Hemlock's favourite pet - Chapter 12 - LocalFarmRat (2024)

Chapter Text

“Every time we return to this gods forsaken f*cking planet... I die a little bit more”

I spoke with a heavy tone of annoyance, the frustration of being back evident in my voice as I watched the dust from Ord Mantel coat the windows of the co*ckpit. The leather of my gloves squeaked as I flexed my fingers in irritation, it had been months and I had yet to meet this so called Cid and now it was time.

The sun had long ago dropped below the horizon, casting a deep golden glow over the mostly empty streets. It was getting colder at nights, making the city’s inhabitants retreat to their homes instead of spending time in the cold air. Tech glanced over at me with a hint of amusem*nt in his eyes, hands moving effortlessly as he shut down the ships many systems.

“I cannot say I disagree”

He spoke softly, his gaze briefly flickering to his datapad before returning to me. I snorted a laugh as I leaned back in my seat, the dust this time seemed thicker than before, shutting out the view of the city almost completely. The sound of wreckers voice boomed loudly though the ship as he bounded for the gangplank followed by omega, they both had one goal and that was to find mantel mix. I dragged a hand through my hair as a deep sigh left my lips, the last few days since leaving Saleucami had been exhausting. Sitting up late for hours, trying to map out and plan a way of making the DNA code yet we were still not a step closer. My brain was running on less then 2 hours of sleep, and it was starting to become very noticeable. The heels of my feet pushed against the floor as I swirled the seat around before pushing to my feet, crosshair moved out of the ship, his sniper still strapped to his back.

I rolled my shoulders in a try to ease the tension as my eyes closed by themselves, they felt heavy and in need of a long deep sleep. Yet that hadn’t happened for a few days at this point, spending each night wide awake searching for any possibility to create the DNA code. At this point I had barely slept at all over the span of 3 days, tech had multiple times tried to get me to got to sleep yet I continuously declined and kept working. Hunters voice pierced through the heavy train of thoughts, his figure outlined by the dimly lit interior of the ship.

“Ready to meet Cid?”

His question filled the air as he leaned against the doorway, a look of anticipation mixed with amusem*nt plastered on his face. I sighed and met his gaze with half closed eyes, feeling the weight from lack of sleep deep in my bones at this point.

“No… not really”

I replied as I stifled a yawn

“But I suppose I have no choice”

I heard tech hum something as he stood up from his seat less then a short step behind me, and almost instantly, the exhaustion was gone once my mind realized how close behind me tech actually was.

“You do have a choice Aras”

Tech responded in a surprisingly soft tone as I felt his eyes on the back of my neck, hunter tilted his head to the side and shook his head.

“Nope she does not… todays the day, so come on”

He gestured with his hands, and I could head tech audibly sigh. With a resigned shrug, I moved past hunter and made my way down the gangplank, my footsteps echoing against the metal. As my feet hit the ground, a small cloud of dust lifted from the ground before settling again, Ord Mantel had been very dry lately with minimal to zero rain. I scanned the port, the only thing visible being a few cargo boxes strewn about. Omega, wrecker and crosshair had headed out before us, omega set on finding her goal before going back to Cid. I stopped shortly before the exit of the port, allowing hunter to go ahead as he knew where to go. As we moved through the streets, the occasional drunken straggler stumbled past us, their voices slurred and footsteps unsteady. Tech as we walked, fell into step next to me, head buried into his datapad. Eyes not wavering once, not even to look up and make sure he wasn’t walking wrong. It was an impressive talent, at least according to me.

The setting sun covered the city in a soft, thick golden glow, casting long shadows that stretched across the streets. The heat from the sun still nestled in between the buildings, moving softly against the dry ground. The warm hues of dusk painted the buildings in shades of amber and gold, lending the cityscape an ethereal beauty. The flickering of the streetlights in techs goggles grabbed my attention, and almost instantly it was impossible to look away. His features were illuminated by the soft light of the sun set, the glow moved through his hair as it moved softly in the wind. It had started to grow longer, a few strands were lighter than the rest of his hair, a little mix of colours. A ray of light reflecting of off a window filled his eyes with an orange glow, turning techs already soft brown eyes into a swirling pool of deep amber. His brow furrowed in concentration as he scrolled through the data on his datapad, the lines on his face highlighted by the warm glow. It was mesmerizing to look at him in such light, it seemed almost like a dream. My breath got stuck in my lungs as I traced his features with my eyes, my mind memorising every small detail I could see in the orange light. A small tug at the corners of his lips pulled me out of my trance and I instantly looked away, and a second later, I could see him looking at me through my peripheral. This had never been the plan when I left Verun three years ago, to end up here, walking next to someone I was trying so hard to not fall in love with even more.

But he was just... perfect honestly.

I bit down on the inside of my cheeks as I shook my head, trying to focus on anything but the man walking next to me. I swore to myself and to those around me years ago, to never love in any romantic way. Yet here I was, breaking my own rules. But I was getting surprisingly good a just that, breaking rules I myself made.

The eerie silence of the empty street was suddenly broken by a high-pitched squeal that reverberated through the air, pulling my attention away from the dusty ground beneath my feet. Up ahead, Omega stood alongside Wrecker and Crosshair, her infectious energy radiating as she held up a large circular box filled with Mantel mix, her vibrant enthusiasm radiated like a bomb of colour against the beige desolate surroundings.

A soft chuckle escaped Hunter's lips as he caught sight of Omega's waving arms, a few bits of mantel mix tipped over the edges as she moved her arms.

"Looks like we're here"

He remarked, gesturing towards the direction of Cid's bar, which loomed ahead like a beacon in the fading light. Though I had never seen the building before, I couldn't mistake it for anything else, thanks to Wrecker's vivid descriptions, often embellished by Omega's animated storytelling.

"I still don't understand why I need to meet her"

I grumbled under my breath as I readjusted the blasters strapped to my thighs, the weight of them pushing against my skin was a way of keeping myself constantly alert. Hunter shot me a sidelong glance before continuing to walk, his stride confident and purposeful.

