – Optional. When ready to publish your course, check the Publish check box. This will display

the “Publishing Starts at” and “Publish to the following communities” fields at the bottom of the edit form.

h. Publishing Starts at – Mandatory when Publish is checked. Enter the date that your course should be

published. The format for the date entry is “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm”. The course will be made visible to JKO

Mobile App users in the Library section starting on this date.

i. Publish to the following Communities – Mandatory when Publish is checked. This entry includes multiple

fields as follows:

a. Search – As each letter is typed into this text box, the content of the “Available Communities” list box

displays only those community names that match the search text.

b. Quick Add – If the desired community is not displayed in the “Available Communities” list box, then, a

new community may be added by typing text into this text box and clicking the “+” button. Generally,

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only system administrators should add new communities and this should be done from the Users –

Communities main menu options.

c. Available communities – Publish to the following communities – Exclude the following communities -

Click on and drag desired communities from the “Available communities” list box to either the

“Publish to the following communities” or “Exclude the following communities” list boxes. The

contents of the “Publish to the following communities” and the “Exclude the following communities”

will determine what courses are visible to a specific user in the JKO Mobile App Library list based on

their community affiliation. JKO Mobile App users are added to communities as their accounts are

created in the m-LS. In addition to communities where user membership is managed, the m-LS

includes several pre-defined groups that users are included in without being specifically added:

i. Public – Drag this community to the “Publish to the following communities” list box to make a

course visible to the “Public” login option of the JKO Mobile App and to all users that login to

the JKO Mobile App with a PIN.

ii. Authenticated Users - Drag this community to the “Publish to the following communities” list

box to make a course visible to all users that login to the JKO Mobile with a PIN. This

community is also referred to as “Enterprise” users.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

After editing the course details the user may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “Save” button at the top of the screen to save all updated information in the m-LS database. Clicking

the “Save” button starts the data validation process. If the course package cannot be validated or any mandatory

field has been omitted an error message is displayed.

• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the course from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed that ask the

user to confirm that they want to delete the selected course. Deleted courses cannot be recovered.

• Click on the “Back” arrow button at the top of the screen to return to the Course List. In this is done prior to

saving, all updates, including any file uploads, will be discarded.

• Click the “Next” or “Prior” page buttons displayed at the upper right of the screen to move to the next or previous

course in the Course list without first returning to the Course List. If this is done prior to saving, all updates will be


5.3.2 Package Builder Sub-Menu

To access the Package Builder list, the user hovers over the “Content” menu item to display the sub-menu selections.

With the sub-menu visible, click the “Package Builder” option to display the list of packages currently available on the

m-LS server.

Packages are non-course content that includes items such as books, videos, and audios (podcasts).

The Package Builder list contains either all of the mobile packages created by users from the current user’s

organization (for Content Managers) or all packages created in the m-Learning Suite (for Administrators). The list is

paginated in groups of ten with page navigation located at the top right of the screen.

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Figure 16 - Package Builder List

To add a new package to the m-LS, click on the “+ Add Package” button displayed above the package builder list.

Clicking this button will open a form to create a new package entry in the m-LS. The Package Creation form is

described in detail below.

To view the detail package information for a package, click on a single row in the package builder list. A package

information view form will be displayed showing the details of the selected item. Click the “Back” arrow button to

return to the course list display. The view form is described in detail below.

To edit package information click on an item in the package builder list. A view form will be displayed showing the

details of the selected item and an “Edit” button is displayed to allow the option to edit the item. The edit form is

described in detail below.

To delete an item from the package builder list, click on the check box displayed along the left side of the list. A

“Trash” button will be displayed above the list when the check box is checked. Click on the “Trash” button to delete

the selected items. A pop-up screen will be displayed asking the user to confirm that they want the selected package

deleted. Deleted items cannot be recovered or undone.

To search for packages in the list, click inside the “Search” text box and type the text you want to find. As you type

the list will be searched and matching items returned. You may see a “Processing” message displayed as you type

each letter of your search text. Search will display any package where the search text matches any field in the

package information (not just the text shown in the package builder list).

If the package builder list requires multiple pages to display (typically more than 10 items in a list), click on the “Next”

or “Prior” page buttons in the upper right corner to display more items. The “Next” and “Prior” page buttons will be

disabled (gray) if there are no additional list items to display.

To sort items in the package builder list click on the up and down arrows located to left of the column titles in the list.

Clicking on the arrows will sort the list in ascending/descending order by the selected column.

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Unclassified Page 38 Package Creation

The screen below shows the form used to create a new package in the m-LS.

Figure 17 - Package Creation

Creating a new package in the m-LS is actually a multi-step process.

The fields that may be entered on the Package Creation form are:

a. Thumbnail – Optional. Select an image file (jpg, gif, png, …) file to display when the package is viewed on the

JKO Mobile App as part of the Library. Click on the “Browse” button to display a screen that will allow you to

select an image file from your local computer to upload for this package. The actual file browse screen may

vary between different browsers or computer platforms. An image size of 128 x 128 is recommended. Any

other size or shape will be scaled to this dimension.

b. Package Title – Mandatory. Enter the text for the course title up to 100 characters. This entry is free text and

can contain any alpha, number, or special character. This text will be displayed in the Course list and when

the Library or My Content selections are viewed on the JKO Mobile client.

c. Description – Mandatory. Enter the text for the package description up to 300 characters. This entry is free

text and may contain any alpha, number, or special character. This text is displayed when package details are

viewed from the Package Builder list or from the JKO Mobile App Library screen.

d. Content Type – Mandatory. Click the drop down arrow at the right of the text box and select book, video, or


e. Metadata – Optional. Text entry in the field is generally free form, but, must follow the convention of

“name=value” or the entry will not be accepted. After the text is typed in the text box, click the “Add” button

to add the new Metadata to the Package. A new block will be displayed below the Metadata text box that

shows the added entry. Multiple Metadata entries may be added. Metadata entries may be deleted by

clicking the “X” displayed at the right side of the individual Metadata item.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

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Once the required package information has been entered, click on the “Create” button to save the new item in the m-

LS database and display on the Package Builder list.

Click the “Back” arrow button to return to the Package Builder list. If the “Back” arrow button is clicked before clicking

on the “Create” button all entered data will be discarded. Package View

To view detailed information for a package, the user clicks on the row for the selected package in the Package Builder

list. The below screen is displayed to view package information details.

Figure 18 - Package Information

Including in the package information displayed on this screen is the “Unique Id”. This id was generated when the

package was created in the m-LS and cannot be changed.

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After viewing the package information the user, may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “Edit” button to open the Edit form and update package information in the m-LS database. If a

package was just created in the m-LS, the “Edit” form would be used to upload the package and add Subject and

Publishing data for the new package.

• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the package from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed that ask the

user to confirm that they want to delete the selected package. Deleted packages cannot be recovered.

• Click on the “Back” arrow button at the top of the screen to return to the Package Builder List.

• Click the “Next” or “Previous” buttons displayed at the upper right of the screen to move to the next or previous

package in the Package Builder list without first returning to the Package Builder List. Package Builder Edit

To edit detailed information for a package, the user first clicks on the selected row in the Package Builder list to

display the view form and, then from the view package information form, clicks on the “Edit” button. The “Edit”

screen is also accessible after the “Create” button is clicked when adding a new Package. In this case, first the view

package information screen is displayed and the user clicks the “Edit” button to update the package information.

The below screen is displayed to edit package details including uploading the package file and adding Subject and

Publisher information. To publish the package to make it available to mobile users, you must return to the Package

List, check the package in the list, and then click on the “Build Tool” button displayed at the top of the list.

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Figure 19 - Package Builder Edit

The information the user may enter on the “Edit” form are:

a. Thumbnail – Optional. Select an image file (jpg, gif, png, …) file to display when the package is viewed on the

JKO Mobile app as part of the Library. Click on the “Browse” button to display a screen that will allow you to

select an image file from your local computer to upload for this package. The actual file browse screen may

vary between different browsers or computer platforms. An image size of 128 x 128 is recommended. Any

other size or shape will be scaled to this dimension.

b. Package Title – Mandatory. Enter the text for the course title up to 100 characters. This entry is free text and

can contain any alpha, number, or special character. This text will be displayed in the Course list and when

the Library or My Content selections are viewed on the JKO Mobile client.

c. Description – Mandatory. Enter the text for the package description up to 300 characters. This entry is free

text and may contain any alpha, number, or special character. This text is displayed when package details are

viewed from the Package Builder list or from the JKO Mobile App Library screen.

d. Content Type – Mandatory. Click the drop down arrow at the right of the text box and select book, video, or


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e. Metadata – Optional. Text entry in the field is generally free form, but, must follow the convention of

“name=value” or the entry will not be accepted. After the text is typed in the text box, click the “Add” button

to add the new Metadata to the Package. A new block will be displayed below the Metadata text box that

shows the added entry. Multiple Metadata entries may be added. Metadata entries may be deleted by

clicking the “X” displayed at the right side of the individual Metadata item.

f. Open the unique resource file automatically – Check this box to have the JKO Mobile App open the resource

file (audio, html, streaming video, video) without first displaying an opening screen.

g. Subjects – Optional. Click the Check Box beside each item to associate a Subject to the Package. Multiple

Subjects may be selected. Subjects are organized in a parent-child hierarchy. An arrow head icon to the left

of a Subject indicates there are child items beneath the item. Click the arrow head icon to display and

separately select from the child items. In the JKO Mobile App, the user may choose to browse the Library by

Subject and selections made on this screen determine what packages the user will see listed under each

Subject selection.

h. Publishers - Optional. Click the Check Box beside each item to associate a Publisher to the Package. Multiple

Publishers may be selected. Publishers are organized in a parent-child hierarchy. An arrow head icon to the

left of a Publisher indicates there are child items beneath the item. Click the arrow head icon to display and

separately select from the child items. In the JKO Mobile App, the user may choose to browse the Library by

Publisher and selections made on this screen determine what packages the user will see listed under each

Publisher selection.

i. Resources – Mandatory. Click the “+ Add Resource” button and a line to add a new file will be displayed on

the form above the “+ Add Resources” button. The added line includes the following entries:

a. Resource Type – Mandatory. Click the drop down arrow at the right of the text box and select audio,

book, html, streamed video, or video.

b. File/Browse – Mandatory. Select a resource file (book, video, podcast) to upload to the m-LS. Click on

the “Browse” button to open a screen that will allow you to select a file from your local computer to

upload for this package. The actual file browse screen may vary between different browsers or

computer platforms. Select the desired file and click “OK” on the file chooser screen. The selected

file path name will be displayed to the left of the Browse button.

c. Title – Mandatory. Enter free text as a title for the package resource.

d. Icon/Browse – Optional. Select an image file (jpg, gif, png, …) file to display when the resource is

viewed on the JKO Mobile app. Click on the “Browse” button to display a screen that will allow you to

select an image file from your local computer to upload for this resource. The actual file browse

screen may vary between different browsers or computer platforms. An image size of 128 x 128 is

recommended. Any other size or shape will be scaled to this dimension.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

After editing the package details the user may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “Save” button at the top of the screen to save all updated information in the m-LS database. Clicking

the “Save” button starts the data validation process. If the package cannot be validated or any mandatory field

has been omitted an error message is displayed.

• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the package from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed that ask the

user to confirm that they want to delete the selected package. Deleted packages cannot be recovered.

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• Click on the “Back” arrow button at the top of the screen to return to the Package Builder List. In this is done prior

to saving, all updates, including any file uploads, will be discarded.

• Click the “Next” or “Prior” page buttons displayed at the upper right of the screen to move to the next or previous

package in the Package Builder list without first returning to the Package Builder list. If this is done prior to saving,

all updates will be discarded. Package Build Tool

Unlike courses, media files uploaded to the m-LS in the Package Builder, must be packaged prior to being made

available to the JKO Mobile App for download. The Package Build Tool automatically packages the uploaded files into

a .zip file that is acceptable to the JKO Mobile App. A package must be built to be published and made available to the

JKO Mobile app.

The screen below show the Package Build List with a single package selected and the “Build Tool” icon (crossed

hammer and wrench) displayed above the list.

Figure 20 - Package Build Tool Button

To prepare a package for download to the JKO Mobile App, check the check box to the left of the package on the

Package Build list. The “Build Tool” (crossed hammer and wrench) icon will be displayed above the list. Click on the

“Build Tool” icon at the top of the list to open an edit form that allows you to add Publishing information and to build

the package.

The following Package Builder screen is displayed with options to Publish and Build the package.

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Figure 21 - Package Builder Tool

Note that the “Resources” line shows the file(s) uploaded and to be included in this package.

The information the user may enter on the “Package Builder” form are:

a. Open the unique resource file automatically? – Mandatory. Check this box to have the JKO Mobile

App open the media file directly without first displaying an opening screen.

b. Publish (Flag) – Optional. When ready to publish your package, check the Publish check box. This will

display the “Publishing Starts at” and “Publish to the following communities” fields at the bottom of

the edit form.

c. Publishing Starts at – Mandatory when Publish is checked. Enter the date that your package should

be published. The format for the date entry is “mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm”. The package will be made

visible to JKO Mobile App users in the Library section starting on this date.

d. Publish to the following Communities – Mandatory when Publish is checked. This entry includes

multiple fields as follows:

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i. Search – As each letter is typed into this text box, the content of the “Available Communities”

list box displays only those community names that match the search text.

ii. Quick Add – If the desired community is not displayed in the “Available Communities” list box,

then, a new community may be added by typing text into this text box and clicking the “+”

button. Generally, only system administrators should add new communities and this should

be done from the Users – Communities main menu options.

iii. Available communities – Publish to the following communities – Exclude the following

communities - Click on and drag desired communities from the “Available communities” list

box to either the “Publish to the following communities” or “Exclude the following

communities” list boxes. The contents of the “Publish to the following communities” and the

“Exclude the following communities” will determine what packages are visible to a specific

user in the JKO Mobile App Library list based on the users community affiliation. JKO Mobile

users are added to communities as their accounts are created in the m-LS. In addition to

Communities where user membership is managed, the m-LS includes several pre-defined

communities that users are included in without being specifically added:

1. Public – Drag this community to the “Publish to the following communities” list box to

make a package visible to the “Public” login option of the JKO Mobile App and to all

users that login to the JKO Mobile All with a PIN.

2. Authenticated Users - Drag this community to the “Publish to the following

communities” list box to make a package visible to all users that login to the JKO

Mobile with a PIN. This community also referred to as the “Enterprise” community.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

When done entering the Publishing information, click on the “Build” button at the top of the Package Builder form to

build the package. When the build completes the Package Builder list will be displayed. With a successful build, the

package is now visible to JKO Mobile App users based on publishing options and their community membership.

After editing the package details the user may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “Edit” to updated package detail information.

• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the package from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed that ask the

user to confirm that they want to delete the selected package. Deleted packages cannot be recovered.

• Click on the “Back” arrow button at the top of the screen to return to the Package Builder List. In this is done prior

to saving, all updates, including any file uploads, will be discarded.

5.3.3 Content Type Sub-Menu

To access the Content Type list, the user hovers over the “Content” menu item to display the sub-menu selections.

With the sub-menu visible, click the “Content Type” option to display the list of content types currently defined on the

m-LS server.

Content Types are used in in the m-LS to categorize Courses and Packages. This list of available content types may be

changed from this list. Content Types are used to filter course and packages displayed in the JKO Mobile App Library


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The screen below shops the Content-Type list.

Figure 22 -Content-Type List

To add a new content type to the m-LS, click on the “+ Add Content-Type” button displayed above the content type

list. Clicking this button will open a form to create a new content type entry in the m-LS. The content type creation

form is described in detail below.

To view the detail information for a content type, click on a single row in the content type list. A view form will be

displayed showing the details of the selected item. Click the up curved arrow button to return to the course list

display. The view form is described in detail below.

To edit content type information click on an item in the Content Type list. A view form will be displayed showing the

details of the selected item and an “Edit” button is displayed to allow the option to edit the content type item. The

edit form is described in detail below.

To delete an item from the content type list, click on the check box displayed along the left side of the list. A “Trash”

button will be displayed above the list when the check box is checked. Click on the “Trash” button to delete the

selected items. A pop-up screen will be displayed asking the user to confirm that they want the selected content type

deleted. Deleted items cannot be recovered or undone.

To search for content type in the list, click inside the “Search” text box and type the text you want to find. As you

type the list will be searched and matching items returned. You may see a “Processing” message displayed as you

type each letter of your search text. Search will display any content type where the search text matches any field in

the content type information (not just the text shown in the course list).

If the content type list requires multiple pages to display (typically more than 10 items in a list), click on the “Next” or

“Prior” page buttons in the upper right corner to display more items. The “Next” and “Prior” page buttons will be

disabled (gray) if there are no additional list items to display.

To sort items in the Content-Type list click on the up and down arrows located to left of the column titles in the list.

Clicking on the arrows will sort the list in ascending/descending order by the selected column.

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The screen below shows the form used to add a new Content-Type category to the m-LS.

Figure 23 - Content-Type Creation

The fields that may be entered on the Course Creation form are:

a. Thumbnail – Optional. Select a default image file (jpg, gif, png, …) file to display when the course is viewed on

the JKO Mobile app as part of the Library. This image is only used when no image is uploaded into the m-LS

for a Course or Package. Click on the “Browse” button to display a screen that will allow you to select an

image file from your local computer to upload for this course. The actual file browse screen may vary between

different browsers or computer platforms. An image size of 128 x 128 is recommended. Any other size or

shape will be scaled to this dimension.

b. Name – Mandatory. Enter the text for the course title. This entry is free text and can contain any character.

This text will be displayed as part of the description when the Library or My Content selections are viewed on

the JKO Mobile App and in the filter drop down.

c. Online – This field is checked to indicate content that may only be used when the mobile device is online.

Streaming video would be an example. When the mobile device is offline, this checked content will be

disabled (grayed out) on the JKO Mobile App Library list. The normal case on current content types is to leave

this field unchecked.

d. Visible to builder – Optional. This check box is checked to make this entry selectable as part of the Content-

Type drop list when developers add Packages to the m-LS.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

Once the required content-type information has been entered, click on the “Create” button to save the new item in

the m-LS database and display on the Content-Type list.

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Click the “Back” arrow button to return to the Content-type list. If the “Back” arrow button is clicked before clicking

on the “Create” button all entered data will be discarded. Content-Type View

To view Content-Type details, click on the row in the Content-Type list and the screen below will be displayed.

Figure 24 - Content Type View

After viewing the course details the user may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “Edit” button to open the Edit form and update content type information in the m-LS database.

• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the course from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed that ask the

user to confirm that they want to delete the selected course. Deleted courses cannot be recovered. Content-

Types that are in user (currently referenced by a course or package) may not be deleted.

• Click on the “Back” arrow button at the top of the screen to return to the Course List.

• Click the “Next” or “Prior” buttons displayed at the upper right of the screen to move to the next or prior course in

the Course list without first returning to the Course List. Content-Type Edit

To edit detailed information for a Content-Type, the user first clicks on the selected row in the Content-Type list to

display the view form and, then from the view course information form, clicks on the “Edit” button.

The below screen is displayed to edit Content-Type details

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Figure 25 - Content-Type Edit

The information the user may enter on the “Edit” form are:

a. Thumbnail – Optional. Select a default image file (jpg, gif, png, …) file to display when the course is viewed on

the JKO Mobile app as part of the Library. This image is only used when no image is uploaded into the m-LS

for a Course or Package. Click on the “Browse” button to display a screen that will allow you to select an

image file from your local computer to upload for this course. The actual file browse screen may vary between

different browsers or computer platforms. An image size of 128 x 128 is recommended. Any other size or

shape will be scaled to this dimension.

b. Name – Mandatory. Enter the text for the course title. This entry is free text and can contain any character.

This text will be displayed as part of the description when the Library or My Content selections are viewed on

the JKO Mobile App and in the filter drop down.

c. Online – This field is checked to indicate content that may only be used when the mobile device is online.