"Because with one more person on the team, we might get paid more for our missions"

He replied matter-of-factly, his voice carrying a hint of resignation.

"I don't want money"

I retorted, my voice laced with frustration as I narrowed my eyes against hunters remark. But Hunter's response was nothing more than a noncommittal hum as he disappeared into the dimly lit interior of the bar, followed closely by Crosshair.

Left standing alone on the deserted street, I hesitated for a moment, it felt wrong in many ways to walk in. yet if I didn’t, either one or all would come and drag me in whether I wanted to or not. The idea of meeting new people, especially someone like Cid, filled me with a sense of unease that I couldn't quite shake. Eventually, I forced myself to follow the others into the dimly lit bar. The interior was mostly empty, save for two customers sitting at one of the holotables.

Hunter and Crosshair were at the bar, Wrecker and Omega with them. Omega was still munching happily on her Mantel Mix, oblivious to the tension I felt. Tech was off to the side, his face illuminated by the glow of his datapad. He only glanced up for a split second to acknowledge my presence before returning to his task.

I stopped just short of the bar as a Trandoshan stood up from behind it. Her eyes landed directly on me, and all the warning bells in my head went off at once. Everything about her felt wrong. Her piercing gaze raked over me, assessing, judging. I stared back, my eyes unblinking, nostrils flaring. Sirens blared loudly in my head, this was not good, something about her was wrong and I felt it clear as day.

Tech instantly noticed the sudden silence, looking up from his datapad. He could tell just by the tension in my posture what was currently going through my head.

"This is Cid"

Hunter said, motioning to the Trandoshan who was still staring at me from behind the bar.

"Cid, this is Aras"

Cid looked me up and down again, her expression shifting into what looked like a sneer.

"So, you are the one they've been dragging around"

she said, clicking her tongue.

"You look like a weight"

The corner of my mouth twitched as I took a sharp breath through my nose. Rolling my eyes, I responded in a dark tone,

"I can assure you, the only one between the two of us who would be a weight is you"

The air grew thick with tension. Cid's sneer deepened, and I could feel the hostility radiating off her. Hunter gave me a look as I stared at the scaly lizard thing behind the bar, if the years in the guard had taught me anything, it was to trust my instinct. And it was currently telling me to turn around, do not even think about speaking to that thing, yet I stayed. Tech appeared by my side in an instance, his presence a calming force amidst the rising storm.

"I require some of your assistance"

he spoke, pulling my attention away from Cid. Tech guided me to a table away from the bar, where I sat down, my back facing the others. He settled across from me, his eyes scanning my face as I clenched the muscles in my jaw. "You do not seem to like the Trandoshan very much"

Tech observed, his grip on his datapad tight.

My lips twitched as I removed one of my blasters from its sheath, placing it on the table within easy reach.

"Let's just say... I don't have good experience with such creatures"

I snorted, tapping the barrel tip of the blaster against the table. Tech nodded, looking down at his datapad before sliding it over to me.

"Is this the correct bio-metal structure?"

He questioned. I glanced at the screen, recognizing the structure of the metal. It was very similar to that of my own ship, it wasn’t entirely the same since it wasn’t merged yet. Furrowing my eyebrows, I looked up at him as Tech readjusted his goggles.

"It's very close. Where did you get this?"

I tilted my head slightly, curious.

"I narrowed down the metal found around the area where Verun space is located"

Tech explained, tapping on the screen again. The light of the datapad illuminated his face, casting shadows that accentuated his focused expression. I couldn't help but admire him. Since the very start, Tech had been there to help me, no matter what. It was so different from what I was used to, and the feelings it stirred in me were something I didn't fully understand.

Being the Verun Grand General and falling in love with a Republic clone—it was a notion that would have made my father extremely disown me if he were still here. Perhaps, in some way, I was disappointed in myself. Nothing had gone the way it was supposed to these last three years, and even if I tried to make sense of it all, I just couldn’t figure out how I even ended up at the hands of hemlock. My mission I had gone on, was top secret and only my closest knew where I was going. yet, I wasn’t even on Saleucami for an hour before it happened, the memory of that day is still blurred

It made no sense to me how someone like Tech had taken to me so quickly. I was a stranger, yet he decided to help me without hesitation. I had spent so much of my life truly alone, with a dead father and an absent mother. Yet this group of misfit rogue Republic clones accepted me without question. It felt unreal whenever I thought about how I had found something resembling a family for the first time. However, I felt like a fraud. They didn’t know who I truly was; all they knew was my name, where I was from, and that I had been a prisoner of the Empire. Maybe it would have been a good idea to tell them more, but if I did, they would most likely start treating me differently, and that was the exact opposite of what I wanted.

For a moment, I allowed myself to simply exist in the quiet, the sound of Tech's tapping on the datapad a rhythmic background to my racing thoughts. His determination to help, to find a solution despite the odds, was something I would hold onto no matter how long or short my life may end up being. Right here, I felt like I fit in, surprisingly enough.

I sighed and looked up at Tech, who still seemed very much absorbed by his datapad. He was completely focused, the glow from the screen casting soft highlights on his sharp features. Despite the tension within me, I felt a small smile tug at the corners of my lips.

"Thank you, Tech"

I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. He glanced up, a slightly confused expression crossing his face.

"For what?"

he responded, furrowing his eyebrows just like his usual oblivious self. I chuckled lowly, finding a bit of amusem*nt in his genuine confusion.

"For so willingly helping me,"

I spoke again, my voice carrying a note of gratitude. His eyebrows raised in understanding as he nodded his head.

"Of course, I enjoy assisting you"

Tech said with a clear, sincere voice, his eyes meeting mine with an intensity that made my heart skip a beat. It was a relief to hear those words, to know he wasn't getting sick of me or my seemingly endless stream of problems.

"Good... because it probably won't be the last time"

I chuckled again, the sound a bit lighter, filled with a mix of resignation and relief. For a few seconds, an actual smile crossed his face—a very rare sight, but a very beautiful one. It transformed his typically emotionless demeanour, softening his features and illuminating his eyes with a warmth that was not often seen.