Streaming video would be an example. When the mobile device is offline, this checked content will be

disabled (grayed out) on the JKO Mobile App Library list. The normal case on current content types is to leave

this field unchecked.

d. Visible to builder – Optional. This check box is checked to make this entry selectable as part of the Content-

Type drop list when developers add Packages to the m-LS.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

After editing the course details the user may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “Update” button to save updated content type information in the m-LS database.

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• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the course from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed that ask the

user to confirm that they want to delete the selected course. Deleted courses cannot be recovered. Content-

Types that are in user (currently referenced by a course or package) may not be deleted.

• Click on the “Back” arrow button at the top of the screen to return to the Course List.

• Click the “Next” or “Prior” buttons displayed at the upper right of the screen to move to the next or prior course in

the Course list without first returning to the Course List.

5.3.4 Subjects Sub-Menu

To access the Subject list, the user hovers over the “Content” menu item to display the sub-menu selections. With the

sub-menu visible, click the “Subject” option to display the list of subjects currently defined on the m-LS server.

Subjects are used in the m-LS to categorize Courses and Packages. This list of available subjects may be viewed and

changed from this list. Subjects are used to filter course and packages displayed in the JKO Mobile App Library screen.

The screen below shops the Subject list. Unlike other lists in the m-LS, the Subject list is managed as a parent-child


Figure 26 - Subject Tree

Language – This field will be used in future updates to support localized content. For the current version, this field

may be ignored.

To edit the Subject right click on any item in the hierarchy and a drop menu like the one shown below will display.

The options available from the drop down menu are Create, Copy, Paste, Rename, and Delete.

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To create a new item move the cursor over the parent item in the tree where you want to create a new child, right

click, and select “Create”. A new item will be created in the tree under the item you selected and a text box opened

with the words “New node”. Type the name you want to user over the “New Node” text. No validation is done for

duplicate items so verify that the new item you are creating is not already in the list.

Right click on an item in the tree and select “Copy to copy the item.

Move the cursor to a new location in the tree and click “Paste” to insert the last item copied. Again the new item will

be created under the item where you right clicked and selected “Paste.

To change the name of an item in the tree right click and select “Rename”. Similar to a new item, the selected item

will be opened as a text box and you can type the new text for the name. Clicking outside the item will save the entry

in the m-LS database.

Finally, to delete an item, right click on the item in the tree and select “Delete”. A pop-up screen will be displayed to

confirm your delete action. Subjects that are in use in the m-LS may not be deleted (parents of children in the tree or

subjects referenced by Courses or Packages).

5.3.5 Publishers Sub-Menu

To access the Publishers list, the user hovers over the “Content” menu item to display the sub-menu selections. With

the sub-menu visible, click the “Publishers” option to display the list of subjects currently defined on the m-LS server.

Publishers are used in the m-LS to categorize Courses and Packages. This list of available publishers may be viewed

and changed from this list. Publishers are used to filter course and packages displayed in the JKO Mobile App Library


The screen below shops the Publishers list. Unlike other lists in the m-LS, the Publishers list is managed as a parent-

child tree.

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Figure 27 - Publishers Tree

Language – This field will be used in future updates to support localized content. For the current version, this field

may be ignored.

To edit the Publishers right click on any item in the hierarchy and a drop menu like the one shown below will display.

The options available from the drop down menu are Create, Copy, Paste, Rename, and Delete.

To create a new item hover over the parent item in the tree where you want to create a new child, right click, and

select “Create”. A new item will be created in the tree under the item you selected and a text box opened with the

words “New node”. Type the name you want to user over the “New Node” text. No validation is done for duplicate

items so verify that the new item you are creating is not already in the list.

Right click on an item in the tree and select “Copy to copy the item.

Move the cursor to a new location in the tree and click “Paste” to insert the last item copied. Again the new item will

be created under the item where you right clicked and selected “Paste.

To change the name of an item in the tree right click on an item and select “Rename”. Similar to a new item, the

selected item will be opened as a text box in the tree and you can type the new text for the name. Clicking outside

the item will save the entry in the m-LS database.

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Finally, to delete an item, right click on the item in the tree and select “Delete”. A pop-up screen will be displayed to

confirm your delete action. Publishers that are in use in the m-LS may not be deleted (parents of children in the tree

or publishers referenced by Courses or Packages).

5.3.6 News Sub-Menu

To access the News list, the user hovers over the “Content” menu item to display the sub-menu selections. With the

sub-menu visible, click the “News” option to display the list of News items currently available on the m_LS server.

News items appear in the JKO Mobile App on the News screen for users that are members of the communities

published to.

The screen below shows the News list.

Figure 28 - News List

To add a new News item to the m-LS, click on the “+ Add News” button displayed above the content type list. Clicking

this button will open a form to create a new news item entry in the m-LS. The news item creation form is described in

detail below.

To view the detail information for a News item, click on a single row in the News list. A view form will be displayed

showing the details of the selected item. Click the “Back” button to return to the News list display. The view form is

described in detail below.

To edit News item information click on an item in the News list. A view form will be displayed showing the details of

the selected item and an “Edit” button is displayed to allow the option to edit the News item. The edit form is

described in detail below.

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To delete an item from the News list, click on the check box displayed along the left side of the list. A “Trash” button

will be displayed above the list when the check box is checked. Click on the “Trash” button to delete the selected

items. A pop-up screen will be displayed asking the user to confirm that they want the selected news item deleted.

Deleted items cannot be recovered or undone.

To search for News item in the list, click inside the “Search” text box and type the text you want to find. As you type

the list will be searched and matching items returned. You may see a “Processing” message displayed as you type

each letter of your search text. Search will display any news item where the search text matches any field in the new

item information (not just the text shown in the News list).

If the News list requires multiple pages to display (typically more than 10 items in a list), click on the “Next” or “Prior”

page buttons in the upper right corner to display more items. The “Next” and “Prior” page buttons will be disabled

(gray) if there are no additional list items to display.

To sort items in the News list click on the up and down arrows located to left of the column titles in the list. Clicking

on the arrows will sort the list in ascending/descending order by the selected column. News Creation

The screen below shows the form used to enter a new News item into the m-LS. This form is displayed when the user

clicks the “+ Add News” button at the top of the News list.

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Figure 29 - News Creation

The fields that may be entered on the News Creation form are:

a. Headline – Mandatory. Enter the text for the News headline. This entry is free text and can contain any

alpha, number, or special character. This text will be displayed in the News list and when the News list is

viewed on the JKO Mobile client.

b. Text - Mandatory. Enter the text for the News description. This entry is free text and may contain any

character. This text is displayed when News details are viewed from the News list or from the JKO Mobile App

News screen.

c. Thumbnail – Mandatory. Select an image file (jpg, gif, png, …) file to display when the News item is viewed on

the JKO Mobile app as part of the News list. Click on the “Browse” button to display a screen that will allow

you to select an image file from your local computer to upload for this package. The actual file browse screen

may vary between different browsers or computer platforms. An image size of 128 x 128 pixels is

recommended. Any other size or shape will be scaled to this dimension.

d. Image – Mandatory. Select an image file (jpg, gif, png, …) file to display when the News item detail description

is viewed on the JKO Mobile App. Click on the “Browse” button to display a screen that will allow you to

select an image file from your local computer to upload for this package. The actual file browse screen may

vary between different browsers or computer platforms.

e. Mobile publish criteria – Mandatory. This entry includes multiple fields as follows:

i. Search – As each letter is typed into this text box, the content of the “Available Communities”

list box displays only those community names that match the search text.

ii. Quick Add – If the desired community is not displayed in the “Available Communities” list box,

then, a new community may be added by typing text into this text box and clicking the “+”

button. Generally, only system administrators should add new communities and this should

be done from the Users – Communities main menu options.

iii. Available communities – Publish to the following communities – Exclude the following

communities - Click on and drag desired communities from the “Available communities” list

box to either the “Publish to the following communities” or “Exclude the following

communities” list boxes. The contents of the “Publish to the following communities” and the

“Exclude the following communities” will determine what news items are visible to a specific

user in the JKO Mobile App Library list based on the users community affiliation. JKO Mobile

App users are added to communities as their accounts are created in the m-LS. In addition to

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Communities where user membership is managed, the m-LS includes several pre-defined

communities that users are included in without being specifically added:

1. Public – Drag this community to the “Publish to the following communities” list box to

make a news item visible to the “Public” login option of the JKO Mobile App and to all

users that login to the JKO Mobile All with a PIN.

2. Authenticated Users - Drag this community to the “Publish to the following

communities” list box to make a news item visible to all users that login to the JKO

Mobile App with a PIN.

f. Add Countries – Optional. Click this button to select from a country list and associate this News item with a

specific country. With the addition of “Publish to communities”, this field is obsolete and will be removed in a

future update to the m-LS.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

Once the required News item information has been entered, click on the “Create” button to save the new item in the

m-LS database and display on the News list. After the “Create” button is clicked, the News Information screen will be


Click the “Back” arrow button to return to the News list. If the “Back” arrow button is clicked before clicking on the

“Create” button all entered data will be discarded. News Information

To view News detail information, the user clicks on the selected news item in the News list. The screen below is

displayed to show the detail information.

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Figure 30 - News Information

After viewing the news item information the user may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “Edit” button to open the Edit form and update News item information in the m-LS database.

• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the News item from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed that ask the

user to confirm that they want to delete the selected package. Deleted packages cannot be recovered.

• Click on the “Back” arrow button at the top of the screen to return to the News List.

• Click the “Next” or “Prior” buttons displayed at the upper right of the screen to move to the next or prior news

item in the News list without first returning to the News List. News Edit

To edit detail information for a News item, the user clicks on the selected news item in the News list. The News

Information screen is displayed and the user clicks on the “Edit” button at the top of the screen. The screen below is

displayed to update the detail information.