I smiled again, my fingers drumming a steady rhythm on the blaster barrel against the table. The muted voices of Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker continued their conversation with Cid about the mission. Their words were indistinct, blending into a low murmur that made it difficult to discern the specifics. Tech returned to his datapad, the glow of the screen reflecting off his focused expression as silence settled over the two of us.

The bar's quiet was punctuated by the drunken laughter of the two customers at the holotables. Their slurred words were incomprehensible, yet they communicated as if they understood each other perfectly. I sighed, running a hand through my hair before rolling my shoulders, trying to ease the tension that had built up.


I spoke up, my gaze fixed on the table. He looked up from his screen, his eyes attentive.


I hesitated for a moment before meeting his gaze.

"How big is the chance that you'll be able to make a functional DNA code?"

Tech considered the question, his mind clearly running through calculations and possibilities. After a minute of thoughtful silence, he finally spoke.

"At this moment, around 64 percent, I believe"

He glanced down at his datapad before looking back at me.

"With the necessary materials, it will be around 87 percent."

I nodded slowly, biting down on the inside of my cheek as I processed his words.

"That's... better than I expected"

I breathed out, trying to sound more reassured than I felt.

"I will try my best to increase those odds"

Tech said, his voice carrying a note of determination. After some silence, tech returned to his datapad, eyes scanning the screen.

As I sat there, looking at Tech, an idea popped into my mind: maybe I could bring the Batch back to Verun with me. It would give them some much-needed time to properly sit down and breathe, to relax without the constant threat of danger looming over them. For Omega, it would be an opportunity to experience what it truly means to be a kid, exploring Verun's diverse landscapes and meeting its friendly people. She could wander through the bustling city, climb the serene mountains, and play by the crystal-clear lakes.

For Tech, the Memorial Archives would be a treasure trove. I could already picture him immersing himself in the thousands of years of knowledge stored there, his eyes lighting up with curiosity and excitement. It would be a place where he could lose himself in history and discovery, far from the chaos of our usual missions.

Bringing the Batch to Verun would also give me a chance to show them who I really was, beyond just words. Showing them my home, my roots, would be easier and more meaningful than trying to explain it all. They would see the place that shaped me, the people who were part of my life. Verun was my goal, a beacon of hope. I needed to go home, to make sure the people knew I wasn't dead, at least not yet. It was a way to reconnect with my past while giving my new family a glimpse into my world.

My train of thought was abruptly cut short as Wrecker crashed down into the chair on my right, clearly exhausted. Omega had taken a seat next to Tech, her tired eyes still sparkling with curiosity. Hunter and Crosshair stood by the end of the table, their postures alert and ready.

"We have a rescue mission"

Hunter announced, looking between me and Tech.

"I thought you didn't like rescue missions"

I questioned, propping my elbow on the table and leaning my chin on my hand.

"I don't, but we don't have any choice"

Hunter responded, his hands placed on his hips in his usual stance.

"You always have a choice"

I countered, tapping the barrel of my blaster against the table.

Hunter shrugged his shoulders, glancing over at the empty bar to ensure Cid wasn't within earshot. "Well... Cid does not agree"

he spoke again after confirming she wasn't there to hear.

"Soo... what's my part in this?"

I asked, as I tilted my head back slightly as I raised my eyebrows

"You'll see"

Hunter teased, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh no... Hunter, don't"

I furrowed my brows, staring at him with a mixture of annoyance and anticipation. Omega chuckled, even in her tired state of mind, her laughter lightening the mood.

"You'll get to see later"

Hunter reiterated, snickering slightly.

"Well, f*ck... that's great"

I sighed, dragging a hand across my face in annoyance. One of the few things I did not like was Hunter's ability to put me in the most stupid situations possible.

Tech glanced up from his datapad, his eyes briefly meeting mine before returning to the screen. I could see the gears in his mind turning, already calculating the best approach to whatever madness Hunter had planned. Omega rested her head on Tech's shoulder, her eyes half-closed but still alert to our conversation.

The dim light of the bar cast long shadows across the room, the low hum of the holotables blending with the distant sounds of the city. Wrecker's heavy breathing was a steady rhythm beside me, I wasn’t the only one in the crew that was exhausted. Crosshair leaned against the table behind him, arms crossed over his chest, eyes the same usual look.

Hunter looked towards me again, his face mostly dark as he faced away from the main lights of the bar.

“don’t worry, it will be fine”

He tried to reassure, yet it wasn’t easy to know if that was true without knowing what exactly he was planning.

“Hmh… I don’t know if I trust you”

I huffed and pulled my blaster from the table and shoving it back into its holder on my thigh, it was probably going to be a long night with most likely no sleep at all.


The lights inside the Marauder cut through the darkness of the Ord Mantell night as Hunter finally finished laying out the mission plan. I blinked, trying to process what I had just heard, my mind racing with disbelief.

"So, you want... wait... hold up"

I stammered, staring at Hunter, my face contorted in shock.

"If I just understood you right... you want me to break into an IMPERIAL STRONGHOLD to rescue one of Cid's idiot friends?"

My voice escalated into a half-yell, my eyes wide as the anger inside me bubbled up. Hunter nodded slowly, his expression firm but hesitant. Tech glanced at him, a look in his eyes showed that tech did not at all agree with hunters plan.

"Why me? Why?"

I questioned loudly, gesturing wildly with my hands, trying to grasp the logic behind this insane plan.

"It was Hunter's idea"

Crosshair chimed in, not looking up from his sniper rifle as he continued cleaning it. Hunter shot him a look of mild irritation before turning back to me.


I half-yelled again, my voice bouncing against the metal walls of the ship. wrecker sat a little bit away from the rest together with omega, who looked back and forth as we spoke.

"Because you're small and quiet"

Hunter explained, crossing his arms over his chest in a defensive stance.

"So is Omega"

I sneered, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Yes... but she's a child"

Hunter interjected, his tone firm.

"I was younger than her when I was first put onto the battlefield"

I argued, my voice tinged with bitterness. Hunter simply shrugged, showing no sign of understanding at all.

"And look how you turned out"

Crosshair remarked in a plain tone, his eyes never leaving his rifle.

"Oh, f*ck you, you grey haired twat"

I sneered, leaning back in my seat, frustration boiling over. Crosshair stopped cleaning, and snapped his head to look at me, his eyes filled with anger but he didn’t get the chance to respond.

"So back on Saleucami, I wasn't allowed to go because it would be too dangerous and Hemlock could find me, yet now... I have to do it on my own?"

I questioned, my voice dripping with sarcasm and anger. Hunter's expression changed as the words echoed around us in the silence that followed, he knew I was right, yet hunter wouldn’t admit it freely.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I tried to process the plan. Breaking into an Imperial stronghold was a mission set to break, whether id manage and succeed, there was no way I’d would walk away without a scratch. Hunter finally spoke, his voice softer than before.

"We wouldn't ask you if we didn't believe you could do it."

I looked back at hunter, his body language wasn’t as strong and confident as it was before.

"Fine. But if this goes south, I'm blaming you."

I sighed and leaned forward in my seat, as I rubbed my face.


Hunter managed a small smile, as he patted me on the back.

As the plan began to solidify in my mind, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that lingered. Even if it was just a simple rescue mission, these kinds of missions never end up being simple. With a huff, I pushed up from my seat and walked to the back of the ship, out of sight from the others. This was definitely not even close to the most dangerous thing I had done, but the fact that they had changed direction so quickly really took me by surprise. First, I wasn't allowed to join a mission heading to an imperial stronghold, and now I had to break in and rescue someone on my own. I could do it, of course; it just felt weird—the whole situation. But maybe I was just overthinking everything.

I sat down on the same bunk I had woken up on months ago. My hands moved down to the outside of my thighs, where I removed my blasters from their sheaths. Placing one on the bunk, I flipped the safety switch and inspected the other blaster. I hadn't spent any time cleaning them at all the last few months, and it showed. With a sigh, I grabbed a cloth from the floor and started pulling apart the loose parts so I could properly clean it.

The minutes passed quietly, the repetitive motion of cleaning providing a small distraction from my loud and spiralling thoughts. The soft clinking of metal and the gentle scraping of the cloth against the blaster drowned out any other sounds, allowing me to try and focus on something else then the upcoming mission.

Omega came tiptoeing down the ship's floor before sitting down next to me. She watched in silence as the voices of Hunter and Tech moved down the ship from the co*ckpit. By the tone of Tech's voice, he seemed rather annoyed, if not angry. Omega looked towards the sounds before sighing.

"Tech doesn't want you to go on your own"

Omega spoke softly, leaning her head against my shoulder.

"He's scared you'll get hurt... and that he won't be there to help"

She followed after a few seconds of silence. My hands stopped moving as a weird feeling moved through my chest. I pulled in a sharp breath and started cleaning the blaster parts again. I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about him. That would be the complete opposite. I had found myself thinking of Tech, his voice, the way he so effortlessly moves, and the kiss that almost happened. It was hard not to think of that moment. It was hard to focus, to keep my mind on the right thing.

Now I truly had an insight into why a romantic relationship might not be the best for someone like me. But I had dug my hole and fallen in with no way of getting out. I'm a grand general, for f*ck's sake; I shouldn't be in a situation like this to begin with. Yet, I hadn't done anything to stop this from happening. It was like I had happily accepted my feelings with open arms, like an idiot.

Omega's presence beside me was comforting, a quiet reminder that I wasn't alone. Her small, warm hand resting on my arm brought a fleeting sense of calm. As I continued to clean my blaster, I realized just how much I had let my guard down with these people. They had become more than just crew; they were family. And the thought of losing any of them, especially Tech, was almost unbearable.

I glanced down at Omega, her big, curious eyes watching me intently.

"I'll be careful"

I murmured, more to reassure her than myself. She smiled softly, and in that moment, I felt a flicker of hope. Perhaps, despite the chaos and danger, things would work out. And maybe, just maybe, I could find a way to balance my duty and my feelings, without losing myself in the process.


The Marauder closed in on the forest ground, all lights turned off to avoid alerting any potential imperial patrols. The powerful downdraft from the ship's descent sent leaves scattering in a chaotic swirl as it hovered just above the wet ground. The gangplank opened, and a dark figure leaped down, landing silently in the mud. Within a heartbeat, the figure vanished into the shadows of the woods. Two more figures followed swiftly, dropping from the gangplank before the ship ascended back into the sky.

The air was thick and damp, almost suffocating, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. My feet moved with precision and silence against the slippery, wet ground as I navigated the dark forest. The stronghold loomed through the fog-filled horizon as I approached closer. The sound of voices up ahead to my left pierced the silent air, causing me to stop in my tracks and move to hide behind one of the thick trees. I listened intently, catching the staticky voices of stormtroopers moving about the forest just ahead. Their white armor glistened in the moonlight through the trees.

A rustling sound behind me caught my attention. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw a small red target dot trained on one of the stormtroopers' helmets. I quickly raised a hand to signal not to shoot. The rifle behind me slowly lowered. After a few seconds, the stormtroopers moved far enough away that we could proceed. I slid away from the tree with speed, my movements fluid as I navigated around the trees.

A clearing came into view, and I slid through the mud to a stop behind a thick bush, which offered a clear sight of our chosen entrance. Crosshair appeared on my right, his rifle instantly nestled into the bush, aimed into the clearing. Tech emerged to my left, his scanner set to night vision.

"You should have let me shoot them"

Crosshair whispered in a sneer.

I glanced at him before looking back at the entrance.

"That would only attract attention when a patrol suddenly goes missing... and we can't afford that suspicion or attention right now"

I whispered back, holding my comms up to my mouth.

"We are in position"

I spoke through the comms. A second later, Hunter responded.