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Figure 31 - News Edit

The fields that may be entered on the News Editing form are:

a. Headline – Mandatory. Enter the text for the News headline. This entry is free text and can contain any

character. This text will be displayed in the News list and when the News list is viewed on the JKO Mobile


b. Text - Mandatory. Enter the text for the News description. This entry is free text and may contain any

character. This text is displayed when News details are viewed from the News list or from the JKO Mobile App

News screen.

c. Thumbnail – Mandatory. Select an image file (jpg, gif, png, …) file to display when the News item is viewed on

the JKO Mobile app as part of the News list. Click on the “Browse” button to display a screen that will allow

you to select an image file from your local computer to upload for this package. The actual file browse screen

may vary between different browsers or computer platforms. An image size of 128 x 128 pixels is

recommended. Any other size or shape will be scaled to this dimension.

d. Image – Mandatory. Select an image file (jpg, gif, png, …) file to display when the News item detail description

is viewed on the JKO Mobile App. Click on the “Browse” button to display a screen that will allow you to

select an image file from your local computer to upload for this package. The actual file browse screen may

vary between different browsers or computer platforms. .

e. Publish to the following communities – Mandatory. This entry includes multiple fields as follows:

i. Search – As each letter is typed into this text box, the content of the “Available Communities”

list box displays only those community names that match the search text.

ii. Quick Add – If the desired community is not displayed in the “Available Communities” list box,

then, a new community may be added by typing text into this text box and clicking the “+”

button. Generally, only system administrators should add new communities and this should

be done from the Users – Communities main menu options.

iii. Available communities – Publish to the following communities – Exclude the following

communities - Click on and drag desired communities from the “Available communities” list

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box to either the “Publish to the following communities” or “Exclude the following

communities” list boxes. The contents of the “Publish to the following communities” and the

“Exclude the following communities” will determine what news items are visible to a specific

user in the JKO Mobile App Library list based on the users community affiliation. JKO Mobile

users are added to communities as their accounts are created in the m-LS. In addition to

Communities where user membership is managed, the m-LS includes several pre-defined

communities that users are included in without being specifically added:

1. Public – Drag this community to the “Publish to the following communities” list box to

make a news item visible to the “Public” login option of the JKO Mobile App and to all

users that login to the JKO Mobile All with a PIN.

2. Authenticated Users - Drag this community to the “Publish to the following

communities” list box to make a news item visible to all users that login to the JKO

Mobile App with a PIN.

f. Add Countries – Optional. Click this button to select from a country list and associate this News item with a

specific country. With the addition of “Publish to communities”, this field is obsolete and will be removed in a

future update to the m-LS.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

Once the required News item information has been entered, click on the “Save” button to save the new item in the m-

LS database and display on the News list.

Click the “Back” arrow button to return to the News list. If the “Back” arrow button is clicked before clicking on the

“Save” button all entered data will be discarded.

5.4 Users Menu

The “Users” menu of the m-LS includes three selections: Mobile Users, Web Users, and Communities.

5.4.1 Mobile Users Sub-Menu

The Mobile Users function is used to manually create user PINs and relate the user PIN to specific m-LS communities.

Mobile User PINs are unique to each users and are provided to individual users to be used to login to the JKO Mobile

App. The communities assigned to a Mobile User will determine what courses and packages will be visible in the

Library and News sections of the JKO Mobile App. Manually created user PINs are automatically added to a

Community named “Manually Created”.

Generally, Mobile Users PINs follow a specific scheme where the last two digits indicate the country affiliation of the

user. For instance, the following 2 digit combinations identify the listed country:

22 = Canada

75 = Poland

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85 = UK

87 = US

To access the Mobile Users list, hover over the “Users” menu item to display the sub-menu selections. With the sub-

menu visible, click the “Mobile Users” option to display the list of Mobile Users currently stored on the m-LS server.

The screen below shows the Mobile Users list.

Figure 32 – Mobile Users List

When you check the check box on an item in the Mobile User list the buttons displayed at the top of the list will

change with new buttons for Trash, Remove, and Summary added.

Figure 33 - Mobile Users Remove Button

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Click on the “R” Remove button to tag a mobile user PIN as removed from the m-LS.

From the Mobile User list the user may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “+Add Mobile User” button to open the form used to create a new Mobile User.

• Click on the “+Generate Mobile User” button to open the form used to create a batch of mobile user PINs.

• Click on a row in the list to open the “View” form for the selected item.

• Click on the check box at the left of an item to display additional action buttons at the top of the list.

• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the Mobile User from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed that ask

the user to confirm that they want to delete the selected mobile user. Deleted mobile cannot be recovered.

• Click the “Next” or “Prior” buttons displayed at the upper right of the screen to move to the next or prior screen

of mobile users. These buttons are active only when there is more than one screen of items to review. Mobile Users Create

The screen below shows the form used to enter a new Mobile User into the m-LS. This screen is displayed when the

user clicks the “+ Add Mobile User” button at the top of the Mobile user List.

Figure 34 - Mobile Users Create

The fields that may be entered on the Mobile Users creation form are:

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a. PIN – Mandatory. Enter the digits that comprise the PIN for the mobile user. The last 2 digits of the PIN will

correspond to the m-LS defined country code. The 2 digit scheme used by the m-LS for county codes is:

b. State - Mandatory. Select the appropriate state from the drop down list. The options are Pre-activation,

Activated, Disabled, Removed. The user PIN must be set to “Activated” to allow the user to login to the JKO

Mobile App.

Pre-activation – Used for accounts being prepared by administrators and that have not been made

available for use.

Activated – Used for accounts available for use.

Disabled – Use for accounts removed from use. Typically this option is used prior to removal of an


Removed – This selection is made to actually remove the account from the m-LS database

c. Assign this user to the following communities – Mandatory. This entry includes multiple fields as follows:

i. Search – As each letter is typed into this text box, the content of the “Available Communities”

list box displays only those community names that match the search text.

ii. Quick Add – If the desired community is not displayed in the “Available Communities” list box,

then, a new community may be added by typing text into this text box and clicking the “+”

button. Generally, only system administrators should add new communities and this should

be done from the Users – Communities main menu options.

iii. Available communities – Assigned - Click on and drag desired communities from the

“Available communities” list box to the “Assigned” list box. The contents of the “Assigned”

list box will determine what items are visible to this user in the JKO Mobile App News and

Library list.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

Once the required Mobile User item information has been entered, click on the “Create” button to save the new item

in the m-LS database. After the Create button is clicked, the Mobile User view screen will be displayed.

Click the “Back” arrow button to return to the Mobile User list. If the “Back” arrow button is clicked before clicking on

the “Create” button all entered data will be discarded.

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The screen below is displayed when the user clicks the “+ Generate Mobile Users” button on the Mobile Users list.

Figure 35 - Generate Mobile Users Page #1

Generating mobile users is a two-step process. Frist, enter a list of new user PINs in the list box and click the “Next

Step” button. Follow the format for PIN numbers discussed earlier where the country is identified by the last two

digits of the PIN.

The screen below will be displayed to allow Communities and State options to be selected and applied to the list of

Mobile User PINs.

Figure 36 - Generate Mobile Users Page #2

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The fields that may be entered on this form are:

a. Select communities to be globally applied to the users you are about to create – Mandatory. This entry

includes multiple fields as follows:

i. Search – As each letter is typed into this text box, the content of the “Available Communities”

list box displays only those community names that match the search text.

ii. Quick Add – If the desired community is not displayed in the “Available Communities” list box,

then, a new community may be added by typing text into this text box and clicking the “+”

button. Generally, only system administrators should add new communities and this should

be done from the Users – Communities main menu options.

iii. Available communities – Assigned - Click on and drag desired communities from the

“Available communities” list box to the “Assigned” list box. The contents of the “Assigned”

list box will determine what items are visible to these users in the JKO Mobile App News and

Library list.

b. State - Mandatory. Select the appropriate state from the drop down list for each of the listed PINs. The

States that may be selected are Pre-activation, Activated, Disabled, Removed. The user PIN must be set to

“Activated” to allow the user to login to the JKO Mobile App.

Pre-activation – Used for accounts being prepared by administrators and that have not been made

available for use.

Activated – Used for accounts available for use.

Disabled – Used for accounts removed from use. Typically this option is used prior to removal of an


Removed – This selection is made to actually remove the account from the m-LS database.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

Once the required Mobile User item information has been entered, click on the “Submit” button to save the new item

in the m-LS database.

Click the “Back” arrow button to return to the Mobile User list. If the “Back” arrow button is clicked before clicking on

the “Save” button all entered data will be discarded. Mobile Users View

The Mobile User View form displays when you click “Create” on above screen. This same screen is displayed

when the user clicks on a row in the Mobile Users list.

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Figure 37 - Mobile Users View

After viewing the Mobile User detail information the user may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “Edit” button to open the Edit form and update the Mobile User information in the m-LS database.

• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the Mobile User from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed that ask

the user to confirm that they want to delete the selected mobile user. Deleted mobile users cannot be recovered.

• Click on the “Back” arrow button at the top of the screen to return to the Mobile User List.

• Click the “Next” or “Prior” buttons displayed at the upper right of the screen to move to the next or prior mobile

user in the Mobile User list without first returning to the Mobile User List. Mobile Users Edit

To edit detail information for a Mobile User, the user clicks on the selected mobile user item in the Mobile User list.

The Mobile User view screen is displayed and the user clicks on the “Edit” button at the top of the screen. The screen

below is displayed to update the detail information.

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Figure 38 - Mobile Users Edit

The fields that may be entered on the Mobile Users edit form are:

a. PIN – Mandatory. Enter the digits that comprise the PIN for the mobile user. The last 2 digits of the PIN will

correspond to the m-LS defined country code (87=US). The two digit country codes currently defined in the

m-LS are:

In other sections of the m-LS the PIN is also referred to as the user name.

b. State - Mandatory. Select the appropriate state from the drop down list. The options are Pre-activation,

Activated, Disabled, Removed. The user PIN must be set to “Activated” to allow the user to login to the JKO

Mobile App.

Pre-activation – Used for accounts being prepared by administrators and that have not been made

available for use.

Activated – Used for accounts available for use.

Disabled – Used for accounts removed from use. Typically this option is used prior to removal of an


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Removed – This selection is made to actually remove the account from the m-LS database.

c. Assign this user to the following communities – Mandatory. This entry includes multiple fields as follows:

i. Search – As each letter is typed into this text box, the content of the “Available Communities”

list box displays only those community names that match the search text.

ii. Quick Add – If the desired community is not displayed in the “Available Communities” list box,

then, a new community may be added by typing text into this text box and clicking the “+”

button. Generally, only system administrators should add new communities and this should

be done from the Users – Communities main menu options.

iii. Available communities – Assigned - Click on and drag desired communities from the

“Available communities” list box to the “Assigned” list box. The contents of the “Assigned”

list box will determine what items are visible to this user in the JKO Mobile App News and

Library list.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

Once the required Mobile User item information has been entered, click on the “Save” button to save the new item in

the m-LS database. After the Save button is clicked, the Mobile User List screen will be displayed.

Click the “Back” arrow button to return to the Mobile User list. If the “Back” arrow button is clicked before clicking on

the “Save” button all entered data will be discarded.

5.4.2 Web Users Sub-Menu

The Web Users function is used to manage m-LS user logins.

To access the Web Users list, hover over the “Users” menu item to display the sub-menu selections. With the sub-

menu visible, click the “Web Users” option to display the list of Web Users currently stored on the m-LS server.

The screen below shows the Web Users list.

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Figure 39 - Web Users List

From the Web User list the user may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “+Add Web User” button to open the form used to create a new Web User.

• Click on a row in the list to open the “View” form for the selected item.

• Click on the check box at the left of an item to display additional action buttons at the top of the list.

• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the selected Web User from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed

that ask the user to confirm that they want to delete the selected web user. Deleted web users cannot be


• Click the “Next” or “Prior” buttons displayed at the upper right of the screen to move to the next or prior screen

of mobile users. These buttons are active only when there is more than one screen of items to review. Web Users Create

The screen below shows the form used to enter a new Web User into the m-LS. This form is displayed when the user

clicks the “+ Add user” button at the top of the Web User list.

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Figure 40 - Web Users Create

The fields that may be entered on the Web Users creation form are:

a. Username – Mandatory. Enter any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters for a user name.

Use of the users email address is recommended. This value, along with the Password, is required for the user

to login to the m-LS.

b. Password - Mandatory. Enter any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters for a user name.

This value, along with the Username, is required for the user to login to the m-LS.

c. State - Mandatory. Select the appropriate state from the drop down list. The options are Pre-activation,

Activated, Disabled, Removed. The user PIN must be set to “Activated” to allow the user to login to the JKO

Mobile App.

Pre-activation – Used for accounts being prepared by administrators and that have not been made

available for use.

Activated – Used for accounts available for use.

Disabled – Use for accounts removed from use. Typically this option is used prior to removal of an


Removed – This selection is made to actually remove the account from the m-LS database

d. Organization – Mandatory. Select the appropriate organization from the drop list. If the desired organization

is not present, click the green “+” icon to the right of the drop list to add a new organization.

e. Role – Mandatory. Select one or more roles from the list box. The available options include, but, may not be

limited to:

Administrator – Users assigned this role have access to all functions except Access Control and Accounts.

Content Manager - Users assigned this role can access the m-LS Content Courses and Package Builder screens

to view, create and delete content.

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Mobile user – Users assigned this role may login to the m-LS and view Reports Summary menu reports. This is

the only access a user in this role has to the m-LS. Mobile Users are not generally expected to access to m-LS.

Super Administrator – Users assigned this role have access to all functions with the exception of managing


System Administrator – Users assigned this role have access to all functions within the m-LS.

Other custom roles may be created in the future and should be assigned to users as appropriate.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

Once the required Web User item information has been entered, click on the “Create” button to save the new item in

the m-LS database. After the Create button is clicked, the Web User view screen will be displayed.

Click the “Back” arrow button to return to the Web User list. If the “Back” arrow button is clicked before clicking on

the “Create” button all entered data will be discarded. Web Users View

The Web User View form displays when you click “Create” on the above screen. This same screen is displayed when

the user clicks on a row in the Web Users list.

Figure 41 - Web Users View

After viewing the Web User detail information the user may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “Edit” button to open the Edit form and update the Web User information in the m-LS database.

• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the Web User from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed that ask the

user to confirm that they want to delete the selected web user. Deleted web users cannot be recovered.

• Click on the “Back” arrow button at the top of the screen to return to the web User List.

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• Click the “Next” or “Prior” buttons displayed at the upper right of the screen to move to the next or prior user in

the Web User list without first returning to the Web User List. Web Users Edit

The screen below shows the form used to edit Web User data in the m-LS. This form is displayed when the user clicks

the “Edit” button at the top of the Web User Information view form or when the user clicks on the “Create” button on

the web user create form.

Figure 42 - Web Users Edit

The fields that may be entered on the Web Users creation form are:

a. Username – Mandatory. Enter any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters for a user name.

Use of the users email address is recommended. This value, along with the Password, is required for the user

to login to the m-LS.

b. Password - Mandatory. Enter any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters for a user name.

This value, along with the Username, is required for the user to login to the m-LS.

c. State - Mandatory. Select the appropriate state from the drop down list. The options are Pre-activation,

Activated, Disabled, Removed. The user PIN must be set to “Activated” to allow the user to login to the JKO

Mobile App.

Pre-activation – Used for accounts being prepared by administrators and that have not been made

available for use.

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Activated – Used for accounts available for use.

Disabled – Use for accounts removed from use. Typically this option is used prior to removal of an


Removed – This selection is made to actually remove the account from the m-LS database

d. Organization – Mandatory. Select the appropriate organization from the drop list. If the desired organization

is not present, click the green “+” icon to the right of the drop list to add a new organization.

e. Role – Mandatory. Select one or more roles from the list box. The available options include, but, may not be

limited to:

Administrator – Users assigned this role have access to all functions except Access Control and Accounts.

Content Manager - Users assigned this role can access the m-LS Content Courses and Package Builder screens

to view, create and delete content.

Mobile user – Users assigned this role may login to the m-LS and view Reports Summary menu reports. This is

the only access user in this role has to the m-LS.

Super Administrator – Users assigned this role have access to all functions with the exception of managing


System Administrator – Users assigned this role have access to all functions within the m-LS.

Other custom roles may be created in the future and should be assigned to users as appropriate.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

Once the required Web User item information has been entered, click on the “Create” button to save the new item in

the m-LS database. After the Create button is clicked, the Web User List screen will be displayed.

Click the “Back” arrow button to return to the Web User list. If the “Back” arrow button is clicked before clicking on

the “Create” button all entered data will be discarded.

5.4.3 Communities Sub-Menu

The Communities function is used to manage m-LS community values.

A ‘community’ is a label applied to a mobile user. Some are applied automatically (describing how the user was

created for example), but they can also be created and applied manually. Content is published to communities

enabling members to see it. At least one community must be applied to an item otherwise no users may see it.

For complex rules, communities may also be excluded from viewing items. In case of conflict (a user is both ‘published

to’ and ‘excluded’) the exclusion takes precedence.

To access the Communities list, hover over the “Users” menu item to display the sub-menu selections. With the sub-

menu visible, click the “Communities” option to display the list of communities currently stored on the m-LS server.

The screen below shows the Communities list.

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Figure 43 - Communities List

From the Communities list the user may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “+Add community” button to open the form used to create a new community.

• Click on a row in the list to open the “View” form for the selected item.

• Click on the check box at the left of an item to display additional action buttons at the top of the list.

• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the selected Community from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed

that ask the user to confirm that they want to delete the selected community. Deleted communities cannot be


• Click the “Next” or “Prior” buttons displayed at the upper right of the screen to move to the next or prior screen

of communities. These buttons are active only when there is more than one screen of items to review. Communities Create

The screen below shows the form used to enter a new Community into the m-LS. This form is displayed when the

user clicks the “+ Add community” button at the top of the Communities list.

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Figure 44 - Communities Create

The fields that may be entered on the Web Users creation form are:

a. Community name – Mandatory. Enter any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters for a

Community name.

b. Users assigned – Mandatory. This entry includes multiple fields as follows:

i. Search – As each number is typed into this text box, the content of the “Available users” list

box displays only those user PINs that match the search text.

ii. Available users - Assigned users - Click on and drag desired user PINs from the “Available

users” list box to the “Assigned users” list box. As content is tagged as published to specific

communities, the contents of the “Assigned users” list box will ultimately determine what

items are visible to these users in the JKO Mobile App News and Library list.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

Once the required Community item information has been entered, click on the “Create” button to save the new item

in the m-LS database. After the Create button is clicked, the community view screen will be displayed.

Click on the “Back” arrow button to return to the Community list. If the “Back” arrow button is clicked before clicking

on the “Create” button all entered data will be discarded. Communities View

The Communities View form displays when you click “Create” on the above screen. This same screen is displayed

when the user clicks on a row in the Communities list.

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Figure 45 - Communities View

After viewing the Community detail information the user may elect to do the following:

• Click on the “Edit” button to open the Edit form and update the Community information in the m-LS database.

• Click on the “Trash” button to delete the community from the m-LS. A pop-up screen will be displayed that ask

the user to confirm that they want to delete the selected community. Deleted communities cannot be recovered.

• Click on the “Back” arrow button at the top of the screen to return to the Communities List.

• Click the “Next” or “Prior” buttons displayed at the upper right of the screen to move to the next or prior item in

the Communities list without first returning to the Communities List. Communities Edit

The screen below shows the form used to edit Community data in the m-LS. This form is displayed when the user

clicks the “Edit” button at the top of the Communities Information view form or when the user clicks on the “Create”

button on the Communities Create form.

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Figure 46 - Communities Edit

The fields that may be entered on the Web Users creation form are:

a. Community name – Mandatory. Enter any combination of letters, numbers, or special characters for a

Community name.

b. Users assigned – Mandatory. This entry includes multiple fields as follows:

i. Search – As each number is typed into this text box, the content of the “Available users” list

box displays only those user PINs that match the search text.

ii. Available users - Assigned users - Click on and drag desired user PINs from the “Available

users” list box to the “Assigned users” list box. As content is tagged as published to specific

communities, the contents of the “Assigned users” list box will ultimately determine what

items are visible to these users in the JKO Mobile App News and Library list.

Note that fields marked with an asterisk (“*”) on the form are mandatory entries.

Once the required Community item information has been entered, click on the “Update” button to save the new item

in the m-LS database. After the Update button is clicked, the community list screen will be displayed.

Click on the “Back” arrow button to return to the Community list. If the “Back” arrow button is clicked before clicking

on the “Update” button all entered data will be discarded.