"Copy that, on standby"

I breathed in deeply and nestled my blaster into the bushed as we waited for the right moment. The forest around us was alive with the sounds of nocturnal creatures, the rustling of leaves, and the distant hum of the stronghold's machinery. The air was heavy with moisture, making every breath feel dense and weighty. I could feel the tension in the air as we crouched in the mud, our eyes fixed on the entrance ahead, every muscle poised and ready for action.

The tension in the forest clearing was palpable as we lay in wait, the air thick with anticipation. Crosshair’s voice broke the silence first, a sneering whisper that cut through the stillness.

"You're holding the blaster wrong"

he hissed, his eyes never leaving the clearing as he scanned for any signs of movement.

I clicked my tongue in irritation, glancing over at him briefly before returning my focus to the scope of my blaster.

"Don't lecture me on the ways I use my weapons. It's the way my dad did it"

I shot back, my tone deliberately dismissive. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of riling me up.

Crosshair snorted, shifting the toothpick between his teeth with a flick of his tongue.

"Yeah, I doubt it. You just want to be special"

He remarked, his voice tinged with annoyance.

"I'm sure your parents are proud of your incredible achievements"

I whispered sarcastically, adjusting the scope nestled between the bushes. Through the lens, I watched the stormtrooper patrol move further away, their white armor blending into the misty backdrop of the forest.

Crosshair’s response was a growl, his voice low and almost feral.

"I don't have parents"

I smirked, unable to resist the jab.


A chuckle escaped my lips as I revelled in my small victory.

Tech, who had been quietly working beside us, stopped and looked up, surprise flickering across his face. The corners of his lips twitched as he struggled to suppress a laugh. The sight was almost comical, a rare break in his usually stoic demeanour.

Crosshair frowned, his face contorting in a mix of irritation and grudging amusem*nt. He shot me a glare, but I could see the tiniest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. For a brief moment, the tension lifted, replaced by a shared, albeit grudging, friendship. Then, just as quickly, we returned to our vigil, each of us settling back into the rhythm of the mission, the forest once again falling into a hushed silence.

Tech's scanner cast a faint green glow over his face as he went back to monitored the area. His eyes darted between the screen and the surroundings, ensuring there were no hidden threats. Crosshair's gaze was focused, his finger hovering over the trigger, ready to take the shot if necessary.

The moments dragged on, the anticipation building with every passing second. My heart pounded in my chest, but my breathing remained steady. I couldn't afford to let the nerves get to me. We were on the brink of something dangerous and crucial, and the success of the mission depended on our precision and timing.

Finally, the signal came. The patrol had moved far enough away, and it was time to act. I gave a final nod to Crosshair and Tech, and with a silent agreement, we prepared to move forward.

I glanced over at Tech's datapad as it displayed the patrol’s location, indicating they were far enough away for us to proceed. Tech left the bush first, moving swiftly and silently, closely followed by me, then Crosshair. The damp forest air clung to our skin, and the wet ground muffled our footsteps as we approached the entrance to the stronghold.

As soon as Tech reached the door, he connected his datapad and began working on unlocking it. His fingers moved rapidly over the screen, his concentration unbroken. Crosshair stood alert, his sharp eyes scanning the surrounding forest for any potential threats we might have missed. I looked back and forth from Tech to the forest, anxiously waiting for the door to unlock. My hands gripped the handles of my blasters tightly, my senses heightened. Every sound, every rustle of leaves, every distant creature's call made my muscles tense, my body operating purely on instinct.

Suddenly, from the left, came the familiar staticky sound of stormtroopers. This couldn't be the same patrol from earlier, they wouldn’t have been able to do a full round back in just seconds. We all froze, listening intently. I took a few steps back toward the door, my heart pounding in my chest.

"What is taking so long?"

Crosshair sneered, his rifle at the ready.

Tech mumbled something under his breath, his fingers working frantically. Finally, with a soft click, the door opened. Wasting no time, I slipped inside, my blasters raised, ready for any immediate threat. The voices of the stormtroopers grew louder, coming closer. I glanced back just as Tech was about to close the door. Crosshair shoved him inside, staying outside himself.

Tech and I exchanged a look, the urgency clear in our eyes. Crosshair's voice came over the comms, calm and steady,

"You two find the prisoner. I’ll keep this exit clear"

I cursed under my breath as I looked up the long corridor ahead. The interior of the stronghold was cold and sterile, the walls lined with dim lights casting eerie shadows. I had memorized the layout of the facility, but now, the added pressure of Tech's safety weighed heavily on me. If something went wrong, it wouldn’t just be my life at risk but his as well.

"Come on"

I whispered, moving forward with silent steps. Tech followed closely, his datapad now scanning for any internal security systems we might encounter. The corridor seemed to stretch endlessly, every sound amplified in the confined space. My heart raced, but my mind remained focused on the mission.

As we moved deeper into the stronghold, the sounds of the stormtroopers outside faded, replaced by the hum of machinery and distant, indistinct chatter from within the facility. My senses remained on high alert, every nerve in my body tingling with anticipation.

We reached an intersection in the corridors. I paused, recalling the map in my mind.

"This way"

I whispered, leading Tech down a narrower passage. The walls here were lined with doors, each one potentially hiding danger. The grip on my blasters tightened as we advanced, each step bringing us closer to our objective.

Suddenly, a door to our right hissed open, and a droid stepped out. Before it could react, I fired a precise shot, hitting its control panel and sending it crashing to the ground. Tech glanced at me, before he quickly moved up to the droid and dragged it back into the room it came from. We continued again, moving closer to where the prisoner was held. And old friend of Cid’s Karpath Verlon, who had been meddling in things he wasn’t familiar with.

Finally, we reached a large, reinforced door. Karpath was likely behind it. Tech moved to the control panel, his fingers moving quickly over the keys as he worked to bypass the security lock. I stood guard, my blasters ready, listening for any sign of approaching guards.

The door slid open with a heavy groan, revealing a dimly lit cell. Inside, a figure was slumped against the wall, thick heavy chains attached to his wrists. His clothes were dirty with dried sweat, and stained with blood, while his face was slightly swollen and bruised around the eyes. I moved quickly, stepping inside and kneeling beside Karpath.

"We're here to get you out"

I said quietly, as I worked on picking the locks of the chain cuffs. Tech stood by the door, keeping watch. Karpath, now freed, looked at me with a mix of relief and confusion.

"Can you walk?"

I asked. He nodded weakly, and with Tech's help, we got him to his feet.

The stress and anxiety ran through my veins as I tried to focus on getting out, but being back inside an imperial building, made my mind start spiralling as the memories of hemlocks lab resurfaced.

Tech took over helping Karpath as we navigated our way back through the complicated corridors. The passages seemed to stretch infinitely, each step heavier than the last. My nerves were taut, a sense of foreboding tightening around me like a vice. The stronghold's eerie silence was unsettling, amplifying every footfall, every breath.

Just a few steps ahead of Tech and Karpath, I reached a four-way intersection and stopped dead in my tracks. Down the corridor we needed to take, six stormtroopers stood, their white armor gleaming under the harsh lights. They turned, looking right at us. Time seemed to stretch, every second filled with potential violence.

"Take the one behind us"

I whispered urgently to Tech, my voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart. He nodded, quickly guiding Karpath down the other corridor. I turned back towards the stormtroopers, my blasters at the ready. But before I could fire, a blaster bolt whizzed past me, striking an unseen gas pipe.

An intense heat seared across my face as the intersection exploded in a fiery conflagration. The force of the blast flung me backward, slamming me against the wall with bone-jarring force before I crumpled to the floor. Thick black smoke and flames filled the corridor, the once pristine walls now scarred with fire and debris.

Coughing up blood, I struggled to breathe. My ears rang loudly, the sound muffling everything around me. The world swam in and out of focus, and for a moment, I wondered if this was the end. I slowly moved my arms placing my hands flat on the ground for better grip, I began to push myself off the floor, but before I could fully stand, strong arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me up. My vision cleared just enough to see Tech's face, etched with concern. His voice was still muffled, but I could make out four critical words: "We have to go." I nodded, leaning against the wall as I found my balance again.

Together, we managed to help Karpath to his feet. The corridor was a hellish landscape of fire and rubble, but we had no choice but to continue further in. Each step was a battle, my body screaming in protest, but the urgency in Tech’s eyes kept me moving.

As we stumbled forward, the heat and smoke pressing in on us, the stronghold felt like it was closing in, a deadly trap ready to ensnare us. But the thought of failing, of not making it back, was not an option. We had to survive. We had to escape.

Tech’s face was illuminated by the flickering firelight, his goggles slightly askew, revealing the concern in his eyes. He glanced around quickly, assessing the situation. The stronghold's once sterile environment now looked like a war zone, with twisted metal and scattered debris creating an obstacle course.

I took a deep breath, trying to clear my head, but the smoke made it difficult. My lungs burned, and I coughed again, tasting blood. I looked at Tech, his face smeared with soot, as he helped Karpath back up from the now debris covered floor. He guided Karpath with one hand while keeping a firm grip on my arm with the other, ensuring I didn’t fall.

We moved forward, each step cautious and deliberate. The floor was treacherous, with chunks of concrete and shards of metal everywhere. My legs felt like lead, each movement sending waves of pain through my body. The ringing in my ears began to subside slightly, and the muffled sounds of the chaos around me grew clearer.

Tech’s voice broke through the haze, urgent and steady.

"We need to get out of here before more troopers arrive"

I nodded, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. The corridor seemed endless, but we pressed on, driven by sheer will and the need to survive. Every step was a battle, the heat and smoke relentless.

We turned a corner, and I spotted a maintenance hatch on the wall.


I held out my shaking hand, pointing it out to Tech. He nodded and quickly moved to open it. The hatch creaked open, revealing a narrow, dark passageway. Tech helped the Karpath through first, then turned to me.

"You go next."

I shook my head.

"I'll cover you, just get him out"

Tech hesitated but then nodded, understanding the urgency. He climbed into the passageway, and I positioned myself at the entrance, blasters at the ready. The sounds of stormtroopers shouting orders echoed through the corridors, growing closer.

Once Tech and the prisoner were safely inside, I followed, pulling the hatch closed behind me. The darkness enveloped us, and I took a moment to catch my breath. The air in the passage was cooler, free from the smoke and heat of the main corridors.

Tech activated a small light on his helmet, illuminating the narrow passage.

"This way"

he whispered, leading us through the cramped space. My body ached with every movement, but I pushed through the pain, focusing on the mission. The passage was tight, forcing us to move single file, but it offered a safer route away from the chaos above.

After what felt like an eternity, we reached another hatch. Tech carefully opened it, peeking out to ensure the coast was clear. Satisfied, he helped Karpath out first, then me.

We emerged in a maintenance room, the cool, clean air a stark contrast to the hell we had just escaped. I leaned against the wall, catching my breath and wiping the sweat and grime from my face.

I took a deep breath as the ringing in my ears finally subsided, dropping my head and trying to focus on something other than the burning in my lungs. The air in the maintenance room was cooler, but my lungs still felt seared from the smoke. Tech’s hand was placed firmly on my lower back, his touch pulled my attention instantly. He leaned closer, his concerned eyes scanning my face and body for any visible wounds.

"Are you okay?"

he questioned, his voice steady yet laced with worry.

I nodded, dragging a hand over my face to wipe away the sweat and grime.

"Yeah... Hmh... I'm fine"

I spoke exhaustedly, each word a struggle against the laboured breathing. His expression told me he didn't believe me, his brow furrowed in concern.

"Are you sure?"

he questioned again, the intensity in his eyes growing.

I nodded again, managing a hum of agreement.

"Just... check for any way out... I'll... notify Hunter"

I managed to get out between short breaths, each inhale and exhale tasting of smoke.