5.5 Reports Menu

The “Reports” menu of the m-LS includes five selections: Session Data, Tracked Data, Summary, User, and Content.

Reports are used to analyze, monitor, track, and troubleshoot use of the m-LS, the JKO Mobile App, and the JKO LCMS

interface. Results of reports may help identify problems with logins, course completions and synchronization, and

trends related to users, courses, or mobile devices.

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5.5.1 Session Data

To access the Session Data report, the user hovers over the “Reports” menu item to display the sub-menu selections.

With the sub-menu visible, click the “Session Data” option to display the user summary report options.

The screen below shows the Session Data report.

Figure 47 - Session Data List

This list provides a method for monitory JKO Mobile App synchronizations with the m-LS and specifically and method

to verify if specific users syncs are successful.

The Filters at the top of the list allow the list to be filtered by User (PIN), Course title, and Sync Status. In addition the

standard column sort option is available by clicking the up/down arrow head to the left side of each column heading.

The possible values for VLE Sync Status are:

• All

• Sent to VLE

• Synchronizing

• In Queue

• Stabilizing

This list can be searched using the standard search box at the top right.

If the list contains more than 10 items (default), click on the “Next” and “Prior” buttons to navigate between pages.

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5.5.2 Tracked Data

To access the Tracked Data report, the user hovers over the “Reports” menu item to display the sub-menu selections.

With the sub-menu visible, click the “Tracked Data” option to display the user summary report options.

The screen below shows the Tracked Data report.

Figure 48 - Tracked Data List

This list shows all exchanges of data between the m-LS and the JKO Mobile App for specific users. This report can be

used to analyze user activity and to troubleshoot problems encountered by specific users.

This list can be searched using the standard search box at the top right.

If the list contains more than 10 items, click on the “Next” and “Prior” buttons to navigate between pages.

5.5 3 Summary

To access the Summary report, the user hovers over the “Reports” menu item to display the sub-menu selections.

With the sub-menu visible, click the “Summary” option to display the user summary report options.

The screen below shows the Summary report.

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Figure 49 - Summary Report Example

The following selection may be made at the top of the Summary report screen:

• Show – This drop list allows the user to select from user registration, mobile platforms used, content use,

and course completions reports.

• For – This drop list allows the user to select either “All Users” or “Community”.

In the example above, the selections are “Mobile platforms used” and “All users” by Month.

The report displayed includes the following sections:

• Title – This text is the title of the report based on the user selections

• Plot by Day | Month | Year – These three links allow the user to display the overview and charts for a day,

a month, or a year. The scale of the pie chart, the breakdown, and the details is adjusted for each of these

timeframe selections.

• Overview and chart – The overview includes a summary line this shows the total number of matching

items following by a breakdown of each category depicted in the pie chart.

• Breakdown – The breakdown shows how each of the pie chart categories measured over time.

• Details – The last section shows a list of the raw data that was used to generate the summary statistics.

5.5.4 User

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To access the User Summary, the user hovers over the “Reports” menu item to display the sub-menu selections. With

the sub-menu visible, click the “User” option to display the user summary report options.

The screen below shows the User Summary report.

Figure 50 - User Report Example

The following selection may be made at the top of the User Summary screen:

• Report Content Summary for – This drop list shows all available mobile user PINs and allows the selection

on one item to display the content summary. In the example above, a sample user PIN is selected.

For the selected item, the report shows two types of information:

• Overview – The section of the reports includes the fields Platforms used in last 30 days, Last synchronized

[date/time], Last Course Completion [course title and date and time]

• Activity – This section list all the courses or packages that the selected user accessed in the last 30 days.

This includes the specific dates when the item was accessed, the title of the course or package and the

duration. If more than 10 items are in the Activity list, the Next and Prior buttons at the upper right may

be used to move between pages.

5.5.5 Content

To access the Content Summary, hover over the “Reports” menu item to display the sub-menu selections. With the

sub-menu visible, click the “Content” option to display the content summary report options.

The screen below shows the Content Summary report.

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Figure 51 - Content Report Example

The following selection may be made at the top of the Content Summary screen:

• Report Content Summary for – This drop list shows all available courses and packages and allows the

selection on one item to display the content summary. In the example able, the “Human Rights

Awareness Education” course was selected.

For the selected item, the report shows two types of information:

• Overview – The section of the reports includes the fields Published By, Content Type, Size, [number of]

Users in last 30 days, Last synchronized [date/time], and Last updated [date/time].

• Activity – This section list all the dates when the item was accessed from the JKO Mobile App and shows

the number of user accesses and the duration for each date. If more than 10 items are in the Activity list,

the Next and Prior buttons at the upper right may be used to move between pages.

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5.6 Permissions Menu

The “Permissions” menu of the m-LS includes two selections: Access Control and Accounts.

5.6.1 Access Control

To access the Access Control screen, hover over the “Permissions” menu item to display the sub-menu selections.

With the sub-menu visible, click the “Access Control” option to display the Access Control screen.

The screen below shows the Access Control form.

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Figure 52 - Access Control

The Access Control function defines role based access for the m-LS. Custom roles are created and edited. The screen

contains check boxes corresponding to all the major menu and form functions of the m-LS user interface. Access to an

m-LS function for a specific role is specified by checking the check box beside a function.

The following fields may be entered on this screen:

a. Role - This drop list currently contains the following roles:

Super Administrator


System Administrator

Mobile user

Content Manager

Select a Role from the drop list to update the check boxes that define the Role’s access to various

functions in the m-LS.

b. The Check boxes displayed on this screen correspond to m-LS major menu and form functions in the

m-LS. The table below maps the current role configurations to their m-LS functions.

Function/Role Mobile




Administrator Super




Courses None V/C/E/D All All All

Packages None V/C/D All All All

Mobile and

Web Users

None None All All All

Session Data None V All All All

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News None None V/C/E/D All All

Tracked Data None None All All All

Access Control None None None All All



None V/R/C/E/D All All All

Content Type None None All All All

System Access



Access web


Access web






web suite

Account None None None Edit



Community None All All All All

Publishers None All All All All

Summary All All All All All

Table 1 - m-LS Functions and Roles

Legend: V=View, C=Create, E=Edit, D=Delete, R=Retrieve

For each of the m-LS menu areas, check box selections to items such as View, Create, Edit, Delete, and

View are available to grant or deny access to individual functions based on the user role assignment.

Icons for a check mark and a check box are displayed below and to the right on each titled block within

this screen and allow all items below the title to be selected or de-selected with a single click.

To add additional custom roles, click the “+ Add Role” button to the right of the “Role” drop list. The following pop-up

screen will display to allow entry of a new role name and alias.

Click the “Confirm” button to save the new role in the m-LS database or the “Cancel” button to discard any changes.

Once a new role is created, it can be selected from the drop down list on the main Access Control form.

Click the “Trash” button to the right of the “Role” list to delete the selected Role. A pop-up form will be displayed to

confirm that you want to permanently delete the selected Role. Deleted items cannot be recovered.

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5.6.2 Accounts

To access the Accounts list, hover over the “Permissions” menu item to display the sub-menu selections. With the

sub-menu visible, click the “Accounts” option to display the content summary report options.

The screen below shows the Accounts form.

The Accounts form allows configuration of JKO Mobile App color schemes, title bar logos, user authentication options,

custom messages, and other options that will create a unique “brand” or look for the JKO Mobile App user interface.

Figure 53 - Accounts List Account Creation

The screen below shows the form used to enter a new Account into the m-LS. This form is displayed when the user

clicks the “+ Add Account” button at the top of the Permissions list.

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Figure 54 - Accounts Creation

The following fields may be entered on the Account Creation form:

a. Name – Mandatory. Free text to enter the name of the Account. This name will display on the Account list.

b. Mandatory. This entry identifies the database that the mobile user for this account will connect to. For now

this entry should always be “jko”.

c. Address – Mandatory. Enter mailing address for contact person or organization. This email address is also

displayed on the m-LS login page as the point of contact for lost or forgotten passwords or new accounts.

d. Website – Mandatory. Enter URL of organization web site.

e. Phone – Mandatory. Enter phone number for contact person or organization.

f. Contact Person – Mandatory. Enter name of contact person

g. Email – Mandatory. Enter email address for contact person or organization. This email address is also

displayed on the m-LS login page as the point of contact for lost or forgotten passwords or new accounts.

h. Welcome text – Optional. Enter the text displayed in the JKO Mobile App “About” menu selection.

i. Mobile authentication rule – Mandatory. Select form the drop list username, email, or PIN Number.

Optionally, a new option may be added by clicking on the “+” icon following the drop list. For JKO, the “PIN

Number” selection is used.

j. External Mobile authentication service – Mandatory. Select “None” or “JKO PinSetter” from the drop list. ADL

and ADL Partner Labs should select “None”. For JKO, the “JKO PinSetter” selection is used.

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k. Lookup entry – Mandatory. The two digit representation of the country should be entered in this field. This

Account configuration will be applied to mobile users whose PIN is affiliated with this country (based on the

last two digits of the user PIN) when they login to the JKO Mobile App. The two digit country codes currently

defined in the m-LS are:

l. Categories label – Optional. Enter “Categories”. This filed is obsolete and will be removed in a future update.

m. Keep compatibility with old mobile apps – This field is obsolete and may be ignored. The field will be removed

in a future update.

When done entering updates to Account information, click the “Create” button to save all data in the m-LS database.

Note that the Account Creation form is the first step of creating a new Account. This form will establish the Account in

the m-LS database and display the new item in the Account list.

When the “Create” button is clicked at the top of the form, the “Account Information” will be displayed and the

additional Account information may be entered by clicking the “Edit” button at the top of the “Account Information”


Click the “Back” arrow button at the top of the form to return to the Account list. If the “Back” arrow is clicked prior

to selecting “Save”, all updates will be discarded. Account Information

The Account Information screen is displayed by selecting a row on the Accounts list. This form is also displayed when

the “Create” button is clicked from the Account Creation form.

Two examples of the Account Information screens are provided to illustrate the differences in how the JKO Mobile

App may be configured for US users compared to a custom configurations for the UK (or other ADL Partners) may be


Example #1 - JKO:

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Figure 55 - Accounts Information - JKO Example

Note the following JKO specific entries in the sample JKO screen above

Name = JKO

Domain = jko

Web Site = URL to access JKO from the internet

Email = JKO point of contact

External mobile authentication service = JKO PinSetter

Lookup entry = The two digits “87” represent US user PINs.