Reluctantly, Tech agreed. He backed up, his hand slipping from my back, and proceeded to help Karpath onto a chair. His face was pale with long almost matted black hair now filled with ash and small pieces of concrete, eyes wide with a mixture of fear and relief. Tech moved around the control panel inside the maintenance room, scanning the map he had found for any potential way for us to get out.

I leaned against the cool wall, pulling out my comm device with trembling hands. The echo of Hunter's voice crackled through as I signalled our status, the words tumbling out in a mix of urgency and fatigue.

"Hunter, we’re in the maintenance room, the explosion compromised the main corridor..."

The crackle of the comms was followed by hunters voice, as he responded.

“What happened, do you have Karpath?”

His voice was staticky, but you could still her the underlying tone of urgency.

“Long story… but he is safe”

I responded with exhaustion, as I closed my eyes, this was why I had a bad feeling to begin with.

Tech was hunched over a console, fingers moving over the keys as he accessed the stronghold's database. The soft glow of the screen illuminated his face, highlighting the concentration etched into his features. Each beep and click of the console seemed to blend into the background, a steady rhythm amid the pounding of my heart and the ragged breaths that I struggled to regulate.

As Tech worked, I took a moment to assess my own state. My hands were shaking, coated in a mix of dirt and blood—whether it was mine or not, I couldn’t tell. My side ached where I had slammed into the wall, but there was no time to dwell on the pain. I pushed through it, forcing my mind to stay sharp, to stay focused.

Tech finally turned back to me, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"I’ve found a route"

he said, his voice cutting through the haze of my thoughts.

"There’s a service tunnel that should lead to the outer perimeter. It’s not heavily guarded, but we need to move quickly."

I nodded, pushing myself off the wall and steadying my breath.

"Good. Let’s move."

Tech helped Karpath back to his feet, supporting him as we made our way to the door that led to the service tunnel. The quiet hum of the machinery and the faint smell of lubricants and coolants filled the air, this building was after all and old power plant of sorts, that supplied the now gone towns that once surrounded the area.

The door slowly open, and a rush of cool air greeted us. The tunnel was narrow, lined with pipes and conduits, the walls damp with condensation. Each step echoed softly, the sound swallowed by the darkness ahead. Tech moved with careful steps, his datapad’s light casting long shadows that danced along the tunnel’s walls.

As we navigated through the tunnel, Karpath’s breathing grew steadier, his steps more confident allowing him to walk on his own without techs support. Tech walked ahead, as Karpath walked between the two of us. Despite the headache that lingered, I focused on the many sounds that came through the passage as we walked.

We reached another door, and Tech paused, glancing back at me.


he asked, his voice plain yet reassuring. I nodded, tightening my grip on my blaster.


Tech opened the hatch, and we stepped out into the night. Once my eyes adjusted to our surroundings, a cold dread settled in my chest. We had made a grave mistake. Instead of finding freedom, we had walked right into the courtyard of the stronghold. The massive walls stretched up into the night sky, enclosing us in a towering prison of concrete and steel. Realization dawned on Tech just as quickly, but we didn’t have the choice of turning back.

I stepped out behind Karpath and shut the door, the yard was illuminated brightly with large lights lining the walls.

"Hunter... do you copy?"

I whispered into my comms, trying to keep my breathing steady despite the adrenaline surging through my veins. Seconds felt like hours before Hunter's voice crackled through the static.

"I copy... what is happening?"

Hunter's voice held a note of concern.

"We need an emergency extraction... from the courtyard"

I added quickly as Tech, Karpath, and I moved along the walls, trying to stay out of the glaring spotlights that crisscrossed the open yard.

"Stay where you are, we're on our way"

Hunter replied, his voice barely discernible through the interference.

We reached one of the courtyard's corners, which was mostly covered in darkness. Tech gently helped Karpath to sit down, allowing him to rest while we waited. My ears strained to catch any sound, but the silence was unsettling. There were no birds, no rustling leaves, nothing but the oppressive quiet of the forest around us. The eerie stillness heightened my anxiety.

My eyes scanned the courtyard, flicking between cargo boxes and crates scattered around. A faint breeze stirred the sand accumulated around the boxes, creating small, swirling dust clouds. Just as I began to feel a slight sense of possible peace, a door on the opposite side of the yard slid open.

A group of at least fifteen stormtroopers emerged, their white armor bright against the night. They moved with purpose, their blasters ready. A quick hand signal from me alerted Tech. He looked between the cargo boxes, eyes narrowing as he watched the lead stormtrooper confer with another.

"We have them cornered. Shoot to kill"

the stormtrooper ordered. The others acknowledged with a chorus of clicks and murmurs, spreading out to encircle us.

My heartbeat quickened as I slipped my blasters from their holsters. Moving with the practiced ease of countless missions, I pressed my back against the nearest cargo box, taking cover. The dim light cast long shadows, making the yard a maze of light and dark.

"Tech, stay low"

I whispered, my voice barely audible even to myself. He nodded, pulling Karpath against the crate's shadow.

The stormtroopers advanced, their footsteps muffled by the sand. I peeked around the edge of the box, my blasters trained on the approaching enemy. Every muscle in my body was tense, ready to spring into action. The courtyard, with its high walls and relentless floodlights, felt like a death trap.

With a deep breath, I steadied my aim. The stormtroopers were almost upon us. As the first blaster bolt was fired, it was like the breaking of a dam.

Shot after shot echoed within the concrete-walled yard, each blaster bolt ricocheting off the walls or finding its mark in the enemy. The air crackled with energy, and the acrid smell of scorched metal and ozone filled my nostrils. I kept my fingers tight on the triggers of my blasters, firing rapidly at the four stormtroopers closest to us. They fell in quick succession, their bodies collapsing in a heap on the ground.

Tech, positioned with a better vantage point, joined, his shots taking down targets with great efficiency. I leaned out from behind the cargo box, my blasters set to rapid fire. A stormtrooper's helmet exploded in a shower of red, but in the same moment, a blaster bolt seared through my armor, throwing my shoulder back. The intense pain made me hiss loudly, and I ducked back behind cover, hunched slightly as I dropped one blaster to press a hand against the wound.


Tech's voice was filled with panic as he looked at me, eyes wide with concern.

"I’m fine"

I snarled, biting back the pain and feeling anger surge through my veins. I grabbed my blaster again, refusing to let the injury stop me from killing some stormtroopers. The sound of ship engines roared overhead, and the familiar silhouette of the Marauder filled the yard. The gangplank lowered, and Crosshair emerged, his rifle already taking aim.

I tightened my grip on my blasters and sprang up from behind my cover. Each shot was calculated, and stormtroopers fell like dominos as Hunter worked on lowering the extraction cables. Tech swiftly secured Karpath to the first cable, sending him up to the safety of the ship.

From the door that had disgorged the first group of stormtroopers, another squad poured out. My eyes scanned the yard and locked onto a large fuel cell among the cargo boxes. Without hesitation, I aimed and fired. The cell exploded in a brilliant fireball, the shockwave throwing the stormtroopers back against the concrete walls. The door crumpled from the blast, cutting off any further reinforcements.

Tech handed me the second cable, and I tightly wrapped my hand around it as he was pulled up. I followed closely, my eyes sweeping the yard one last time to ensure we were clear. The moment I got onto the ship, the gangplank closed behind me with a solid thud. The Marauder took off at full speed, rocketing into the atmosphere, leaving the chaos of the stronghold far behind.

The adrenaline slowly ebbed away, replaced by a throbbing pain in my shoulder. I leaned against the wall of the ship, breathing heavily, as Tech approached, his face a mixture of relief and worry. The mission was over, and we were safe—for now.

I huffed out heavy breaths, clawing at my armor to remove it. Being hit in the shoulder wasn’t new to me, but the pain was just as intense each time it happened. The surface armor finally came off, revealing a hole through my undersuit and the dark, semi-cauterized open wound left by the blaster bolt. I sighed, biting the inside of my lip as I examined the wound.

"I need new armor"

I muttered sourly. Tech knelt next to me, inspecting the injury with a careful touch. I leaned my head back against the wall, feeling the headache from being thrown against a wall earlier resurface, this time stronger.

"We will have to wait until we reach Ord Mantell; we do not have the necessary materials to dress your wound properly"

Tech said softly, carefully pulling the melted edges of my undersuit away from the wound.

"It’s fine... it won’t kill me anyway"

I huffed. Karpath sat huddled under a blanket, munching on a ration bar that Omega had given him as his eyes scanned the unfamiliar ship. Wrecker, Hunter, and Crosshair were in the co*ckpit, having just notified Cid about the successful extraction of her friend. They were talking among themselves as Omega walked over to me and Tech.

Tech had managed to find the last bit of gauze on the Marauder and was using some antiseptic liquid to clean the wound as best as he could. The wound wasn’t deep, but my shoulder throbbed, and the injury would likely leave a small dent in my skin.

"Does it hurt?"

Omega asked in her usual sweet voice. I shook my head, looking up at the blonde girl.

"Not a lot, so I’ll be fine"

I reassured her. Omega nodded, her eyes focused as she watched Tech work.

Once Tech finished cleaning the wound, I sighed and leaned my head back against the wall. Omega settled down next to me, her presence comforting as I closed my eyes. Exhaustion filled every inch of my being, my eyes growing heavier with each passing second. I tried to stay awake, but the need for sleep was too strong. Eventually, I let it take me, my head dropping onto Tech's shoulder.

Tech glanced down at me, a slight smile playing on his lips. He settled in more comfortably, continuing to sit beside me. After spending some time scrolling on his datapad, tech eventually leaned his head against mine, closing his eyes and falling asleep

The marauder passed through the blue lights of hyperspace, path set back to Ord mantel as Cid waited for the return of Karpath.


The smouldering stronghold looked small and weak in the morning sun, the large buildings and concrete walls charred and crumbling from the explosions and fire from earlier that night. Stormtroopers moved about the remains, dousing any remaining flames with methodical precision. The air was thick with the acrid smell of burnt metal and scorched earth, mingling with the morning mist.

A young woman dressed in a light grey Imperial uniform navigated the still-standing corridors with quick, purposeful steps. She moved around the groups of stormtroopers with practiced ease, as if they were mere obstacles in her path. Her uniform was immaculate, contrasting sharply with the blackened surroundings.

She finally reached the courtyard, where thick, dark plumes of smoke rose from the remaining smoulders, swirling into the sky and blending with the wind above the tall walls. The courtyard was a landscape of devastation, the ground littered with debris and the remains of stormtroopers.

The young woman came to a quick stop behind a figure dressed mostly in dark clothes, their silhouette sharp against the smoky backdrop. She swallowed down her nerves as the figure moved their head slightly to the side, acknowledging her presence.

"The blood sample came back positive, sir"

The young woman began, her voice steady as she glanced down at her datapad to ensure she wasn't making any mistakes.

"It's her"

The figure remained silent for a few seconds, unmoving as the woman waited for a response. Then, with a slow and deliberate motion, they turned to face her. The young woman kept her head high despite the intense anxiety coursing through her veins.

"Then it seems I am one step closer to getting back what is rightfully mine”

A dark, smooth, and silky voice responded. The face was set in a permanent dark expression, the eyes cold and calculating.

The young woman nodded, keeping her hands clasped behind her back in a disciplined manner.

"Of course, Doctor"

she replied, her voice steady.

Doctor Hemlock's cold blue eyes seemed even colder as he regarded her, the gloved hand was resting in his bare hand. He was just one step behind Aras, the smouldering destruction evidence of what had happened mere hours ago.

He turned his gaze back to the ruins, a slight smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.

"Prepare the next phase of the operation"

The young woman nodded sharply, her heart racing as she turned to relay the orders. Hemlock watched her go, his mind already calculating the next moves, the chess pieces in this game slowly falling into place.

Hemlock's favourite pet - Chapter 12 - LocalFarmRat (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.