Mobile Base Color – This color is used in the JKO Mobile App title bar.

Mobile Dark Color – This color is used as an alternated background color in the JKO Mobile App.

Mobile Selected Color – This color is user to highlight selected items in the JKO Mobile app.

Mobile Logo – This image is displayed on the JKO Mobile App title bar.

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Example #2 - UK:

Compare the above JKO entries with the corresponding entries in the sample screen below for the UK Account to

better understand how different options may be used.

Figure 56 - Accounts Information - UK Example Account Editing

The “Account Editing” form is displayed when the “Edit” button is clicked on the “Account Information” form.

The “Account Editing” screen is shown below:

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Figure 57 - Account Edit

The following fields may be updated on the Account Edit form:

a. Name – Mandatory. Free text to enter the name of the Account. This name will display on the Account list.

b. Domain – Mandatory. This entry identifies the database that the mobile user for this account will connect to.

For now this entry should always be “jko”.

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c. Address – Mandatory. Enter mailing address for contact person or organization. This email address is also

displayed on the m-LS login page as the point of contact for lost or forgotten passwords or new accounts.

d. Website – Mandatory. Enter URL of organization web site.

e. Phone – Mandatory. Enter phone number for contact person or organization.

f. Contact Person – Mandatory. Enter name of contact person

g. Email – Mandatory. Enter email address for contact person or organization. This email address is also

displayed on the m-LS login page as the point of contact for lost or forgotten passwords or new accounts.

h. Welcome text – Optional. Enter the text displayed in the JKO Mobile App “About” menu selection.

i. Mobile authentication rule – Mandatory. Select form the drop list username, email, or PIN Number.

Optionally, a new option may be added by clicking on the “+” icon following the drop list. For JKO, the “PIN

Number” selection is used.

j. External Mobile authentication service – Mandatory. Select “None” or “JKO PinSetter” from the drop list. ADL

and ADL Partner Labs should select “None” in this field. For JKO, the “JKO PinSetter” option is used.

k. Lookup entry – Mandatory. The two digit representation of the country should be entered in this field. This

Account configuration will be applied to user affiliated with this country when they login to the JKO Mobile

App. The two digit country codes currently defined in the m-LS are:

l. Categories label – Optional. Enter “Categories”. This filed is obsolete and will be removed in a future update.

m. Keep compatibility with old mobile apps – This field is obsolete and may be ignored. The field will be removed

in a future update.

n. Mobile invalid credentials custom message – Optional. Recommended text is “invalid credentials”.

o. Mobile user is disabled customer message – Optional. Recommended text is “This user doesn’t have mobile

access privileges”.

p. Mobile user is not active – Optional. Recommended text is “User is not active”.

q. Mobile user not found customer message – Optional. Recommended text is “User not found”.

r. Mobile user flagged as removed custom message – Optional. Recommended text is “User is marked as


s. Mobile Base Color – Optional. Recommended JKO color is ”165, 66, 137”. The button before the text entry

opens a color chooser pop-up to assist in picking desired RGB color codes. This color is used as a background

for the title bar and other elements of the JKO Mobile App.

t. Mobile Dark Color – Optional. Recommended JKO color is “57, 16, 54”. The button before the text entry

opens a color chooser pop-up to assist in picking desired RGB color codes.

u. Mobile Selected Color – Optional. Recommended JKO color is “57, 16, 54”. The button before the text entry

opens a color chooser pop-up to assist in picking desired RGB color codes. This color is used to highlight

selected items within the JKO Mobile App.

v. Mobile logo – Optional. Click the “Browse” button to open a file chooser screen that will allow you to select a

file from your personal computer to upload. Image files are recommended to be 128x128 pixels.

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When done entering updates to Account information, click the “Save” button to save all data in the m-LS database.

Click the “Back” arrow button at the top of the form to return to the Account list. If the “Back” arrow is clicked prior

to selecting “Save”, all updates will be discarded.

Click the “Next” or “Prior” buttons at the upper right of the form to move to the next or prior Account from the

Account list.

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Term Description

ADL Advanced Distributed Learning

API Application Program Interface

CDT Content Development Team

COLAB Collaborative Laboratory

CSS Cascading Style Sheets

IA Information Assurance

ISD Instructional System Designer

IPR In-Progress Review

JIDB Joint Integration Data Base

JKO Joint Knowledge Online

JS JavaScript

LCMS Learning Content Management System

m-LS Mobile Learning Suite

OPR Office of Primary Responsibility

POA&M Plan of Action & Milestones

SME Subject Matter Expert

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Appendix A – JKO Content Development Kit (CDK) Handset Developers Guide

1. Background

The JKO Mobile Learning Application provides a framework on which content developers can create multi-­­platform content for use by the JKO community. Content developers can provide learning content to users in two ways:

Static resources - such as video or eBooks are displayed to the user and consumed without interaction.

For these resources a user’s entry to and exit from the content is recorded by the JKO application, but no

interaction is possible with the content directly.

Interactive Resources – such as HTML– Offer elements on pages for users to interact with and / or can

include JavaScript written by the content author that manipulates, tracks or extend the content. Content

developers can also interact directly with the JKO application via the handset API.

Content developers may – if they wish – use third-­ party JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery Mobile or Sencha

Touch to develop enhanced interactivity features. These operate well with the JKO app and can be included in

packages (referenced from HTML resources).

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2. JavaScript Handset API

2.1. Prerequisites

Content utilizing the API methods in this document should be created in HTML form and packaged as an HTML resource.

Each HTML document must including the following scripts in the document head to enable the API and for correct operation of user activity tracking:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">

function getMLearningPath(){var


1);var IS_IOS=(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPhone")!=-



href=window.location.href;href=href.split("#")[0];var courses=null;if(IS_ANDROID){var

regEx="([A-Za-z]+(.)){2}[A- Za-z]+/courses";var




pos=href.indexOf(courses)+courses.length;var base=href.substring(0,pos);var


/"+path[0]+"/";return base}(function(){if(typeof(PhoneGap)!="undefined"){return}v ar

path=getMLearningPath();var os=(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Android")!=-

1)?"android":"ios";document.write('<script src="'+path+"phonegap-"+os+'-

1.3.0.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-


src="'+path+'framework.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-



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It is not necessary to include the files referenced in this code within a package – they are provided automatically by the application.

2.2. API Methods

API methods for the JKO application are provided via a PhoneGap plugin ‘clientPlugin’. Calls are made using the syntax:


2.2.1. Native Storage (setValue / getValue)

Native storage offers a way to store data that can be accessed by the JKO application or from a native-­­code plugin to the application. Typically it is used to store data that requires synchronization with the m-­­Learning Suite via a set of reserved keys. For routine storage of data – where no access by native code is required -­­ JavaScript variables (for use within a single page)

or HTML5 DB (flexible SQL-­­based storage that persists between pages) is recommended. These techniques do not require

the Handset API.

Using native storage, data can be stored in two contexts as key / value pairs:

Global – Data in this store can be read / written-­­to by any resource in any package. Content-­­specific – Data in this store is available only to the current resource in the current package. The same

key-­­name may be in-­­use by other resources, but the values are unrelated.

Two methods are provided:

clientPlugin.setValue(type, key, value, callback) – Stores values.

clientPlugin.getValue(type, key, callback) – Retrieves values.

The parameters are:

type -­­ The type of the native storage:

– MFStoreType.GLOBAL – For global storage.

– MFStoreType.SPECIFIC –-­­For resource-­­specific storage.

key -­­ The key name.

value -­­ The value to be stored

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callback -­­ The callback function to confirm the operation:

– For setValue: A callback is optional. If a function is provided it will be called on completion without any parameters.

– For getValue: A callback is required. The function provided will be called on completion with the retrieved value as the only parameter.

2.2.2. Native Storage Reserved Keys

The following key names are reserved in the specified storage-­­type for special purposes: Content developer’s access to keys is noted in squared brackets and ‘Sync’ indicates the value will be copied to the m-­­Learning Suite when the user leaves the resource or the sync() method is called.

cmi.completion_status in MFStoreType.SPECIFIC [read, write and sync] – Records the user’s progress for the current

resource as a string. Values can be as follows (other values can be used but will not be interpreted by the m-­­

Learning Suite):

– “completed”

– “incomplete”

– “not attempted”

– “unknown”

cmi.success_status in MFStoreType.SPECIFIC [read, write and sync] – Records whether the user has mastered the content in the resource as a string. Values can be as follows (other values can be used but will not be interpreted by the m-­­Learning Suite):

– “passed”

– “failed”

– “unknown”

cmi.total_time in MFStoreType.SPECIFIC [read and sync] – Records the accumulated time in milliseconds (as an integer)

spent by the user on this resource. Time is accumulated from when the user opens the current resource (or from

the last call to the initialize() method). The value is updated to include the current session’s duration when the

user leaves the resource or when a call to the terminate() method is made.

cmi.suspend_data in MFStoreType.SPECIFIC [read and write] – Provides a store for data to be persisted between

sessions as a string. Provided for legacy compatibility with the SCORM standard – use of HTML5 DB is

recommended for persistent local storage for newly-­­developed packages.

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2.2.3. Opening Menu Items (openMenuItem)

Content developers can provide links to a menu from within HTML resources via JavaScript.

The menu called can be contained in the current package or another package, but is referenced with its full name in both cases.

The following method is provided:

clientPlugin.openMenuItem(menuItemId, callback) – Opens the specified menu.

The parameters are:

menuItemId -­­ The full ID of the menu as named in the package’s package.xml file,

starting with the package ID. For example: “example.gettingstarted.faq” – the menu

‘faq’ within the menu ‘gettingstarted’ within the package ‘example’.

callback (optional) -­­ The function specified will be called on completion without any parameters.

2.2.4. Opening Resources (openResource)

Content developers can provide links to a resource from within HTML resources via JavaScript.

The resource called can be contained in the current package or another package, but is referenced with its full name in both cases.

The following method is provided:

clientPlugin.openResource(resourceId, callback) – Opens the specified resource.

The parameters are:

resourceId -­­ The full ID of the resource as named in the package’s package.xml file, starting with the package ID.

For example: “example.welcome_page_html” – the resource ‘welcome_page_html’ within the package


callback (optional) -­­ The function specified will be called on completion without any parameters.

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2.2.5. Getting / Setting Device Settings

This section is included as a place-­­holder. This feature is not currently supported in the JKO Mobile Learning Applications.

2.2.6. Getting Information About The User (getUserUsername)

Content developers can retrieve the name of the current user via JavaScript.

The following method is provided:

clientPlugin.getUserUsername(callback) – Retrieves the current user username.

The parameters are:

callback -­­ The method specified will be called on completion with one parameter containing the user’s PIN.

2.2.7. Getting Information About The Device

At this release retrieving device information is not supported.

2.2.8. Custom Tracking (track)

To augment the data stored automatically as a user accesses resources, content developers can pass additional data to the m-­­Learning Suite.

Typically this method will be bound to an element within an HTML resource to record its state.

The following method is provided:

clientPlugin.track(info, callback) – Stores any value.

The parameters are:

info – The value to be stored. String.

callback (optional) -­­ The method specified will be called on completion without any parameters.

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2.2.9. Synchronizing Data (sync)

All data to be synchronized to the m-­­Learning Suite are placed in the native storage keys defined in section 2.2.2. When operating online synchronization occurs at the frequency defined in the device settings and each time a user leaves a package. When operating offline data are retained until network connectivity is re-­­established (whilst offline downloaded packages continue to function).

A content developer may also force a device synchronization from within a resource. The following method is provided:

clientPlugin.sync(callback) – Forces a synchronization with the m-­­learning suite.

The parameters are:

callback (optional) -­­ The method specified will be called on completion without any parameters.

2.2.10. Recording User Time (initialize / terminate)

The time spent by a user accessing a resource is automatically tracked on entry and exit. However, where a resource contains material that is not learning content (such as usage instructions or custom menus) content developers may wish to start and stop the timer programmatically.

Two methods are provided:

clientPlugin.initialize(callback) – Resets the current session’s usage time to zero. Re-­­starts the timer if has previously been stopped.

clientPlugin.terminate(callback) – Stops the timer (if it is running) and adds the current session’s usage time to the

cumulative total stored in the ‘cmi.total_time’ key in ‘MFStoreType.SPECIFIC’ native storage.

The parameters are:

callback (optional) -­­ The method specified will be called on completion without any parameters.

2.2.11. Retrieving the file-­­system path of the current package


This method provides support for content developers utilizing native plug-­­ins

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When using a native plug-­­in it may be necessary to directly access the file-­­system of a package. To do this a method is provided to return the full path to the root folder of the current package. The following method is provided:

clientPlugin.getCurrentCourseLocalPathRoot (callback, errorCallback) – Returns the path to the root of the current package.

The parameters are:

callback -­­ The method specified will be called on completion and will return a JSON object with the following parameters: – “courseId” – The name of the course – “localPathRoot” – The full local path to the root folder of the course

errorCallback -­­ The method specified will be called if an error occurs and will return a JSON object with the following parameters: – “error” – An error string to determine why the error occurred

The path will be presented differently between iOS and Android, due to the file-­­system,

differences between the two platforms:

For Android, the path returned will follow this structure:



For iOS, the path returned will follow this structure:


2.2.12. Initializing and clearing a temporary folder for the currently opened course

This method provides support for content developers utilizing native plug-­­ins.

When using a native plug-­­in it may be necessary to create and remove temporary files. To do this a dedicated location is provided for each package.

Two methods are provided for this purpose:

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JKO Content Development Kit

clientPlugin.initializeCurrentCourseLocalTempFolder(callback, errorCallback) – Creates (or resets if already

in existence) a temporary file store location for the current package.

clientPlugin.clearCurrentCourseLocalTempFolder(callback, errorCallback) – Removes

the temporary file store location for the current package.

The parameters are:

– callback (for initialize method) -­­ The method specified will be called on completion and will return a JSON object with the following parameters:

– “tempFolderPath” – The full local path to the temporary folder

– callback (for clear method) -­­ The method specified will be called on completion and will not return any parameters.

– errorCallback -­­ The method specified will be called if an error occurs and will return a JSON object with the following parameters:

– “error” – An error string to determine why the error occurred

2.3. Extending the API

The JKO app uses the PhoneGap framework to provide a multi-­­platform JavaScript environment, including the API methods described in this document. Content developers may extend their content using any part of the PhoneGap API (version 1.3.0). Full documentation of the standard is at: http://docs.phonegap.com/en/1.3.0/index.html


Only methods described in this document will be supported by Tribal, but content developers with the technical capability to use the wider framework are welcome to.

Where a JKO-­­provided method offers the same functionality as a PhoneGap method content developers should

use the JKO version as this will be supported and may be customized for the JKO environment.

2.4. Example Callbacks

2.4.1. No Value Returned

window.plugins.clientPlugin.openMenuItem(‘menuItemId’, function() {

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JKO Content Development Kit

alert(‘Open menu item was invoked.‘);


2.4.2. Value Returned


function(pin) {

alert(‘The current user’s PIN is ‘ + pin);


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3. Content Development

3.1. Video

The following format is recommended for any video for content for Mobile Learning Application content:

Video Codec: H.264

File format: MP4 (with .mp4 extension)

Audio codec: AAC

Web optimized: on

Modulus: 16

Size: 480x272 pixels

Average Bitrate: 960 kbps

The free application ‘Handbrake’ is recommended as a tool capable of converting other

media-­­types to this format. It is available from: http://handbrake.fr/

3.2. Video in HTML Resources

Due to inconsistencies in support and user experience between devices and platforms

the following approach to including video in HTML is recommended:

Link directly to files in MP4 format (with .mp4 extensions) using normal HTML links:

<a href=”a-video-file.mp4”>Watch this video</a>

To provide a preview thumbnail place the link around an image:

<a href=”a-video-file.mp4”>

<img src=”video-thumbnail.jpg” /></a>

Style thumbnail images with an appropriate visual cue such as a ‘play’ icon.

Design content so that video content does not require surrounding content (such as instructions, transcriptions or questions) whilst the user is watching the video.

When a link to an MP4 video linked in this way is followed, the application passes it to

the device’s native video player to provide the best playback experience.

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4. Example Resources

4.1. JavaScript Resources

The following example HTML shows the required JavaScript references in the document header.

<!DOCTYPE html>



<script src="phonegap.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">


<script src="app.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>




4.2. Example API Calls

The following HTML shows links providing sample calls to a range of API methods. Dummy data is used and a null object is passed for callbacks as they are not used in this case.

<a href="javascript:;" onclick="window.plugins.clientPlugin.openMenuItem('module1. training',


<a href="javascript:;"

onclick="window.plugins.clientPlugin.openResource('module1. training.introduction',


<a href="javascript:;" onclick="window.plugins.clientPlugin.setValue(MFStoreType.G LOBAL,

'globalsetting', 'someValue', null);">setValue (global)</a>

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<a href="javascript:;"

onclick="window.plugins.clientPlugin.setValue(MFStoreType.S PECIFIC,

'lastAccessedSection', 'demographicEntry', null);">setValue (specific)</a>

<a href="javascript:;"



<a href="javascript:;"


<a href="javascript:;"

onclick="window.plugins.clientPlugin.track('additional tracking info',


<a href="javascript:;"



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Where can I find army tarp training? ›

The U.S. Army Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP) Training is offered through the Army's EAMS portal. You will need a CAC to access this training.

What is jko? ›

Joint Knowledge Online (JKO), is the DoD advanced distributed learning capability for military and civilian individual and staff online training. It is the Joint Staff system of record for Joint Staff annual training requirements.

Is 350-1 training no longer required? ›

Code of Conduct, Personnel Recovery or Survival Escape Resistance and Evasion Level-A (SERE-A) Training as defined in AR 350-1 and AR 525-28 are no longer required for all personnel. Commanders will evaluate individual missions or risks to personnel and may require this training if the circ*mstance dictates.

Can veterans use jko? ›

Who Can Use Joint Knowledge Online. Generally, military members and DoD civilians can create and register accounts on JKO. You will be required to use your Common Access Card to access JKO materials across its networks whether you sign into JKO classified or unclassified systems.

Can I do jko classes on my phone? ›

Download and Install the JKO Mobile App from your device's app store, type in your PIN and download available courses from the App's “Library” section. 4. Complete training courses on your mobile device.

Can I do jko at home? ›

JKO is providing 24/7 global access to online training courses and Web-based training resources. The capability delivers Web-based access on military classified and unclassified networks to required, theater-entry, and self-paced training to prepare for joint operations and training exercises.

What are some good Jko courses? ›

JKO is more than mandatory training, explore professional development, career enhancement, or just plain interesting trainings.
  • JMESI –US009 - Conflict Management One: Principles. ...
  • JMESI-US012 - Decision Making. ...
  • JMESI-US015 - Effective Communication. ...
  • JMESI-US064 Leadership: Time Management.
Dec 12, 2022

What is tarp training called now? ›

Army Regulation 381-12, Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP), formerly known as Subversion and Espionage Directed Against the U.S. Army (SAEDA), establishes policy and responsibilities for threat awareness and reporting in the Army.

How long is Army tarp training? ›

Army TRAINING INFORMATION SYSTEM (ATIS) / Learning Management System (ALMS)
Course NameTraining TimeReference
Operations Security (OPSEC)1 HourAR 530-1
Threat Awareness (TARP)1 HourAR 381-12
Information Security (InfoSec)1 HourAR 380–5
Information Awareness (IA)1 HourAR 25-2

Where do I find isoprep training? ›

Isolated Personnel Report (ISOPREP): (ALL COCOMs)

Antiterrorism Level I Training resides on Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) and can be reached via the following site: https://jkodirect.jten.mil. A CAC card is required for this training. Click on https://jkodirect.jten.mil to begin registration.

Where can I find Army certifications? ›

COOL (Credentialing Opportunities On-Line) helps Army service members find information on certifications and licenses related to their military occupation and civilian careers. COOL can also be used by Recruiters, Counselors, Credentialing Organizations and Employers.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.